General Discussion

General Discussionits coming

its coming in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon





        holy shit, im ready for this

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          I am not playing this until after a month or so.
          This is gonna be a shitstorm and unplayable games.

          Tbh, I think Dota servers will crash from overload this night.


            pls gaben give me this


              147,7 mb to download and here we go

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                Alright, so I predict that games are going to be insane.
                Dual/triple junglers with dagons stacking hero damage.

                I also predict that Russia/EUW/EUE will crash this night.

                Have a good time.


                  you guys are panicking for no reason.

                  it's calibration time. Everyone's gonna be super-tryhard. Game quality will be better.

                  зачем я начал поиск

                    Calibration values were used to be dependent on KDA/HD solely, so it's right to expect people spamming nukers and playing not to win, but to spam skills.


                      @scarified stop pulling shit out your ass. that's speculation only. No one knows the calibration algorithm.

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                        "It's coming"...."YOUR MOM"
                        oh man, I'm dead

                        зачем я начал поиск

                          @scarified stop pulling shit out your ass. that's speculation only. No one knows the calibration algorithm.

                          Are you retarded?
                          It was well known to be based on KDA/HD long ago, hence how Zeus spam originated.
                          People are going to base their idea of how this system works by how the previous one work for the first days, obviously, so they're going to spam damage dealing shit.

                          Idk, maybe English-speaking twitch calibration/boosting streamers are banned, for I have no idea how one would not know that.

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                          Story Time

                            Calibration values were used to be dependent on KDA/HD solely, so it's right to expect people spamming nukers and playing not to win, but to spam skills.

                            This myth about KDA is surely disturbing, esecially since people do not even understand that A stand for assists too :D But honestly kda does not matter anymore, now even wards spamming is more beneficial

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              apparently its bugged and every1 gets thrown into heald tier after their 1st cali game

                              guess ill go to bed and calibrate tomorrow

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                and also strict solo mms not working SICK


                                  Nope. This is hearthstone ranking. No Bug at all. And also i rl like it.