General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Riki is hardest carry in this game

New Riki is hardest carry in this game in General Discussion

    Only problem is the hero is heavily reliant on having a capable tanky player. Tried this gimmick with friends, you can even kill a 6 slotted chaos knight with his ult+manta up with just raw damage output and that was from a game where we were losing heavily in farm and objectives (2 raxes down).

    +Highest "safe" damage output in the game
    +Has great snowballing potential with a good start
    +Has great comeback potential with a bad start
    +Does not need waste his item slots on survivability items
    +Destroys other OP cheese heroes like Huskars, Voids or Chaos Knights

    -Slow farming
    -Requires awareness and positioning
    -Reliant on a capable "taxi" to ferry you around during your Agh's ulti
    -Good luck convincing your solo q teammates that this is a legitimate build

    This hero is imo the BEST divine rapier carrier at the moment. Your ultimate makes it literally impossible for enemies to focus you. You don't have to waste gold on BKB. Your blink strike talent ensures you can join initiations safely from far far away and makes it hard for the enemy team to catch you.

    The new Riki doesn't even need agility items anymore. Because you're relying on your ulti for the attack speed, it's much better to rush raw damage items (deso/divine/battlefury/only exception is diffusal cuz of solo pickoff potential).

    10 seconds of invulnerability, no worries of being kited, anti bkb-piercing skills like Reverse Polarity, Fiend's Grip, bashes and etc.

    I've been playing him Tranquils>Diffusal>Deso>Aghs>Situational Item (like bfury against illusion heroes)>Divine Rapier>Situational Item (Skadi/Basher/Daed/MKB).

    This hero has an insane power spike at level 25 with your ulti talent as well, basically creating a gigantic mobile "kill zone" that enemy supports/squishies are rushing to get out of.

    This is not a troll post. It's one of those insanely powerful builds that exist outside of the meta like vanguard/radiance void 2 years ago. The biggest issue like I said, is having one other reliable core and convincing the pubs not to throw or play badly because they think the game is lost (self-fufilling prophecy = theres a riki carry, i won't waste time supporting him, i won't zone enemy offlane, omg we lost the game ya cuz its riki report tq)

    Pepper & Salt

      the problem is, you dont play riki.
      your last riki game was in May 2016

      FIRST POST btw

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        on my smurf, i gave up on this account


          centaur counters you hard,most of the stuff you say is real


            I would say the main 'counters' would probably be offlaners who capitalize off the fact you have a slow start. Pre-6, all you contribute is essentially a short silence and mediocre damage. Even a Specter or Medusa would contribute more lmao.

            With heroes like Centaur, the issue is you can play around their cooldowns. You have much higher uptime and if you're burning his ulti for him to rescue a teammate from a pickoff, it's a huge boon for your team anyway. Plus if it's a centaur, the tradeoff of having an easy safelane farm is worth it.

            Once late game hits, there's no real counter to Riki anymore because he's just essentially a invulnerable giant aoe dps cloud.

            Ce commentaire a été édité

              it is a huge boon,but you're risking yourself after that failed kill imo

              and the stuff you know that you can't really kill their cores alone is already pretty annoying

              rushing ghost scep also good vs this hero,or force

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              Cheap Laugh Guy

                then comes Battle Fury Riki


                  So Riki’s winrate is now 57%, up 7% from previous patch. That’s spectre level dominance.

                  Only a matter of time until he becomes cancer. Luckily patches are only 2 weeks at a time so it’ll be nerfed in two weeks.

                  Had a riki in my recent game and he dominated and carried us hard. Given the crit talent focusing solely on raw damage seems to be the way to go.

                  Player 345996680

                    im sure you dont want to know what cookie has to say about this

                    Player 345996680

                      LUL buying force or ghost or glimmer vs riki LUL nullifier core item LUL


                        that hero has 0 move speed and 30 base damage

                        how do u ever pull that off in normal game


                          i pulled it off agaisnt a bristle lane
                          u dont give a shit abt ur lane, u can have no farm and still kill supports and snowball from there
                          i can only imagine how hard it must be to lane against an axe or tide tho

                          Mlada i Luda

                            curious to see how you going to ever force or take an objective though?!!!!!

