General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter Luna?

How to counter Luna? in General Discussion





        or not tb



          one syllable anglo-saxon

            camp her lane

            Solo Leveling

              ^ Make her first 10 minutes harder than usual and she wont scale as quickly

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                  An item cost 50g called town portal scroll to prevent her split pushing


                    fuck up her farm be aggressive, don't think of hero that counter because most people at your level can't utilize the counter well. Luna is a squishy hero, with low damage but with lunar blessing it fix her early laning problem, and withe the help of 2 support the aura can make any solo offlane having a pain in the ass. However, luna power spike at lvl 6, and after that she is pretty mediocre without ulti and farm, that moment is the time you should strike and push hard or gank the shit out of her. She is basically an am that can fight in teamfight, so giving her space to farm is an absolute mistake. Ofc different server tend to have different in aggression, e.g. US player tend to be more passive and EU player tend to be more aggressive, so am and luna shine a lot better at US than EU.


                      Yes of course one server has different play styles
                      I believe you with no proof or explanation and what u say is complete logical fact
                      Region changing playstyle is just so obvious

                      juneteenth enjoyer

                        We outnumber you all

                        Pale Mannie

                          fuck her in lane with a dominating duolane

                          ♥♦ GED ♣♠

                            Juggernaut can deal with her in the.midgame. he can push and farm as fast as luna and all three Active spells from.jugg can counter lunas Últ pretty decently.

                            Arthritic Quadragenarian

                              Screw her early game by playing warlock against her in lane. Fatal bonds and shadow word as much as possible she will get no farm and no levels as well your lane should get some early kills on her. After laning phase pray your carry is far enough ahead she can’t make a come back.

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                                Anyone who can shit on her early game/mid game or just pick terro boi

                                GRANT MACDONALD

                                  destroy her ancient


                                    Just fuck up her laning stage and pressure early. can confirm she can't do jack shit from behind unless you make stupid ass mistakes

                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                      Maybe Nyx


                                        Fuck her early game, as for counter?get tb


                                          pick pudge go midlane : get lvl 6 > gank luna > repeat (dont forget, asking ur teamamtes to pick techies offlane ) .. thank me later


                                            Tb sd and lc are few of the heroes luna may have issues with the most. Luna is squishy till most stages of game so lc can easily kill her with blademail duel. Tb and sd just make her hit herself so u get ez control on her.


                                              sd, tb, brood and clockwerk are great picks against luna.
                                              SD since rework has sick dmg+make your own lunas
                                              tb uses lunas strength against her team
                                              brood comes online faster and does the same thing as luna
                                              clock is super good in midgame (hook in, blademail, watch luna die)

                                              bristle and chen are also good to deal with lunas early and midgame


                                                Visage, end the game at 20 mins

                                                Lruce Bee

                                                  Tanky fast heroes or shadow demon


                                                    10mins 70last hits with Luna is too scary with aquila treads magic wand dragon Lance and madness


                                                      Moral lesson: don't leave Luna free farming


                                                        I used to play a decent amount of Luna. I used to struggle against jugg and sven.


                                                          Personally I hate the first 5 mins playing as Luna. Easy to shut down in lane.

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            pick terrorblade


                                                              I don't FULLY understand the logic of TB countering Luna. I get that his illusions could tank eclipse, or the glaive bounces get wasted on illusions, or that he outranges Luna with metamorph, and refraction makes Luna kill herself and her teammates... I didn't realize it was that big of a deal. Am I missing anything else, why TB is great against her? Anything in terms of pressure, farming, shit like that?


                                                                Pros counter luna with tb

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  I don't FULLY understand the logic of silencer countering enigma. I get that you stop blackhole which is 95% of the hero past 25 minutes with a single button, and that theres no counterplay to it whatsoever other than killing silencer... I didn't realize it was that big of a deal. Am I missing anything else, why silencer is great against it? Anything in terms of pressure, farming, shit like that?


                                                                    reflection completely dumpsters luna and her team


                                                                      Just pick bounty hunter and anal her during laning phase. Ragequitted many luna pickers with bounty. You just need an offlaner who has kill potential and slow like qop pango ns or even lich maybe.


                                                                        ^^venge can do pretty much the same but venge can get countered by linken so silencer ult is more superior


                                                                          Aggro her with a razor but since I am in low mmr people tend to fail with aggro tri