General Discussion

General Discussionwhat are some carries to git gud

what are some carries to git gud in General Discussion

    im 2k sea
    i never get to play mid
    in safe lane, not much lane support, usually supports just leech level 3, single pull once and leave
    what are some good carries i can play? I already am good on jugg but sometimes against heroes like terrorblade, sven who can tank through your omnislash, its useless.
    i used to play slark, but now he's trash vs hex
    im good with tb but he's so bad in lane if you're alone vs some matchups and heroes like tinker, zeus, timber etc are almost always picked against me
    also don't ask me to play supports etc, i'm not climbing by being a ward bitch for the philippines

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      the fact that you think supporting is being a ward bitch tells a lot about what you know about the game

      you are literally struggling at the basics


        you want to git gud but you dont want to learn the basic, if you don't want learn how to be a good support i expect you never be a good carry player, being position 5 and 4 require some basic game sense, map reading and communication. Therefore you will know "What's the important thing to do now?" should you rosh? Force Tier 2? or split up and farm? basically that's how learning curve work at dota.


          play roaming pos 4. you punish the greedy drafts from 2k's (often jungle or dual offlane with an AM or similiar)
          If you pick a roaming riki or spirit breaker or any decent hero really, you will just steamroll the enemy team for the first 20 minutes.

          I did this and climbed from 2.3 to 3.3 with like 5 losses or so. most often i would kill the mid twice (ofc no one helped him) and then the enemy team would strat a huge flame-fest and quiet often the midlaner would abandon. Very ez mmr in 2k if you are capable.

          (Spirit breaker power treads into blademail, afk leeching lvl 3 in the offlane isnt roaming btw)
          I mean the "orb of venom hitting you in the face and theres nothing you can do about it unless your team helps you" kind of roamer


            thanks for useless tips
            i've played support, i've seen way too many pa's farming small camp 30 mins with 0 split push and shit late game decision making
            atleast with carries if i have a retard team, you know you've lost 5 mins in and can just let it go. playing support, fetching a fool farm and then watch him do retarded shit lategame is not my cup of tea.

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              Good pos 4 - what heroes do you like besides sb and Riki? Esp for the 2-3k range


                Phantom Lancer
                And stop complaining about your support leaving at level 3. Solo safelane is the way to go xd

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                low impact palyer

                  Pick offlane heroes with strong late games. In 2k you will have plenty of freedom for greedy builds.

                  You need to get used to buying vision, though, if no one else will. The cost is nothing compared to the security of being able to farm without getting ganked. Solo queue means carrying 4 retards, and sometimes that involves saving them from themselves.

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                    "And stop complaining about your support leaving at level 3. Solo safelane is the way to go xd"

                    i wasn't complaining, i was asking for suggestions and giving all the necessary details


                      You are a Philipine mongole, you’re never getting good at this game
                      Fuck off


                        Do you even have to ask?

                        Vũ Hà

                          If you can only depend on yourself and want great control in the game as a pos 1, I think you could play heroes that can take down towers fast and have good survival: Terrorblade, Chaos Knight, PL, Lycan, Jug, Clinkz, etc.


                            you're not asking for tips or suggestions you're just doing a subtle rant

                            anyway just pick not absolute garbage laners

                            4pos pudge/grim only

                              i used to play slark, but now he's trash vs hex

                              ^^ tf is this shit??? as if there is any other hero who can handle hex well lmao. and slark is still superior in lower skill so just use that shit if you wanna climb. that hex thing is just one minor nerf which slark deserves anyway


                                Still slark is still shit nowadays,right now slark just can't keep up with dots fast paced right now


                                  First pick offlane riki.


                                    Dawn fucking racist.

                                    mr. rabbit

                                      you're not asking for tips or suggestions you're just doing a subtle rant

                                      anyway just pick not absolute garbage laners

                                      isnt this pretty much every SEA thread though?

                                      boni top fan

                                        Visage :),if u play him properly(space creator) and have good micro, u will learn how to play well eventually


                                          bro sorry but if you have 4 carry team your TB don`t help at all. You can snowball with CM if you know how. Also now I`m rising rank on friend profile who start as sub 1k around 800mmr, but EU servers, and i haven`t seen that what are you talking anytime. Don`t ever think about blame your team for lost, cause it`s leads anywhere. I know there is game when you will do good job, but someone go afk, ppl make mistake, but how man times you got carryed? You have balanse with thtat. Yesturady I lost game "only" cause in my team 3 guys went net crush in midle of TF, we lost that TF. Than they didn`t want to wait for reconect, and just rush all lains and getting megas. Or we lost casue I let game to go in close finish that one TF can ruin us? And still it`s only one game just win next 3 and you forget about that.
                                          You have to change point of view, on game more thant chose one hero to deal with heroes cause you look like these guy
                                 for soem WoW funs.


                                            You are a Philipine mongole, you’re never getting good at this game
                                            Fuck off

                                            i ain't no fucking pinoy and i hate them along side several other trash that roam SEA

                                            anyways only thing i learned here is dotabuff is full of elitist nerds, no point posting here anymore lol
                                            enjoy your shit life you salty peasants :)


                                              No joke watch bsj coaching session


                                                Hey Dawn. I see your posts most of the time and it aint good its extremely annoying. Actin like a dota buff legend pro?. You just said something so stupidly racy and i feel like putting you to coma. If you have nothing good to say just dont comment and shut the fuck up.

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                                                  Dawn never has anything useful to say so don't even bother responding
                                                  Honestly just ignore him

                                                  13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                                    Play carries that can snowball hard, pick off enemies easily, not afk farm, and can hold the lane solo.
                                                    Sven, PA, Void comes to mind

                                                    Stay away from AM, TB, Sniper. They're just free food.

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