General Discussion

General DiscussionIs BF slark a thing now??

Is BF slark a thing now?? in General Discussion
ㄚ- 天照`



      no its shit
      from my understanding and experience, since mkb is not a dmg item anymore, bf became kind of a replacement in that regard.
      slark, although i dont play that hero, should not build damage items imo.


        bf on every melee core is a thing

        Player 345996680

          new mkb is INSANE on slark

          as a DPS item.

          as in, idk if theres a 4k gold item thats better... just moonshard coems to mind.

          idk i play in 3-4k mmr slark, i dont think i have lost a game when i get to the timely skadi+mkb rampage point

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            Slark is not about afk farming with bf. He gets ahead with kills and classic sb+sabre is better for this.

            Player 345996680

              if you cant get ahead in kills tho, like if enemy is 5-manning, or the enemy heroes all have some way to survive, maybe bf is not a bad build, though. especially in high mmr im sure its a viable way to build the hero situationaly.

              ㄚ- 天照`

                i mean the dotabuff slark guides,like 50% of their build is BF then Shadow blade rofl


                  i'd say maelstrom>bf if you wanna hit creeps as slark


                    Lel I tried once. Don't think it works

                    Player 345996680

                      the discussion point is BF vs Echo Sabre (mana regen sustain item)

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                      JaPaNiS Monster

                        Pros do it so they can split push lane and be annoying and mobile as an am

                        JaPaNiS Monster

                          In 2-3k games it works if you build it every game


                            BF is still good


                              I'm thinking maybe if you go battlefury sny.

                              casual gamer

                                oh jesus christ i have this 3k friend whos been doing this shit for literal years and now hes gonna think hes ultra next level


                                  oh jesus christ i have this 3k friend whos been doing this shit for literal years and now hes gonna think hes ultra next level

                                  rip every discussion with him from now on
                                  i wanna buy bf on ck, thats a hero who cna make tons of use of it.

                                  Story Time

                                    ^ illusions also get BF cleave, so maybe not so bad. Lifestealers also build bf now these days. Basically as discussed in this forum: BF on every melee hero is legit (except ogre magy)




                                        BF slark is something you go like half of your games.
                                        Thing with slark is that he really has a hard time picking off heroes in this meta with shadow blade that early. Yet he is still a strong lategame hero. With battlefury you can sustain dark pact spam and farm really fast, and play towards a later powerspike.

                                        Basically, you do go shadowblade if you're playing a game where you can get it fast and actually kill people with it. You go battlefury if you can't pick people off like that and can use the item to scale better into the lategame.

                                        Listen to inx and people who actually know how to play this game if you're in doubt.


                                          @story time
                                          Illusions don't get cleave
                                          They get the visual effects but they don't actually deal the aoe dmg.


                                            wai you want to pick a slark tho,unless you love fish so much

                                            ㄚ- 天照`

                                              LEL i tried it and got ban for 4 hours


                                                Battlefury slark functions like am, you have to have a very different playstyle than regular slark.

                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                  Slark has been in the sewers for a long time now I'm starting to feel bad for this annoying hero


                                                    I've never bought battlefury on slark, but it MIGHT be a replacement for midas, MAYBE. It will delay your shadow blade so much more which is a huge issue, since slark needs to make things happen before 20 minutes to capture a dominance that makes it difficult for the enemy team to farm. I highly disagree with "BF slark is something you go half of your games" -- consider that this comment is from an Archon 1, and in Archon 1 you should definitely almost always be going shadow blade.

                                                    Battlefury doesn't even give you attack speed like midas. I'll try to try it soon and let y'all know.


                                                      ^have u even seen the guides or replays of any high mmr player playing slark?

                                                      u wud be right, to go sb on the hero if u actually can capture dominance in 20 min
                                                      but the misperception is that slark MUST do that
                                                      they nerfed midas too hard anyway, bf speeds up ur farm WAY more
                                                      if slark is in a game where he cant capture dominance in 20 min with a sb, ur better off farming and splitpushing until u reach a later powerspike, when heroes that counter you or are harder to kill fall off, etc.
                                                      slark here is against silencer and beast master, as well as track, and its highly unlikely he can kill sven with sb, and tinker is out of the question. he has a good lane though, so he gets a battlefury, and farms fast enough to eclipse the problems with beast master and silencer with pure networth
                                                      slark here is against a tusk save, and they have qop tiny who can burst him through ulti, its rather difficult to kill people here, bane can nightmare, pa can blink away, so he farms his ass off and does the same thing i mentioned before

                                                      look at how many times battlefury is purchased and tell me its not viable


                                                        Had a slark do this in one of my recent games. Pretty sure the whole other team reported him. feelsbadman.


                                                          bf slark is pretty much the only viable way to play him atm, due to the fact that you'll only snowball again morron or horribly bad lineup;

                                                          literally am

                                                          (btw, if you play the build properly, you get get bf sb butterfly faster than am gets bf manta butterfly. am is supposed to get his 4th item a bit faster than slark).

