General Discussion

General Discussionwhat happened to that 5k lycan spammer that jungled all the time and

what happened to that 5k lycan spammer that jungled all the time and in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    does he still post here? He was a real serious character. I do not think english was his first language. Curious if he still jungles this patch.

    AT&T Samsung Galaxy

      i think he got low priority and kept losing, then he just quit lol

      edit: found his profile lol

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          Im sorry, but the guy is dead about 2 month ago. He was diagnosed with lung cancer and managed to survive for about 3 months. It suprised me that he died that way because he is pretty healthy person irl, maybe because he lives near industrial builidngs. And before you ask, yes We were close friend back in junior high school.

          God bless

          Chao Vritra

            Yeah IceD Tea thats it. I loved his determination. Surprised he was such high MMR just jungling.

            Damn. Really ROger? Assuming that isnt a troll post that really sucks if true.


              Also check this guy out.
              I calculated, if a dota game lasts 40 mins, on average he has played 106 days of dragon knight. Wut

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              Chao Vritra

                wow that is insane! I thought I had a lot of pudge games. I know a guy that played nothing but omni but idk if he had that many hours


                  How does he motivate himself to play dk?you think after a while the hero gets boring.


                    @ROger if what youre saying is true where does he live?

                    Chao Vritra

                      If I ever get to 3000 games on my main herp i am hoping to have a 60 percent wr at least

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                        that dk guy probably has some dragon fetishes,probably sees himself as the hero,thats why he loves it so much or its just insanity,i knew one guy that had 2k weaver games and would always pick him and play him,with no motivation or anything,just like he was on drugs.Addicted to the hero.


                          Its 1 Ice Tea, he kept saying..


                            Also is that for real? The guy died? Thats sad if it is


                              Its better than those guy which spamming riki with dagon sb and rapier...shit that madude phantom riki always haunt me and give me a nightmare


                                srsly guys? watch this guy:


                                  I doubt he died, if so god bless his soul.
                                  He ended up getting mad that he got low p and quit Dota. I’d ask cookie I believe he was cool with him


                                    Go ask i want to know to if guy is ok


                                      Holyshit 11k slark games 😳😳


                                        Thats at least a year of his life just playing slark 😐

                                        Fee Too Pee

                                          1ce Tea really scary and skillfull if you think about it tbh

                                          He can CONSISTENTLY WIN games as carry jungler. With cost team playing 4 vs 5 early game. He managed to win and climb to 5k. He surely can farm efficiently

                                          I can’t believe its not h...

                                            There was this guy with 3k matches treant protector, and that was back patch 6.xx When i founnd it


                                              IceTea is 3K at best, he just hyperinflated his MMR by abusing Lycan jungle back then. Look at one of his last matches before he went off the grid, he lost in a normal skill game! 5K?! GIGALUL


                                                ^its because he became 5k skill at literally only jungle
                                                he sucks balls at anything else in dota


                                                  Can confirm, he was a close friend of mine irl. Had a really bad case of lung cancer. Died coughing up blood in my lap...


                                                    he is Lice tea. he will tell you he quit and threw the game once he attained his goal of 5k. and his goal all along was to quit after that mmr milestone so he doenst care about those LP games.

                                                    that's what he'd tell you.

                                                    he'd tell you he threw that normal skill game.

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                      He still used to shitpost here once every month or smth after he quit
                                                      Been awhile since I saw him around, so his death is probably true


                                                        God bless his soul. We may not know if this is real or not but if it is real i am truly sorry for his family and friend lost :(

                                                        bum farto

                                                          3K tree games was american dude around the time of Melody drama had some name like ARIA or smth I forget.