General Discussion

General Discussionended up in smurfing LOL!! normal skill bracket cant get out,,

ended up in smurfing LOL!! normal skill bracket cant get out,, in General Discussion
I ❤❤❤LoVe Zino

    Hi Guys,

    I am aware this topic has been covered frequently lately but still i would need your opinion.

    I am an avg shitty player around 3.2k solo and 3.8k party mmr , playing moslty position 3 and 4. I tried to smurf playing position 5 with an heroe I know pretty well, Witch doctor. estimation opend dota 2600mmr

    Above the account stat with the smurf, I played well since the 1st game after 4 matches kda 6.3, one of the top damages in the last games. I stack and pull all the camps and stack constantly during the game the ancient to let the carry farm. Heals, Smoke, sentry and wards like rain in a rainy day and still dont even get in high skills!!! am I that bad with WD maybe? Honestly i am aware about my limits but probably with WD I cannot see them.. do u have some tip?? I wouldnt expect to rank 5k but not less than 3k and still cant get high skills...

    thanks in advance.


      Keep winning you should get there

      Story Time

        4 games is too early to make a post here... pls play more and only then bother us

        I ❤❤❤LoVe Zino

          lol i just ask because people since the first game are HS... thanks anyway!


            I have the same question. My first 6 games were normal skill, then the next 4 high skill, back to normal skill again, then 1 or 2 high skill games and rest normal skill. I played support mostly, stacked camps, warded, ganked as much as i could, but not really high damage. Is that the reason I fell back to normal skill bracket? Or i just suck that bad?

            Story Time

              first games are not adjusted as quick as you expect them to, also i calibrated max (3.5kmmr cap) only with supports, so supporting is not the reason why it is normal skill... but just play a bit more so we can see better

              I ❤❤❤LoVe Zino

                Yes i was not thinking that support is the reason..i ll play some other games!!! thankssss


                  this same problem is why many players don't get better at the game in lower bracket. they learn all the 'right' things to do - ward, smokes, stacks, etc - as a support, but not how to actually play the game. if you're putting yourself behind because its the 'right' things to do as a support, and then try to enable your cores, you're doing it wrong (if you're above the bracket you are at).

                  think what would happen if gh plays support in 2k. he would probably have the most kills and most hero damage, with dagon 5 or something silly like that that enables him to get kills and farm for himself, rather than making himself poor for no reason and relying on your teammates. he could still buy wards sure, but he would have enough space, farm and kills to have 10 levels above the enemy carry even as a support. while you are stacking camps and just doing counter rotations and hoping your cores carry you.

                  when 2ks make so many mistakes and there are free kills everywhere, and you're much better, and you don't capitalize on it yourself, you don't deserve to be higher.

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                  I ❤❤❤LoVe Zino

                    Well I agree partially, moreover if u look the games u see that I was top kills with WD and beside supporting I also carry the team. I would smash them down using carry like WK as well as Jugger, PA or luna. The matter is that at this bracket u would fight every single match for the carry/mid position so the only thing left is adapt myself.

                    I play support with high potential damage like WD or Lion and beside supporting I still have a really good KDA for an hard support! SO i do know how to play the game man.. Probably u didnt even look the link, and what comparison u are doing?? i m not GH and I m not 8k MMR, but still i can carry and support this folk and this low level.

                    My question was more about , how can happen that poeple who play AM and finish the first game 3 9 5 gets to be ranked in VHS or HS (look some topic below this one, just for reference) and I play support really good and carry also the team and after 5 matches I am not even HS? however i ll play some other games and let s see


                      So far convincing my team to push and end early against a 5 man carry has been the most frustrating for me being a support. Most games go well when our carry is taken care of well, but some games are just impossible when they insist on farming instead of securing objectives. I just hope I can hit the 3k mmr with this calibration, seems very unlikely though, looking at my games :/

                      TANG INA MO VIO

                        This topic has already been answered in some of the older posts in this forum. In a new account, if you fail to reach a HS or VHS in your first 10 or 15 normal games you wont make it in high max mmr calibration. (3500 mmr = Legend)


                          Its easy to climb very high skill ..

                          TANG INA MO VIO

                            Then tell us how 😀

                            Avv. Fabio ciulla

                              HOw come i fail?? 75% win rate, kda 4.21 always top damage and top kills!!!!!! I am a legend 4 player with 3.2k solo and 3.8 party mmr... i dont even reach HS that seems to be unbelieavable with this scores...

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                play more