those 3 pos4 heroes you play are greedy and scale with gold. they have to be played with the greed of a pos3 in pubs. i outfarmed mid players as position 4 in a few cases.
playing bara, when teamfights start and i feel underleveled or dont have my treads yet, ill be like "fuck this shit im out", charging to a free lane and taking ~5 creepwaves for myself. thats alot of exp when youre behind.
i keep using charge as farming tool, got flamed for that countless times. before 7.07 i bought midas on him every game.
Yeah I wouldn’t play say a keeper or a rubick like those and just get mobility, fair analysis. They do scale with greed and levels I guess :/ especially tusk and night stalker I feel like because of BAT. I also end up out farming sad cores WITHOUT stealing any of their creeps, just free lanes and I’m always at fights, granted I always try to stay alive cause thats where the money and xp comes hehe.
Just dont hinder your team by being too greedy. Try to make space. Try to make things happen as those heroes. Kill stuff.
Most pos 3 and 4 heroes are pretty interchangeable anyways. If the pos 4 really gets a lot done, he transitions into 3rd farm priority, and the pos 3 offlane can fall back and be 4th core/farming support
Dont build midas on most game on pos 4. Pretty sure sand king pos 4 could have a lot of farm, pango can be the most greedy hero for pos 4 though
Pango 4 is good but I have a curse where I can get all my shit with pango but still lose cause dota :(
Learn from my zeus in this game:
He's supporting a greedy ck and only roaming minimally early on and yet somehow scales faster than me, the offlaner.
Would need to see a replay, he probably had some influx of gold early on, or just really good item buildup and fight participation.
Tripplesteal: maybe in high mmr and more coordinated teams, as much as I want to build utility, like for my braindead drow without force against clock, I feel I need more impact, and thats where all the extra shit comes in.
And by trying to build like this, you put yourself at an advantage over their supports who won’t scale. Poor CM
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My pos 4 heroes that I win with are Tusk, Night Stalker and Spirit Breaker, and all of them, I go with a build some might call too greedy
Treads for SB and phase for the others
Urn into SV, on all except tusk sometimes, but I will get it more often now actually.
Drums, fucking amazing item I feel like especially on tusk, Inlove it’s buildup too
Invis ussually, not always
Then I tank up. For tusk I get damage and as to transition into a full on hardass. Same with night stalker
I wanna know, whatbare the cons of getting a little greedy? Will my dumbass cores really benefit from an extra force of glimmer after diving t3s and getting picked off after all the space and map control I get? Cause if I play to get big too, I feel thats more help at anu stage of the game as long as I do well in my other support duties. Can any support/roam main answer?