General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get rid of laziness?

How to get rid of laziness? in General Discussion

    I think I'm getting lazier day by day this ain't good for me


      find a good mix of responsibility, passion, and change of routine

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        It's a matter of fate and luck.

        BSJ. LGD

          drugs of course

          зачем я начал поиск

            There is laziness and there is not wanting to do something you don't like. These 2 are different, but very easy to confuse.
            E.g. I've spent like 3 hours preparing electric guitar homework last sunday, but I struggle to force myself to write a short report for university classes.

            I am resistant to performing something, which I subjectively find useless. The only reason I have to comply to the university orders is diploma. Although, recently, I struggle to motivate myself even by it.

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              If you're lazy, force yourself to go do something every day, even if it's simple like going for a short walk.

              If you don't want to do something that you know you should be doing, force yourself to do it for at least 15 minutes or however long you find not to be awful but a small start. Starting is the toughest part, but if you break it up into shorter smaller manageable periods of time, it won't be that bad.

              Of course, I'm pretty damn lazy and hate doing stuff. "Do as I say, not as I do." -some famous person, probably Hitler?

              submissive & breedable fe...

                ^^^^^ this one actually make me doing my homework wtf

                Player 153433446

                  Its all about your physical health.
                  If you have a good diet and exercise , you wont be able to sit down
                  Clean your joke

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                    exercisng can help

                    Riguma Borusu


                      69 god

                        Do whatever , just stay out of your 'comfort zone' . Once you enter it, you won't be able to get out. If you're already into it, get out. Do whatever. Walk , run , jog , skip. But get out of it. It won't let you do other work.


                          people often get lazy when life is going by without any financial, medical, or family issues. you get used to mediocrity.

                          sometimes it takes a break-up, a job loss, or a severe medical condition to turn your life around. something drastic to get you out of your chair.


                            I'll try walking at least once a week then twice and so on and I'll do exercise you're all much more helpful than my friends :'(


                              hyt the gim


                                pick a thing you'd like to do every day or every other
                                find somebody willing to pay you for doing that thing
                                try to not have your penis involved if possible

                                i was writing bots for old videogames when i came home from my old job.
                                now i work as a programmer, life became much better


                                  What do u mean by lazy? There is no such thing as being lazy. Are u too lazy to play Dota? Probably not. You should clarify what you want to achieve & what do u mean by not being lazy in your situation.


                                    As an incredibly lazy person myself, I find that if I need to get something done, I need to have an ever bigger task that I do not want to do. So while I'm procrastinating for the big task, I end up doing the smaller tasks easily