General Discussion

General DiscussionI smurfed from 0.5k to 4k

I smurfed from 0.5k to 4k in General Discussion

    I smurfed from 0.5k to 4k

    死の恐怖 Haseo



        wat a strong person


          Original acc

          New acc

          I am a player mainly playing party, I have 500 solo mmr and almost 2000 party mmr
          I recently created a new account and i got very high skill bracket
          I wonder if this is temporary or if i can hold my place
          I played pretty inconsistent in my first few matches, stomping or get stomped
          In one match my teammates are toxic and two of my team got punished after I reported them
          I mainly play safe, and mid.
          My new account is still pretty new but my teammates are estimated 4k or their main is reli 4k(I asked them), playing here like heaven cuz people are way better
          In my main acc, ppl are just too noob.(in party its fine)
          There's a game that i got 100000dmg as tinker and highest nw still lost the game cuz ppl dont know what is 'dust'.(Main)


            I just wanna know if i am alone or if this is going to last


              or i actually dont have the skill, im just being lucky?


                luck is a skill!

                Justin Weaver

                  So what are you trying to establish here? I don't seem to understand


                    it's not luck or skill - low mmr can never climb


                      I wanna ask if the 'vhs' description is correct, do i deserve it.
                      Based on my winrate i seemed to perform bad in this bracket
                      And if this 'vhs' description will last till i calibrate mmr
                      im just afraid if i get back to 2k or even 0.5k


                        its true that low mmr games are frustrating though

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          what the fuck

                          Potato Marshal

                            Winrate 37.50%

                            Good job, keep it up, proud of you


                              your performance in recent matches look really bad. in about 5 or so matches, i expect you will drop back to normal skill.


                                i see jacked, thanks !


                                  How did you pick heroes like Tinker and AM in your first few games. Dont they limit it to 25 heroes or something? Also what do you select when you create a new acc between : I have never played moba and I have played dota before.

                                  Does whatever you pick determine whether you are put into vhs earlier or nah?

                                  Hello world


                                    dota_new_player 0

                                    yellow jesus

                                      Mmr is capped at 3.5k if not wrong , my 1st match all divine , 2nd match straight legend 1, which is 3.5 k mmr ...GG


                                        I selected i played dota 2 before, and it only prevents me from mpickingn complexity lvl 3 heros(like joker)


                                          Btw, everyone is smurf since my second match

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            But your first match was with Tinker


                                              doesnt matter if u estimate mmr 5k even . still max calibratet 3.5k


                                                I would already be happy if im 3k+ at last tbh


                                                  I wonder should i keep spaming tinker or carry or should i play according to what my team needs


                                                    Boost me to 4k plz thank.
                                                    Also, if you're smurfing you don't need to listen to your team. Just counter enemies' mid and snowball and carry your team like a true smurfer would do.


                                                      I'd post my results after calibrating rank


                                                        hahh potato marshal h3h3 reference ftw

                                                        iz ethan


                                                          Will I be able to calibrate 3k+ with my current games?


                                                            well keep playing tinker and maybe u can be at least 3k


                                                              i dont care u still suck








                                                                  i thought u meant u made a smurf and 500 and ground to 4k. disappointing

                                                                  Wet Pillows Mamaya

                                                                    can i have your original account for research purposes


                                                                      The more the matches there are the more accurate the estimation will be
                                                                      and ur crusader? sorry but you can suddenly become better than a ancient player overnight.

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                        Mildly toxic what do you mean?


                                                                          Madara* my main account havE 88.89% winrate(recent 20 games), so its actually possible. Although im nowhere close to my ancient 2 friend in terms of skill. My tinker is better than my other heros though

                                                                          I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                                            X fucking D

                                                                            Wet Pillows Mamaya

                                                                              i mean i wouldn't mind a low account so i can stack with the missus. can casually boost it to for you if u want.

                                                                              Paksit- giti

                                                                                get gud pls you suck cancer

                                                                                spamming tinker

                                                                                  very high skill bracket means nothing in a new account since gaben limited the max mmr to legend 2 or 3500 on new accounts

                                                                                  Story Time

                                                                                    cursader(who doesnt tilt)=ancient


                                                                                      as u said ur teammates are better in 4k+, u have to notice where ur opponents are better. things go very fast everywhere on map. And when u played mid, u always facing scenarios where u 1v3, or ur support tp in, u guys exchange and u died in combats, u have to think twice and careful which part of the map u shud appear, one small mistake caused u the game, and ppl are less intolerable to mistakes as they expect u r the same.

                                                                                      I notice it when I play in party with friends, where i can have more than 20 KDA easily and kill the enemies and dominate, where in ur solo when u go 9-6-13 is normal...