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    If you’re rank 769 in SEA (the Nyx) why the need to be so abusive to strangers on the Internet because they aren’t as good as you at a computer game?

    Always how much of their life over the past 4 years do you think they’ve wasted? Some 8,000 games played, at 40 minutes a game they spent about 20% of the last years on the computer playing a game. And at the end of it they feel the need to to be abusive, rude and nasty.

    What a sad sack of shit.


      I will just say that the ones who feel the need to push someoen else down to gain ground towards the top are the ones who are always failing miserably in the game and life because they lack goals

      see for him the only goal is the number he is currently obtaining and with it comes this kind of abusive behaviour when faced with the sight of a greater number vanishing

      people who are so into the game that they are starting to become abusive should ask them a question:
      1) is this really what I want to be doing for the major part of my free time
      a) yes - then I should really see what produces this behaviour in me and try to handle it
      b) no - then I should really find a better hobby/job to spend my time on

      this is not only in dota this way, it is just exaggerated because there is not the filter of RL where people are trying to act all nice, those guys are the ones who scream at someone in a supermarket in movies because they dont have respect towards anything, they lack human decency and are frustrated with what their own happiness
      what they dont understand that numbers dont bring happiness, they never did and never will
      people see guys like bill gates who is arguably happy with his life and think that the only reason that is true is because of his money, yet dont see that he is living a happy life, has his life in check and loves what he was doing and clearly what he is doing, that is also the reason why you dont see him participate in some ted talks or other bullcrap events where people who wish to be known go

      I also have an advice for the guys who are trapped in this kind of behaviour:
      check what the reason for you playing the game is
      if you are trying to impress someone -> nobody will grant you attention because of a game and the ones who would are not worth the time I can assure you that
      if you are trying to set yourself a goal in the longrun on the game -> analize what is producing your behaviour and find a way to deal with the source
      -for example, if you are getting flamed, use global silence ->
      if you are trying to run away from life, seek the source of your desire to run away and confront it
      -for example, if it is your parrent, talk to him about how you feel

      it cant be that you are having fun and behaving like this, the reason I can conclude that is pretty obvious


        I dont know why I feel the need to write these novels tbh
        that is what comes with the problem of fast writting I guess


          in SEA

          there is your problem


            Well said Dragy. Play for fun this isnt real life.even pros dont act that way.


              eh,it's the internet lol

              i'm sure this happens in every kind of stuff
              even meme site has some crazy stuff,talk about a dota

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                You need to remember this is LP
                There's a reason why those people are there


                  Thanks muranji, that post gave me cancer

                  Ce commentaire a été édité



                      You even wrote a little blog post on the match page lmao why


                        we donnnnt carreeee


                          Lemme taste your tears!! Shit like this happens in like 2/5 lost games. Dota is infested with cancer so this shouldn't be a surprise, lmfao.

                          A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                            Sea servers, what can i say, beyond trash is perhaps the right word


                              Be amazing at dota = no life loser who has no friends
                              Be shit at dota = You're so bad uninstall you suck

                              Can't win these days :/


                                Also they didn't "waste" their time playing games. If they did then every gamer has wasted their lives playing games they enjoy.


                                  whoa i know games wont get u anywhere in life why so serious mates its just game plz enjoy :-))))


                                    lower mmr players=braindead.What you can do in real life,blue stars do it 3x better.Peace


                                      this -400 guy is seirously having nice winrates,teach me wat you do teach teach


                                        fucken idiot


                                          How can anyone who plays 20 game a day do anything in real life LOOOL




                                              What terrible human beings


                                                the problem is u cant judge people only from a fucking video game called dota , case closed .