                            +Highest "safe" damage output in the game
                            +Has great snowballing potential with a good start
                            +Has great comeback potential with a bad start
                            +Does not need waste his item slots on survivability items
                            +Destroys other OP cheese heroes like Huskars, Voids or Chaos Knights

                            none of this stuf has anything to do with pro gaming.
                            about pubs anything can work at a specifik game given, ofc in low mmr riki can win games more with the new bufs doesnt matter if you carry, support or jungle him


                              @mlada i luda
                              do you actually not understand pros and cons are?
                              it's not april fool's anywhere in the world anymore, what are you even doing my dude


                                u dont need to force buildings by walking up to them
                                u jump in a friendly initiator, he blinks into the team, u wipe them, then u take the tower while theyre all dead

                                死の恐怖 Haseo

                                  offlane riki


                                    If you ‘don’t give a shit about the laning stage’ then giving him the safe lane is really really silly.


                                      i mean on a serious note if you pretend gems and detection don't exist and tforget hat you die in 2 nukes and that you're countered by pretty much every hero and most items or that your job can't be done better by just about any other current safelaner or offlaner then yeah i guess he's pretty good if you also forget that you really can't 1v1 any current offlaner

                                      it's just a lot of maybes to use when someone could just play a dragon knight which is a bad pos 1 and would still be better 95% of the time

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                        countered by every hero is not right
                                        everything else u said was true tho imo
                                        his dmg output is just kinda ridiculous


                                          okay i just tested some stuff,his laning phase is horrible
                                          either i'm really bad or my supports are bad,i felt like i would gain more as an offlaner rather than going pos1
                                          on some games rather than going agh i prefer like just go null and basher since people just run away from your ult so fast even if you're 25
                                          you can all forget watever i say on it's op now


                                            his laning is horrible
                                            which is why u hopefully get him with some uber strong support duo to murder the offlaner so riki gets a free lane


                                              if your enemy offlaner is retarded and actually left you on the lane he's real good
                                              he can't even trade hits lol even with phase+aquila

                                              i would like add a note that supports would be sticking to you whenever enemy is there probably lol,can make other lanes hell

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                I spam riki and I am pretty sure nerfs are coming. At 5k+ or competitive level he is definitely not OP, however he must be smashing the low mmr supports with this ulti dps buff.


                                                  Yeah, I expected 100% of these responses.

                                                  Same responses I got when I went vanguard+radiance on void 2 years ago when I was more active and hit 5.5k~ at my peak mmr. I had 2k~7k players all explaining to be various reasons why it was bad and so on and so forth. You guys do realize you can explain how to counter and play against ANY hero, right? Saying an SF is susceptible to ganks does not make him a weak hero. Saying you can counter Morphling with AA or Spirit Vessel doesn't make him a weak hero.

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    dont see how does this hero have "great comeback potential", if at all
                                                    spectre #2

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      tricks of the trade is just like flak cannon honestly. cooldown is the same. flak cannon is much easier to use though and actually helps you farm. also covers the whole screen. and doesnt require you to buy an aghs to do meaningful damage in fights. i mean yeah, you get to be immune to damage with riki but i dont think it is all that relevant.

                                                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                        I can sort of see how with the recent changes riki could scale this way and have impact, after this game i just played.

                                                        Granted, the riki in my game was a roamer but aside from roaming, my teammate more or less played the hero as a fourth core, so more like a position 3 than 4.

                                                        He also didnt itemise for dps, but for CC instead, choosing to get diffusal, sny, abyssal and a late hex instead of aghs / rapier.

                                                        Position 1 riki might work in higher level games than mine, but im guessing it at least requires a suitable lineup to synergize with him (aoe stuns, strong dual lane partner, etc.)

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                          Also, OP, if you want to really prove your point, post links of some relevant games so we can compliment / criticize the shit out of this idea.

