General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are people misunderstanding new ranked seasons system?

Why are people misunderstanding new ranked seasons system? in General Discussion
Shadows Die Twice

    Wtf is wrong with you guys? I see numerous topics on DB on how there will be no mmr at all, how badge+star=mmr and shit.
    There will be mmr same as now, the same number that describes the misery of each and every one of you. The only difference is that you will recalibrate periodically, every 6 months. Badges and stars will be used in order to be easier to checks someones 'skill' before game starts and it will be displayed on profile of each player, rather than giving ppl ability to choose will they display their mmr or not. It won't give exact mmr number, but it will show the 'bracket'.


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    Riguma Borusu

      because dota and lol players have high IQ



        cuz people are retarded. im glad they're doing this im sick of people displaying high mmr's when its not accurate anymore cuz they never play any ranked solo games. for instance one guy on my friends list has 5.3k solo but has played about 10 solo ranked games in the last 12 months. it pisses me off cuz hes not 5k anymore but still acts like it.

        meteor hammer

          idc mmr i care badges


            It will be a mmr reset and than you can recalibrate every 6 mounts


              Means MMR will be fixed for 6 months and you get a variable medal..

              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                The calibration is use to stop mmr inflation. To those player who play 100 games dota a week that climb mmr up to 6k despite having a measly 51% ranked winrate.

                If you have patience, you'll eventually reach high mmr with high amount of games.

                Now that we have 'reset' for every season, each season is a new beginning.


                  The nice thing is u can immortalize your old mmr in profile after new badge update... sweet lord i get a exact 1000 mmr. I was expecting a 999 mmr. Was climbed from 875...