                                                          Edit: echo sabre is a big NO this patch. the change on mana regen made rain so fucking op in term of reg that you can literally spam darkpact on cd with just aquila rain drop, and the mana reg was literally the only thing on echo sabre that could justify a 2k gold delay on the real item.

                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                            What about going a cheaper midgame item like sny instead of butterfly? Agreed echo seems garbage for slark now.

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              since mkb is not a dmg item anymore

                                                              go buy mkb on faceless void or lc and tell me its not a damage item sir

                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                no its shit
                                                                from my understanding and experience, since mkb is not a dmg item anymore, bf became kind of a replacement in that regard.
                                                                slark, although i dont play that hero, should not build damage items imo

                                                                Nothing you said made any sense


                                                                  go buy mkb on faceless void or lc and tell me its not a damage item sir

                                                                  theres a difference between dps and "+xx damage"
                                                                  i was purely talking about the damage stat that was removed from mkb. ofcourse the other stats are dps stats
                                                                  imo mkb is the new shit for lc if you have strong early game / win your lane / dont need bkb / play pos1 legion for some reason


                                                                    I wanna play slark and do this but i think i need to go make a smurf so they let me play core instead of roaming someshit


                                                                      P.s. normal slark gameplay is already similar to am he just becomes a threat on the map sooner

                                                                      SASA POPOVIC

                                                                        I wanna play slark and do this but i think i need to go make a smurf so they let me play core instead of roaming someshit

                                                                        What exactly is preventing you from locking that lane like everyone else is doing?


                                                                          1. Slark already has farming ability... dark pact........ Low cool down AOE that clears creep waves and jungle camps... All you need is mana.. because his passive ult regens his HP.. Even a soul ring would replace the need of battle fury.. wtf...

                                                                          2. Any good player(s) will just force fights with the slark holding on to a perseverance or demon edge when he should already have a damage item..

                                                                          3. At what min do u plan to have all your core items?? if a slark loses thjat window in which he is strong he becomes very useless in fights and he needs stats ,

                                                                          Nice Try

                                                                            mkb is not a dmg item anymore

                                                                            then is it tank item now?

                                                                            Yeah, i think bf is viable on Slark now. Slark has rough time to kills enemies in mid game after OSfrog decided to buff hp on all heroes also not to mention a lot squishy ranged carries build dragon lance as core item now. It is hard to burst someone with only aquila, PT and shadow blade when they have over 1k hp.

                                                                            SASA POPOVIC

                                                                              then is it tank item now?
                                                                              Yeah, i think bf is viable on Slark now. Slark has rough time to kills enemies in mid game after OSfrog decided to buff hp on all heroes also not to mention a lot squishy ranged carries build dragon lance as core item now. It is hard to burst someone with only aquila, PT and shadow blade when they have over 1k hp.

                                                                              Instead of deamon edge its made from hyperstone so it doesnt give you +80 damage anymore, now it just boosts attack speed ant gives truestrike which makes it from DAMAGE ITEM to SITUATIONAL UTILITY ITEM!


                                                                                I like it
                                                                                And u can get sb in 2 minutes after buying it

                                                                                * 3-4 minutes
                                                                                Might have exaggerated a bit xd

                                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                  How do u farm 1kgpm at 12-15 min in the game?


                                                                                    You spam pounce to get from camp to camp kinda like am and he too gets his 2nd item yasha pretty fast after fury


                                                                                      Any good player(s) will just force fights with the slark holding on to a perseverance or demon edge when he should already have a damage item..

                                                                                      Did you bother checking what good players do before saying shit?
                                                                                      If anything, perseverance Regen makes it harder to pressure you, and once you get battlefury you can farm in safe spots and make up for the shit you lost in the early game.

                                                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                                                        slark really needs attack speed. the whole hero concept is built on attackspeed. if you are not building attack speed, you are playing the hero wrong. while its not exaclty bad to get bf on slark (Farm is always good on a safelane carry), you dont really need the pure dmg or regen that badly. I'd much prefer you rush moonshard, or mkb (very good attack speed item for the cost and if they have PA). i think mjolnir should be really good on slark as well. you are really squishy and the enemy will think twice about hitting you if you have lightning on.

                                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                                          mkb haters everywhere man

                                                                                          ive been on the “mkb is a utility item, retards” train for 5 years when everyone thought it was a dps item

                                                                                          now its a cheap dps item and everyone thinks its a utilty item only

                                                                                          truly ridiculous

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité



                                                                                              But now it is! You get 5 more attack speed for 4200 gold than having just hyperstone that is 2k gold, you literaly wasted 2.2k gold if there isnt evasion hero in oposite team.

                                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                                so if a hero has 15 armor, how much physical +damage does 45 pure damage every hit equate to

                                                                                                the answer is 999999


                                                                                                  Unless you play that buggy shit Pangolier i dont think it matters really.

                                                                                                  casual gamer


                                                                                                      LF why are u arguing with 1 and 2ks?

                                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                                        I’m just an argumentative human being