General Discussion

General DiscussionIS SUPPORT NP A THING NOW??

IS SUPPORT NP A THING NOW?? in General Discussion



      You can become flying courier and walking ward too with that awesome teleport no jutsu shit and army of tress my brother

      Cancer Malaria

        carry pos 1 NP is also happening now LUL


          Its not terrible i've see it in a few pro games but it rarely worked as the teams intended it to. Once you fall behind your impact is minimal you deal no damage have little utility and die so easily.

          The only time it really worked well was when jabz from Mineski played it vs VGJ.thunder. You can check the replay if you're interested.

          It puts a lot of pressure on the lanes. Has global presence which can net you a few extra kills during the early phases and with treants you can transition those kills into objectives.

          Played as a support the hero feels similar to chen. You start on the offlane with treants harrassing their carry and supports. You want to get lvl 2 and try to snipe the courier before 3 minutes.

          The most common build i've seen is starting with a blight stone and some regen. Early medallion without boots -> Urn/spirit vessel -> Treads -> Whatever utility you need


            Most of my pubs have NP pos 4 lol

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              EG started the trend. its fine if you know what you are doing, but you need to have insane impact for it to be worthwhile.


                i actually ever played this like 3 months ago,at lvl 2 you can basically kill the mid without boots/qop
                kill couriers easily after spotting one,after enemy midlane goes down from his hg,tele to woods besides his tower and just skill 3 make treant block his path while your hero autoattacks him

                i go orbo f venom though,not blight stone
                maybe blight better

                nvm it was boots first item,then go oov

                edit again,with the release of 212s i think he's real strong too,can go just distrup enemy wave at min0 with tp and tp backs

                or skill 3 and punch enemy carries withyour treants

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                  You can rat almost as well as a core furion late game without risking core furion levels of bounty if you get picked off.

                  Team has to understand you can t contribute anything to a fight directly though.