General Discussion

General DiscussionCk battlefury ?

Ck battlefury ? in General Discussion
Heart tired

    Since ck is not a flash farm hero, so does the battlefury build make it btr or maybe midas first or maybe straight armlet after treads ?


      Ive had success when I went battlefury CK in the past and no success when I went armlet/echo Sabre etc. Since battlefury has been way buffed I would say it is now a core item on him.


        No. If you were going for a late gamer who farms, you go AM. CK is one of the best late game heroes, but he gets there by fighting. The only farming item I'd consider on him is maelstrom, and even that is a bad decision. Midas, only if you're desperate to keep up in farm and levels. Battle fury is just so ill-advised.

        Pepper & Salt

          Why do you want a Bfury when CK's illusions are not going to benefits anything off it?

          Just buy items which can be inherited to the illusions, like diffusal blade, assault curass and heaven halberd.
          It make the illusions stronger in term of tank and damage, which in term give you pushing power and get more gold in return.

          chicken spook,,,,



              Every melee safelane could buy battlefury and get away with it these days


                i mean its not THAAAAT bad but makes almost no sense and completely contradicts the hero
                u wud be playing ck but not like ck
                which might work but then u might as well pick something else


                  Battlefury ursa is quite good


                    can be good, try it out. problem is that ck can just as well snowball and secure the game early - but lategame ck is one of the best so if you can get away with it I dont see why not? you can sell it lategame.


                      it can definitely work but there are other items you can get to just shit on enemies earlier anyway.


                        Treads and armlet give you a much better path to late game than battlefury. Even with bf you don’t have any mobility (apart from rift) so you can’t really flash farm anyway.


                          Ps this thread is how a forum should be :-p honest question not claiming pros are retarded and helpful answers not calling the op retarded (well,mostly ;-))

                          Riguma Borusu

                            If you want a flash farm item that also does something for your illusions, you can actually go mjollnir. Ever since the change where Mjollnir started giving attack speed to illusions, it hasn't been completely terrible on heroes like CK.

                            You would still prefer to get a few cheap strong items and run at enemies and wreck them, but if you have no choice but to flashfarm, mjollnir is probably better since it helps the hero's illusions too. You might be missing mana regen from bfury, but CK isn't supposed to have that in first place.

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                            7Mad About You

                              if you really want flash farm, why dont you build BF on AM instead of CK? Jugg also better


                                i refuse to read any other commend in this tread

                                i played bf ck. you can farm fast. doesnt do this in fights unless youre vs illusion heroes like ck, oh wait what?

                                this hero doesnt eeally need any dmg item. build some stats and go tanky. lets say you deal 120 dmg from stats. you ult, 100% dmg illusions, thats up to 600 dmg already, i wont even bother calculating the crit on top. your W makes it so you always get to hit. buy solar crest if you think you need mroe dmg.

                                Erdal Kömürcü

                                  go for stats so your ultimate can get even alot more stronger.. you don't need farm but you need kills everytime you have your ultimate if you want an item for farming then get maelstorm

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                                      ^teach us ur roaming ways


                                        It's like saying why not get bfury on PL?

                                        It's because PL needs to work around his images.

                                        CK benefits a lot from armlet/heart/ES because it gives him three power spikes, each of which he can abuse with team fight wins.

                                        CK isn't mobile like AM that he can blink around farming till he's fat. CK with bfury is very gankable and killable (and his illusions are light and vulnerable).


                                          Stats always better, Ehcho sabre is CK's farming item and it Synergizes with his burst Potential which Battlefury most definitely does not.


                                            echo sabre is good and all but dont call it a farming item rofl