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            the problem is having 20 base damage then needing 2 items


                                                              he's really fun to play tho,but seriously needs like freefarm or something
                                                              unless maybe next time i just dont go bf and just rush diffusal like you said


                                                                Tricks of the trade is a dps increase tho
                                                                As compared to flak cannon
                                                                I don't think aghs is needed, just a bonus imo
                                                                The ulti is also not that bad for farming, at least I had no trouble taking ancients without bf during down time

                                                                Forget me not

                                                                  Just trying the new riki ult. And it was really good. Enemy team got mega but they can't touch ancient with 2 big ring from riki and mk.


                                                                    Invulnerable btw


                                                                      Remember the 100% slow from echo sabre with riki ulti a few day ago? Yeah i just solo killed a bristle with his ulti




                                                                          It might work in divine 0 but right now I just see it as a clinkz with no tower damage and weaker laner


                                                                            Riki is fucking strong if u can get over his absolutely shit laning stage

                                                                            Player 215168758

                                                                              this hero destroys low mmr games, since heralds afk in all lanes


                                                                                zenoth has spoken, it's true guys


                                                                                  i don't need to prove my point with replays or countless explanations to every tiny rebuttal someone has

                                                                                  i made this post to share that riki is viable. wouldn't say a consistent pick because of said laning disadvantage but if the enemy has a weak off/you have a strong tri, situationally it's broken.

                                                                                  braindead dogs who are stuck in convention will complain at every new innovation anyway. same braindead dogs who used to say visage mid was impossibly weak when it was proposed. same braindead dogs years ago that said ns was a lousy support cuz of laning stage. same braindead dogs this or that hero was weak because of so and so

                                                                                  people feel good when they echo what they've heard

                                                                                  "lol scrub you don't know dota, ur ideas are dumb, can't work cuz of reason x or y" etc etc

                                                                                  ironically it's innovation that drives this game forward and makes it exciting (alliance revolutionzing rat dota/people taking advantage of the comeback mechanics back when it was broken/people playying deathball ti4), all of these ideas were actually proposed BEFORE the pros conventionalized them and the same braindead people were saying how they would never work

                                                                                  y play dota if u juz wanna do the same shit over and over, y not play league


                                                                                    in league you can't just do the same shit over and over again because devs control the meta


                                                                                      "i don't need to prove my point with replays"

                                                                                      why are you on a forum trying to prove a point that you can't even begin to demonstrate?


                                                                                        riki has 49% winrate in 5k+ bracket, and universe tried it offlane and got 1-11

                                                                                        juneteenth enjoyer

                                                                                          Meanwhile u all get trolled can we srsly talk my siblings centipedes this is done we can be free now


                                                                                            It's like how Eric theorycrafted supportish weaver with solar phase and aghs like half a year to a full year before it became a thing
                                                                                            Everyone flames him for his shitty meme ass idea
                                                                                            Until lil actually does it and wins with this type of stuff
                                                                                            Then everyone says "o pro doing it now it's legit"

                                                                                            Tu tayta

                                                                                              Generally though, those unconventional ideas are proposed at one point and the pros employ it after said hero has either received some buffs that'd make it more viable, possible counters get nerfed or its own main stick gets nerfed.

                                                                                              This idea sounds legit though, except for the crappy laning stage.

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                                Don’t ever compare pubstomping ideas with pro strategies.

                                                                                                Core Riki is dogshit against a properly drafted and executed team. In uncoordinated pubs it’s great.


                                                                                                  @nami,why are you responding so negatively lol,almost all of us not even criticizing you
                                                                                                  just pointing out the good and the weak of the hero,in our opinion



                                                                                                    even in a game against a rank 397, 121, divine 0 and 2 smurfs where i got almost nothing out of the laning stage it still had a pretty decent impact

                                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                                      yes,you can literally just have phaseboot on min 10 or boots+aquila and you can gank mid or their safelane with your midlaner/offlaner easily
                                                                                                      that hero is real gud at dat