General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does dotes affect your mood?

How does dotes affect your mood? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Losing or winning or maybe not playing? How does it affect your mood in real life situations. Kindly share your thoughts. Thanks


      Thoughts? =)

      Bad Intentions

        Yes pls tnx


          Typically ruins the weekend makes u facepalm when u play unranked in sea.


            I play against bots, it makes me feel like a god. After destroying bots, I usually slap the lizard to some granny porn and then cry myself to sleep. So yeah, I'd say that dota improves not only my mood, but my life as a whole.

            SASA POPOVIC

              When i lose i get tilted, when i win i get tilted in the process and at the end im just glad its over instead of being happy because i won i just think to myslef "holy shit all this work for +25! And i could lose it all in the next game!"

              Thats why i dont play it anymore, there is tons of games that actually gives you fun, enjoyment and sense of progression in much less stressful environment. Dota is not worth of your nerves that suppose to last you a lifetime lads!


                We lost a crusader oh shit..


                  He could have been the next rtz or miracle tho...Kappa


                    When I dont play I get laid more often and look healthier overall. Dota is very energy and time consuming thing that leaves not much for any other eg. sport activites or dates.

                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                    me, government hooker

                      kill yours3lf


                        dota made me mentally ill


                          Every time after I play I feel very happy because dota is so much fun! ;^)


                            Oh shit I think i might be a guardian or crusader

                            Ear of Skadi

                              it is mentally draining even at the 2k level. i can't play when i work and i can't work when i play.


                                warm and bad