General Discussion

General DiscussionCountering VOID?

Countering VOID? in General Discussion

    So I want to know how to counter void in this patch. Every game I had against void i lost.

    Bad Intentions

      I eat voids for breakfast

      Cancer Malaria

        Can you force staff a chrono-ed hero?


          ^ no.

          Potato Marshal

            Eul's, halberd, long ranged disables, and sometimes silences. You want spammable damage over time abilities to counter him in lane, like a veno or jakiro

            Last Hit

              Rape him early,

              Build nullifier or orchid for late games. Just make sure you gank him, not the other way around

              casual gamer

                stop people from dying in chrono or kill him before he chronos



                  7Mad About You

                    1. Pick Juggernaut
                    2. Wait for chrono
                    3. At the right moment he use chrono on you, use bladefury/omnislash
                    4. Profit??


                      Huh. How are u suppose to do that pray tell


                        Void is not that strong in the lane... You just need to punish him hard to keep his farming rate down. Venomancer, Jakiro, Huskar, Viper, any good ranged lane dominators work well for this. If you can keep Void away from the creeps he is not getting items to kill people in Chrono... He is hard to kill, but he is not that hard to punish for farming the creep wave.


                          venge - swap either void or your ally out of the chrono

                          as void players tend to Q in as chrono setup these work:
                          luna - press r when he comes in to chrono you, later you at least force his bkb
                          jug - press r when he comes in to chrono you, doesnt work if enemy player reacts faster than you

                          long range aoe disable or zoning skills like
                          any of jakiros spells
                          willow terrorize
                          alchemist (but he sucks in any regard rn)
                          veno many more

                          also aeon disc is a decsent counter


                            How about you just pick WK?

                            Fee Too Pee

                              Void wants to kill people during chrono duration

                              Protection spells or Tanky line up rapes him

                              Try to pick heroes that do not give a shit when get disabled for various seconds

                              Example : Wraith King, Huskar, Bristleback, Omniknight


                                BB? hell no


                                  huskar and bristle dont care about getting disabled?
                                  omni? if he is in the chrono and the void doesnt just kill him off and ignore everything else happening that would be pretty dumb

                                  wk is good, didnt think of that. also tide, axe and underlord can survive the burst probably

                                  Fee Too Pee

                                    As huskar spammer, void have no way to kill huskar during chronosphere until LATE GAME (where huskar supposed to lose anyway)

                                    Omniknight have degen aura if caught. But what i meant is Omni can just heal and Ult make void looks retarded


                                      pocket pudge pick.

                                      I've had recent successes in grabbing people out of chrono.

                                      Had a medusa sit up front, void would jump her and I'd just hook her out. EZPZ.

                                      the best is venge, just have carry sit up front, swap em out. Sure you die but you should win the fight.

                                      dumpster him in lane, veno jak etc. becomes much harder if they have great sups.


                                        viper is pretty good. break limits his damage early and your ult if you get it off just about kills any chance void has of killing someone in chrono. Viper is also fairly tanky and hard to kill in chrono himself.


                                          but omni cant use his spells when he gets chronoed :thinking:

                                          when i play void vs omni i will never chrono unless i canth the omni or hes dead before


                                            Tinker omni pudge


                                              Long range disables
                                              Spreading out in general, so he can't trap everyone
                                              Also don't pick people who lose to dilation aka weaver or slark or smth
                                              Tanky people can still die in Chrono fyi. It's called F O L L O W U P.
                                              Omni is good but not because he can't be bursted in Chrono but because he prevents his team from being bursted. Also long duration disables.


                                                Anti mage boiii


                                                  Pudge or invoker


                                                    I having more difficult time killing am late game rather than trash void

                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                      The lvl 25 AoE is some OSfrog stuff
                                                      There's no safe positioning against it
                                                      Most cast range can't reach him inside SeemsGood

                                                      But his early DPS is really sad for farming


                                                        dragon knight

                                                        Story Time

                                                          morph has not been mentioned or has he? That attribute shift is crazy, works in chrono and makes me cry as a void :(


                                                            I just go for Mobility Items or Disables, Force, SE, Heavens, Sheep.


                                                              void can kill so ez your trash am nigga


                                                                Chicken cant hit anybody so lion shaman

                                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                  We all know how to counter void
                                                                  Care chrono
                                                                  Abuse chrono CD
                                                                  But somehow it's hard to do those in pub games


                                                                    Ruin his laning with DOT and aggressive harass when timewalk is on CD. A Void without farm is embarrassing.


                                                                      Silence, Stun: Everyone who does that or can buy something what does that can easily destroy Faceless Void!


                                                                        Get BKB & pop it before he chronos, that will make u take way less dmg (bash is magical & that's his main source of dmg). Another way - buy blink, if u have a good reflex, u can easily dodge it. There are also many carries that are good vs chrono. Void has pretty much no chance to kill solo Spectre, TB, DK, Morph if they are fed. WK is another counter. Another one are the one that can initiate & burst him before he uses chrono (AM, Sven, PA, Storm). Arc Warden is great vs him because u only fight with a clone. There are many ways to counter him. It's now even easier with bloodthorn+nullifier combo. Also don't forget about getting Rosh or using intelligent buyback to take objective when chrono is down.

                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                          1. Pick Juggernaut
                                                                          2. Wait for chrono
                                                                          3. At the right moment he use chrono on you, use bladefury/omnislash
                                                                          4. Profit??


                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                            u either prevent him from killing people inside chrono, toy around chrono downtime, or burst him real quick

