General Discussion

General DiscussionFor me Kunnka is OP in the right hands

For me Kunnka is OP in the right hands in General Discussion

    What do you think on Kunnka, X dagger Hit (creeps, Illu, Summon) combo, For me he is the most OP hero in the game, Its really hard to win against him, Yes you can kill him, But he can always comeback with a Rampage.


      Every hero is op in the right hand


        Ofcourse its very much OP in the right hands like Attacker for example.


          No i mean, Some pro like Miracle or Midone, when they play Invoker against the normal ones (People who just play the game) they really dominate it, But on kunnka's case, I believe everybody can learn how to spam him, He is like the Immortal of the game right now IMO

          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            I agree.

            In this game in particular, Kunkha's cleave deals 2.4k damage on around 40mins game time (I think he deals 4k+ dmg on his prime).

            I was fookin surprise when my Alch suddenly died. I click the damage dealt to my hero and alas, 3k damage from tide bringer.

            Lucky for us is, Kunkha can't push well compare to other core damage dealer. And he can't one hit you w/o a creeps around you.

            We won the game, but I felt we loss the war. That game, we call him One Punch Man.

            P.S. Each bounty rune gives 600-700+ gold on Alche when 50+mins reach. Good stuff.


              Vs core kunkka, 1 euls only lmfao


                Just flank him and stun him and kill him


                  Had similar game. Only thing you need is some idea how he is played, so when he jumps in you silence/stun/guinsoo or any other disable, and he is dead. Unless he jumps with BKB - and using bkb for one attack is quite bad situation. Due to long dagger cooldown you will not have other chance without safety.

                  Btw there is quite similar hero, but even more evasive (and harder to build up to the damage) - Ember.


                    every hero would be op on the hands of skilled player,for example pl can dodge echos and stuffs and deceiving everyone,a sf would land 3 razes everytime,and win lasthit vs a puck
                    a puck would never die at all,and destroys enemy lane from minute 3
                    a broodmother could use the spiders and micro like some starcraft champion to bait enemies spells and go alone without bkb


                      kunkka is just really enjoyable to play
                      every time I play ability draft I get me a kunkka if the skills are available


                        The biggest reason why he's hard to kill is because he can just 1 shot everyone. However, if you are smart you literally just buy a euls. If he x's himself just euls him and he will be caught out in the middle of your team, you can kill him fairly easily then as long as you aren't morons that stack in front of a range creep.


                          Ever heard of euls ?
                          When he x maks wait 1 sec then use euls

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                          Tu tayta

                            For me, picking Techies should automatically trigger the 6 months ban.


                              Kunkka very strong I win with him on my team like 70% of time.


                                OMNI KNIGHT REPEL = SAD KUNKA


                                  That X mark ganking potential is bullshit, As a PL and AM player I really hate him (I hate Sven more tho)

                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                    Just flank him and stun him and kill him

                                    As if Kunkha will just carelessly let himself get killed if he has 2 divine reaper on his inventory.

                                    Story Time

                                      one shotting heros =/= winning


                                        no, but it is a good start!

                                        Story Time

                                          ^the winrate says no

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                                            It's not abt being careless
                                            He can care all he wants but if he stays so far back that you won't find him then he is too far back to hit anything
                                            Things that give vision like track or Zeus r helpful but you can still get to the backline with certain heroes

                                            ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                              6-slotted Kunkka with daedalus/rapiers is fking cancer though. I played a game a few months ago against that shit and pushing waves / high ground was 1000 times tougher.

                                              Still doesnt auto-win games though.

                                              People here already mentioned euls, silences, flanking him, vision, etc.

                                              Plus he cant be everywhere instantly so if your creeps are near the enemy base in one lane, there's a chance to rat another lane and take another objective.

                                              In my view, core kunkka is only a problem when teams lack split-push capabilities, or tunnel-vision on chasing him down.

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                                                Still... gotta love kunkka


                                                  im left hand (?)