General Discussion

General DiscussionHOW TO BOOST MMR?

HOW TO BOOST MMR? in General Discussion

    tips? except of getting gud?


      Focus on things like positioning, decision making, and farming patterns. I know I'm low mmr and havent played ranked in a while but honestly it seems like pretty universal advice. And seeing your last game/name dont be afraid to pick a support because "Oh I never play support" jungling isnt really that great. and once the laning stage is over now your fighting for farm with 3 other people if not four. At low skill its not hard to play support. Dont be out of position, place wards/deward, protect your carry, pulling creep waves is good too. Thats just my thoughts.

      Cancer Malaria

        Current MMR? Target MMR?
        Learn all roles, Practice a few sets of Heroes, and dont tilt. Download a reply of games from hero you want to learn from higher ranked mmr games. Study their itemization, skills they go for against the enemy line up, early lanning stage impact, mid games positioning team fights, high ground siege


          ppl like you are the reason i cant just tell people why they should let me mid


            get good except of getting gud

            Ce commentaire a été édité

              Git gud


                Positive Mental Attitude.

                casual gamer

                  the people who need PMA the most ar ethe people who will never geti t


                    First pick mid or feed

                    O SIDE MUFFLER

                      Play 1-3 heroes only

                      Lruce Bee

                        There's not much you can do with the current state of matchmaking. It's very luck dependent that you don't get toxic and uncooperative last pickers or people who are generally not up to date with the current patch and still pick junglers. There's also not much you can do if there's multiple game Ruiners who refuse to listen to teammates wise suggestions to back off due to an incoming gank. But some players will never learn. Accept that you don't have full control over the actions of others in a team game.

                        Lruce Bee

                          I would say spend more money on the game , but I'm not one to fully believe in conspiracies

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            Buying arcana puts you to premium queue

                            Paksit- giti

                              this is my main account

                              Erdal Kömürcü

                                attitude is the most important thing thanks to that you can make your team do the right things and play as 5 also the role does not matter to grind up if you are good then you will grind up for sure that's why try to learn any role in game especially roaming supports


                                  You can always buy boosting