General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflaner: tips and tricks?

Offlaner: tips and tricks? in General Discussion

    Hello, i need some help, recently i got fed up for playing support for people that cant push and finish games and bankrupt myself warding while they farming jungle for their sixth slot and ping me to death even if i sniff a creep, so i aint about that life anymore and i want to switch to offlane.

    I have already saw some basic stuff but i feel im not there yet to pick it comfortably in ranked games, so is there any Twitch streamer that spams offlane so i can go "monkey see monkey do"???????

    Pls no hate and no bully!


      just watch pro player in dota 2 watch tab


        You know what, thats actually a good idea! That feature is there forever never used it once, thanx! :D

        Justin Weaver

          Watch khezu, his stream is educational

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            i recommend u to spam underlord/timber, cause i spam those hero to 4k


              pick pango


                dont forget to ban OD who is very popular recently if u wanna spam timber, lol

                死の恐怖 Haseo

                  buy boots and pull the first wave


                    I'd recommend you to watch Khezu ( ) he doesn't have a team at the moment so he streams pretty often. He's probably the most educational and informative dota streamer out there. He mostly plays offlane. He spends the game explaining his actions, and talking about things he and his team need to do. He also interacts with the chat in between the games so if you want to you can ask him some questions.


                      Thanx bros, i followed Khezu!


                        You want the aggressive offlaner type willing to risk his life for extra last hits and maybe a kill, or do you want the type that chills in the trees leeching xp?


                          You want the aggressive offlaner type willing to risk his life for extra last hits and maybe a kill, or do you want the type that chills in the trees leeching xp?

                          Dunno, i see their support, if they have tons of stuns i chill in trees and leech exp, if im guchi i hit their carry in the head with abaddon.


                            force rotations
                            that's ur duty


                              if no rotations, take the tower and push the lane


                                I watched capitalist's stream a lot since a year ago, learned quite a bit on offlaning. He hasn't streamed much last couple weeks because of events, but there were periods of months where he'd be on every other day.

                                Khezu's stream too, very informative.

                                I'm not yet very good but I think I found a spot in the offlane, somewhere between a pushing semi-core and a do-shit hero. The line between sitting in your offlane to pressure the enemy carry/tower until they're dead, and roaming around with your team doing shit is still nuanced and situational.

                                In party games, I tend to play traditional offlane heroes, tidehunter, lc, clock... do-shit heroes. In solo, still play the offlane but more in an independant semi-carry that can really pressure the enemy safe lane. It's more abusable when the enemy team isn't an organized party. Timbersaw, bristleback, semi cores like mirana/windranger, etc. Even had good success with ck offlane.

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                                  stay alive and don't die


                                    1 ward and place it where you think the gank will come from and your mission is to make the enemy carry cry.

                                    I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                      pretty much that's how you play offlane


                                        Watch replays by hero (and lane) in high mmr ->
                                        Watch this guy smurf 1k-6k mmr (watch his offlane videos) ->

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                                          i still dont know where to put that orbs down (figure it out). also no one blocks. so denying your ranged creep is a good start. if you stay in the trees, the supports usually dont bother lookingfor you. lol also you have TP scroll so it's much safer. i would suggest learning to pull the creeps because tahts the cheesy thing to do now.


                                            ping me to death even if i sniff a creep,

                                            stop doing that. stop stealing cs. thx


                                              Thanx for help guys, appreciate it!

                                              Ultimate team player! :)

                                                I'd watch monkeys forever's stream on twitch. He speaks English and only plays offlane. Also checking your profile you like to spam heroes. Sometimes it's better to wait a sec and pick what fits. Good offlaners that I've found this patch are SK and ench. SK particularly because I was able to climb roughly 300 mmr this month alone with him because there's never a bad time to pick him.. In our bracket nobody effectively zones the offlaner. Once you get lvl 3 you should be able to zone out any melee core if your skill build is 1-0-2. Building drums on any offlaner is core for me because it allows me to bully their safe lane farmer and make sure they focus on getting me out of lane. I can grab tranqs, drums, blink by 20 minutes and out farm 75% of safe lane carries I'm against.
                                                Biggest tip is don't feed in the offlane. It's a big role but it's arguably the most fun. Ruining the other team's safe lane is a blast.


                                                  Guys this thread is like one of a few actually valuable threads on this forum. What about laning against good laners like Monkey or Ursa +support with Tidehunter or Doom ?


                                                    ^Lex that's pretty hard. You either play it safe by not trying to contest the carry's farm or jungle.

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                      Guys this thread is like one of a few actually valuable threads on this forum. What about laning against good laners like Monkey or Ursa +support with Tidehunter or Doom ?

                                                      My friend who is divine 2 told me to never lane monkey with a melee hero, so i guess either double lane or ench?


                                                        Heroes picked for offlane are the strongest ones. When I see enemy pick strong offlaners like Timber and BB I switch to my less favorite heroes and lean towards strong laners instead(Ursa, Razor, MK, Huskar) ,otherwise It's a 100% lost game (my last game even as Ursa I lost first tower within minutes).
                                                        in our bracket, offlane is the better safelane because most popular carry heroes suck at laning.

                                                        I say play ranked and learn there, life is too short to be that cautious xd

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                                                          khezu for sure
                                                          fata also
                                                          bulldoge for the lulz


                                                            I say play ranked and learn there, life is too short to be that cautious xd

                                                            Dude i had my portion of red days, i usually need weeks to recover from huge MMR drops, fuck that, i dont need more stress in my life! :D

                                                            Now when you mention it i havent played solo ranked in weeks, i usualy play ranked with stack of friends ill try it there, because nobody cares for party mmr.

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