General Discussion

General DiscussionObjective Gaming - Scenarios, Perspectives and Timings

Objective Gaming - Scenarios, Perspectives and Timings in General Discussion

    Post your thoughts on how you apply objective gaming in your daily MMR grind depending on the hero or role you use

    Generic Perspective as Carry Spectre w/ game evenly matched

    1. Get basic items between 10-15min - Phase Boots, Wand, Vanguard or Aquila + Urn

    2. Get Relic/Blademail by 20th minute. Prioritize killing supports during haunt/clash. Avoid ganks and not die.

    3. Get Radiance between 25-30 min and start split pushing. Destroy enemy T2 safelane by 35 min.

    4. Get Manta or Heart by minute 40 and destroy mid T2 tower.

    5. Clash/smoke gank/pickoff then secure rosh by minute 45.

    6. Destroy enemy T2 offlane by minute 50 and breach highground. Get luxury items like Abyssal, Butterfly or BKB.

    7. Destroy shrines by minute 55 then clash/smoke

    8. End game by minute 60

    зачем я начал поиск

      Too long to write.
      No one would bother to read mine.


        Serious players seeking knowledge would read it

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          what is this garbage


            No serious player would take this remotely to heart. If it takes you 10-15 minutes to get an item after you have radiance on spectre you fucking suck

            Palmen aus Plastik

              This could actually be so helpful. Please, I'm not skilled enough to write this about any hero with considerable certainty, so I'd encourage all good players to participate in this thread. I'm sure it'll help out a lot of people, particularly for heroes people are not familiar with. For example, if you leave me in a game with Abaddon, I wouldn't know what to do with him, this thread really might be helpful in those cases.

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                @Greatlubu i conservatively mentioned to assume that game is evenly matched

                With a snowballing spectre.. i can get 6-slotted @ 40 min


                  what u posted is not "objective gaming"
                  and normally ppl do not consider anything like that, its useless
                  the timing are good as indicators of performance in this particular game, but saying smthng like "my aim is to get blink at min 10" is meaningless. u just want to get it asap in any scenario and thats it.


                    From personal experience, I think you need to take 5mins off the time for Radiance... 25-30mins feels too late unless you have been shutdown or built BladeMail first.


                      Rosh by 45? Lul.


                        As jugg:

                        I look to always get the t1 tower as early as possible. Usually I win the lane. As soon as I'm 6 I start looking around map for opportunities to use omni which can convert into another t1. Good thing about jugg is the ability to group with the team early after a good omnislash and use healing ward to push.

                        So the whole game it's pretty much joining fights with omni as much as possible and then taking objectives with ward. Most straightforward hero in the game. Take first rosh around early mid game in the exact same
                        Fashion Of course.

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                          @RoshHan Solo Im using conservative assumptions. But yes, the ideal timing of radiance is 20-25 mins and getting relic before 20 mins.

                          @Triple Steal here's the difference when it comes to objectives:

                          As a weak laner in Spectre, you are highly dependent on your lane supports. So the generic objective is to get your basic items. Whether be it getting kills because your supports ganked or just by trading farm w/ offlaner. I can't even mention pushing T1 tower as part of my objective since I don't really push that well early on.

                          Now had it been a Luna Hero. Objectives will change. Item timings is there for any hero but with Luna, destroying T1 tower is part of the objective and being able to kill jungle stack hard camp also.

                          To each hero is its own. But I guess based on your logic, whatever I wrote is equivalent to just saying get radiance asap.

                          Now why dont we just write it as destroy enemy throne in win the game?

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                            @jacked Spec is not a rosh killing hero. So i usually rely on other cores - mid and offlaner to dictate when we can rosh.

                            But with some items and levels around minute 40-45. I do call for rosh attempts irrespective of who my other cores are.


                              Don't make this thread talking about carry pls
                              ITS retarded and make you look like beginner at dota

                              Edit : WTf dude u have 800 match as Spectre ? Are u masochist or what lol

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                                ^ Here's my Spiritbreaker post:

                                As pos 4:
                                1) OoV + lace + faerie fire, start by trading hits w/ enemy offlane, zone him out.

                                2) by 2nd minute, roaming starts by getting bounty rune. Identify most vulnerable hero in map. If mid hero, wait for him to cross river before ganking. If enemy safe lane, trade some more hits w/ offlaner before tp'ing back to base for regen then charge enemy safe lane from there (either carry or supp).

                                3. Rinse and repeat. Play around bounty runes and keep on ganking most vulnerable enemies. Else, play supp stuff like warding, stacking, pulling or anticipating enemy ganks by hiding and counterganking ( i usually do this for my mid player)

                                4. When you've created too much space or enemy is responding to ganks. Transition to jungle/farm mode and get items. When enemy stick together, dont force issue. You've done your job as spiritbreaker.

                                Most games as Spiritbreaker are won by how impactful/good you are for the 1st 15-20 mins of the game. The rest of the game is easy since you've enabled your cores already.

                                Just itemize accordingly, usually halberd for right click carries or bkb for squishy supports or shadow blade for more gank potential.


                                  VG is better than aquila on spectre, specially when you're against AM or Sven and need abyssal at some point.