General Discussion

General DiscussionSupports who 'support' enemy team

Supports who 'support' enemy team in General Discussion

    I really not a big fan of the 'my team holding me back' things but literally in my last few games I got these pos 4/5 who couldn't play safe, always out of position and keep dying to the opponent cores which make them fat. Also solo warding alone without smoke, like wtf man pls have game sense.

    For you guys who choose the support life, you rock, you do a noble thing. But please, support your team properly, make their game much easier and do not 'support' enemy team instead by feeding.


      Example in this game, jakiro went 0-7 like in the first 12 mins and Tiny got 9-0, easy sabre and shadow blade. Sure I had a space to farm but literally my networth already far below hin cause he kept to got fed.

      Also this, the Crystal Maiden fed Juggernaut really well by keep walking alone when omnislash available instead of running to the nearest creeps. Cant do shit to handle opponent cores with so much networth lead

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        You could order him what to do if you're tryhard enough no Kappa


          well, there are players who suck at the game

          mindblowing, right?