General Discussion

General DiscussionWHAT IS A DIVINE 2 DOING IN MY LP? (concise rant)

WHAT IS A DIVINE 2 DOING IN MY LP? (concise rant) in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    Just one last LP left and I get my favourite Invoker in single draft. I thought I lucked out. Lo and behold divine 2 QoP. Why is this game tagged normal skill even? Is this a joke?

    N.B. If anyone has the time, can you tell me what I could've done to win the game by briefly perusing the replay? I thought I gave my all, but obviously I can improve on certain aspects if you'd kindly point them out to me.

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      Nothing, you didnt had answer to their lineup and qop snowballed because balanar probably didnt care to focus her from early on.

      Also i dont think LP matches use matchmaking this happend when we were pulling out our friend from low prio yesterday also, bunch of crusaders vs 2 high legends and ancient, they havent stood a chance even tho he used some random troll build.

      chicken spook,,,,

        LP is more random

        chicken spook,,,,

          At least you can learn from that loss


            LP is better than my normal games tbh... sad less ragers, lane stealers and carry only fuckers who go PA offlane

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              LP isn't about being fair. I queue up in 5 stacks of Legend 5(Low) to Divine(Ranked) and we get 5 enemy players who are Legend 5 and Below. We won a lPP in 7 min one time. The score was 15-0 in 7 min. They abandoned and we pushed down middle. We barely won by the skin of our teeth.



                Had a top-100 player with another 5k+ dude in a team against me in LP, no biggie, wrecked his 8k mmr ass
                We were a 3-4k stack, guess our LP mmr is too high kappa

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