General Discussion

General DiscussionPhantom assassin discussion

Phantom assassin discussion in General Discussion

    With this new patch system do you think she'll get some changes. She is one of my favorite heroes and personally I love seeing my favorite heroes in a patch. And i also just want pa to somehow be a normal pick in competitive matches. But thats just me I know other people have personal vendettas against her.


      she sucks in the early game


        hero still sucks and easy to counter


          +10% crit chance should do it


            Only pick pa in a perfect game

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              doubt the hero will ever be picked in competitve because she has a pretty narrow timing window outside of which she is very weak and pros are VERY good at not dying like a moron 2 times and losing the game 3 minutes after she gets deso+rosh

              in pubs ure fine with 4/5th picking her, it's really easy to get going if u have a good bf timing and ure the strongest hero on the map with bf deso aegis(+bkb), as long as u pick ur target correctly and dont jump in like an idiot it's very hard to stop u from killing both of their cores and if ur enemies dont understand what theyre dealing with they will probably not have saved for buybacks and the game could be over very soon

              Story Time

                still a good support in turbo :D (kappa-tain here)


                  dreux a very elegantly and concisely written piece on PA