General Discussion

General DiscussionUndying

Undying in General Discussion

    How do I play this hero?


      The new meta suggests perseverance into aghs. And don't be that noob that gets boots first, if you get them before your core items their purchase timings will be greatly delayed, making you ineffective

      Almost forgot, tombstone can now replace wards. If that isn't a huge buff... gj icefrog

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        Skill q,e,e,w,e,r,e,w,w,w, vanguard into blademail or just rushing solar crest is fine. As an offlaner Greeves or aghs is an option, but never rush aghs. Ever.

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          I just had a game with him as roamer. He is OP.
          Broken hero just like Morph :c


            Wait what?
            One says rush aghs while other says not to.
            Not sure who’s right but better to believe first guy who’s 4k


              Oh god what did I do. It was a jokee

              Play him as pos 4 preferably, he's not valuable as pos 3 anymore (especially SOLO pos 3). Get boots, wand and raindrop as first items. Then go arcanes to have enough mana sustain to spam decays. After that you can go for many items, but being a pos 4 hero keep in mind that you'll have to help your teammates a lot. So you always wanna go for utility items, such as force staff, glimmer, solar crest, greaves, vessel, it's your choice based on what your pos 5 will build/what your team needs/what the enemy team relies on. You're the bridge between pos 5 and pos 3, so you will also have to get the auras your pos 3 won't be able to get and that your team needs in that specific game (vlads, shivas, pipe etc.). Blademail and lotus are very good items on Undying too, especially lotus if the enemy team focuses you a lot during fights and/or has many silences. Aghs is a very good item but it's too greedy to rush it and you always wanna give priority to cheaper, utility items. Imagine a Lion going tranquils into aghs, would it be a good choice? No it wouldn't, same thing for Undying.

              Your skill build imo depends a lot on what lane you will face, sometimes I skip tombo 'cause I think my 2nd will be much more effective in lane, for example if the enemies have an escape hero.

              He can be played as pos 5 too, but I believe it's safe to say that pos 4 is his best role.


                sub-optimal hero for any role.

                if you wanna run him as 5, ss lich or disruptor are better
                if you wanna run 4, sb clock riki bh are all better
                if you wanna run 3, underlord omni doom etc are all better

                The only time he's viable is when you really want to play him instead of really wanting to win.

                No one in this meta goes "shit they picked undying wtf do we do?"

                Forget me not

                  Don't pick him again illusion hero , many ranged hero, or team with a good escape ability.
                  At early game you run at mid or carrry enemy hero decay and punched them to oblivion. Mid game play him as tanker healer. Soak enemy spell if you are the only one in your team tha t can take damage, or stand behind if your carry is strong enough to stand at frontline.




                      veil radiance aghs shiva octarine


                        Why battlefury?


                          another joke


                            There's a fucking 5 page thread dedicated to the undying debate. Cmon man.

                            SLQ is right the first time. Perseverance aghs rush. Look at my recent undying game.


                              Troll city here, guys! :D Please continue, I enjoy reading these.

                              Also, from what I hear, Diffusal Blade, Manta, Radiance, and Octarine Core is the next generation build.


                                Meteor hammer and atos


                                  dont you just go diffusal blink battlefury manta abyssal on every hero nowadays


                                    Is Dagon good? By stealing 12 to 20 strength you can one shot most heroes. How far should I level Dagon before I get my aghs?

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      nah, you need to stay alive as long as possbile as undying. U need like crimson, greave, aghs dude


                                        in early be aggresive af
                                        in late game get greaves,crimson,pipe(situational),aghs and heart

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          I guess checking what high mmr players buy on specific hero and figuring out why is a HARD THING TO DO these days


                                            Eblade dude. Not Dagon !!!


                                              Just ask @han solo. Undying lord. 2k games of undying , 1k mmr. 49 winrate


                                                If I played him (not likely), I would go wand, quelling blade, brown boots, soul ring, urn-> spirit vessel, crimson/pipe depending on enemy line up, aghs, shiva’s (or AC if no one else on team is good for it). Late game can get Octarine and Heart, BoTs and have a slot for a Scythe of Vyse/Nullifier/Forcestaff/Hurricane Pike etc if it gets to 70+ minutes.


                                                  Which talent should I pick for undying and should I always pick the same ones?


                                                    If you were going for a burst item, Eblade over Dagon. Your burst is based on the amount of points you have on your primary attribute. Hit a few good decays(with or without aghs), extra strength to you, less HP to them, pop them w Eblade, done.
                                                    BTW, that's still a suboptimal playstyle, but since you want to do it, that's the most optimal of the suboptimal. lol.


                                                      Which talents would I pick if I was going that build?
                                                      Do I get aghs before or after eblade?

                                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                                        Perseverance into Aghs, skipping boots.

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                                                          ^u need to stop looking at this thread and just OPEN THE HEROES TAB, FIND UNDYING, OPEN THE GUIDES TAB, AND LOOK WITH YOUR EYES


                                                            I dont see any guides for eblade which is why im asking questions.


                                                              You need to look for the Han Solo Guide

                                                              Madame President Kamala H...

                                                                As a couple people have said, Perseverence into Aghs is currently the build for pubs and pro games. DO NOT get brown boots before you finish these 2 items, your item timings are critical for this hero. After your Perseverence and Aghs you can get phase boots and then possibly a linkens depending on the game. Your other options after the aghs are shadow blade or radiance, possilby an echo sabre and battle fury.

                                                                Make sure you are spamming tombstone when it's off cooldown for vision- no need to waste 80 gold on a useless ward when you have a spell that can do it. Also make sure to never use tombstone in fights, it's very inefficient when you could be using it as a ward instead. gl

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                                                                  lmao dont let them fool you bro

                                                                  chicken spook,,,,



                                                                      Rather use tombstone at the end of a fight when zombies are most effective


                                                                        Ask HanSolo lol


                                                                          Han the Fooking legend


                                                                            How do I get in touch with Han?


                                                                              Where is he? :'(


                                                                                I find that I never have enough mana with undying. Is it ok to get both phase boots and arcane boots? This will let me keep the pressure up as i won’t need to worry about mana or being blocked by creeps.


                                                                                  No it's not worth it, just get arcanes. If you want more mana get a soul ring I guess, but other items you buy naturally such as wand and Urn of Shadows help with that


                                                                                    Anyway there's no real go-to build for the hero, you usually get the usual support utility items such as Urn and Glimmer Cape + auras depending on what your team needs. The builds in the guides section are good examples, you see a lot of Spirit Vessels, Guardian Greaves and Pipes being bought there. In general getting damage mitigation (armor or magic resistance, depending on enemy heroes) is very good because it complements the high hp you gain by casting Decay. Rushing Aghs is less common.

                                                                                    You're never going into a game thinking "I'm going to farm an Ethereal Blade and 1 shot people", it's not going to happen unless it's an insane stomp and at that point it doesn't matter what you get.


                                                                                      i found out how to use this hero now. Get an early dagon and kill them. With that gold you can make eblade. After that you get aghs and max your dagon out. I tried this out and it worked. I tried rushing aghs and it was just too hard to make


                                                                                        ^if u didn't see it in guides then don't do it
                                                                                        Don't listen to anything anyone says on this thread


                                                                                          How do I know which guide to use in game? One time I picked a guide for alchemist and my team gave me shit. The guide was for a physical damage build. My team was mad said no one builds items like shadow blade.

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                                                                                            ㄚ- 天照`

                                                                                     open this and press guide ty


                                                                                                Guides on dotabuff