General Discussion

General DiscussionLeshrac support?

Leshrac support? in General Discussion
One Fourth of a Concubine

    I know that in general Lesh isnt that amazing at the moment but when he is picked it seems always to be mid. Is Lesh support still viable or is it just a dying trend?

    Friendly player

      Forgot that this hero exists lol

      Eat Soup With A Fork

        I think mid because he needs levels, that way he can get skill points (duh) and mana (3.0 int gain is really good and helps his mana issues )

        Tvrtko I

          i saw puppey own with him as support on pubs few days ago. so its definitely playable. he literally destroyed khezus offlane tide with lesh.

          Dire Wolf

            I think it's fine, maybe cus his stun is a semi skill shot pubs are afraid of him. But he has good range, move speed, good starting armor for early harass (dmg is average), a long duration stun if you land it plus nukes. Can dmg towers without a lot of farm.


              If u can land split earth it's good
              If u can't don't bother

              Dire Wolf

                Plus I think a lot of other supports are just better.

                Consider a similar nuker like sky. Skywrath has way better harassment in lane with bolt spam and has a silence which may be more useful vs certain enemies.

                Lion has instant hex so a blink + hex should always catch people when roaming and ganking. Roaming lesh seems pretty bad. Lion can do other cool stuff in lane too.

                Other heroes just provide more utility or nuking. Even shadow shaman who similarly can take out buildings has really high base dmg and more cc. Of course his ult cd is long, lesh's building killers aren't.

                Maybe a better comparison would be like support pugna. Can nuke towers, has some limited cc, fast base movement, high int gain.

                It feels like everything lesh can do as a support another hero can do better. As a core though if he gets tanky he can dish a ton of dmg.

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                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                  Lesh mid is awful nowadays, he has nowhere nearly enough lane dominance since the lightning nerf, and he is unreliable, while he does benefit from kaya it is not enough to make him viable, you waste alot of space to a very weak laner without too much scaling. Also he really don't like to be in a trilane mid against trilane mid (don't forget that the lower mmr meta is a result of high mmr meta). And lose alot from the missing exp.

                  He is better as support, but still very lackluster
                  The benefits of his stun (in damage, aoe, stun duration, mana cost, cd, etc) is not enough to justify its insane cast point and unreliability (without euls), he runs out of mana extremely quickly without kaya, he doesn't offer too much besides damage and the unreliable cc i just said. And doesn't really deal well against the popular supports like bane and ss

                  Sadly, he simply has no place this meta


                    he needs a lot of things to be better
                    as a mid he needs to be tankier, i think giving him better strength gain and increasing his starting armor wud help a lot, even if u only give him like 1-2 armor
                    he also needs better base dmg
                    and as a mid he wud greatly appreciate a reduction of the lightning bolt castpoint, the slow lasts so little and the cast point so long that u practically lose ground casting the ability if ur chasing someone
                    dont think he needs ALL of them, but some of these buffs are needed imo

                    as a support i think they shud remove the stun delay on split earth (no i dont mean cast point, there is a delay on split earth before the stun is actually applied, look it up) and increase the radius early on. the spell is so good lvl 1 if u can hit it, problem is hitting it, its so hard. they cud also increase the range to make it easier. support lesh cud also use some buffs to edict in range, its an incredible spell on a core lesh who is tanky and get into the mess, but leshrac support is way to squishy to get that close. its like how pudge uses rot to go in on someone, except instead of a 250 kg beast u have a frail disco pony. to take towers with it u have to stand so close to the building when u rlly want ur frontliner being there.

                    imo lesh has great spells in edict and split earth, just has a few problems with lightning, and his ulti scaling, and with his base stats
                    also like @dire wolf said
                    lesh isnt too special and doesnt do anything unique enough rn to be picked.


                      I still play Leshrac as a support, he's decent enough. You can solo support with him, though you'd always prefer to play pos 4 and be able to farm up a glimmer and force rather than buy wards all game and hope your stuns are on point