General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar mid

Huskar mid in General Discussion
Story Time

    why so few huskars mid? He can legitly win versus zeus for example


      He can win vs anyone except maybe mepo or enemie with oracle or some healer shit who can rotate


        i mean yeah huskar will win mid in like 80% of the matchups. he'll lose to things like tinker, viper, razor. Personally I almost always play huskar mid. Helps to get him ahead early.


          Huskar is a weak laner lvl 1, and he is susceptible to ganks
          He lacks wave clear
          Not the worst mid but he prefers a safer lane for early farm, then he gets armlet morbid in the free lane that he zoned the enemy offlaner from then goes rosh and starts fighting.


            He's super-hard countered by nullifier now.

            Riguma Borusu

              he has an ability that purges the nullifier and it is on a lower cooldown than the nullifier


                He is actually not a good mid laner - low base dmg, low armor, low range, low ms, easy to gank etc. Before he gets armlet he is actually not that great in lane. Till like lvl 4 there are actually many heroes Who destroy him in lane. He needs protection till armlet. It's essencial for him to hit a good armlet timing or he falls off pretty hard.

                casual gamer

                  Winning mid against Zeus = special olympics champion


                    I won 10/12 past mid husk games. If you block the first wave of creeps you can easily zone out whoever else is mid with your burning spears. If you got vision and map awareness hes a viable mid hero. Sure tinker can counter you but he is stronger than he seems early on 1v1. I always bring a heal pot and fr fire after harassing in the beginning. And if the other mid doesn't have a pot you are pretty set on dominating the lane. And anyone who can hold them in place like rhasta even makes it easier for you to kill the mid at lvl 3 even.


                      Doesn’t really matter about nullifier/life break cooldowns - it’s just to stop his armlet toggling post-ulti (and hopefully also purge inner vitality)


                        Huskar is the easiest to dumpster early. All you have to do is just hit him and he dies.


                          how is nullifier a huskar counter?
                          late game his toggling doesnt matter at all, u can almost leave armlet on permanently and not give af
                          if anything u want a silver edge or halberd or silence or hard disables like abyssal and hex
                          kiting tools like force staff, saves like ghost scepter, glimmer cape


                            Blood vessel's hp generation negation seems countering huskar hard


                              huskar is definitely a mid hero in 1k. i couldnt win with him in the safelane in 1k.


                                U can do anything in 1k

                                Fee Too Pee

                                  he is strong 1 vs 1. But at mid, huskar easily gankable

                                  Despite he is strong at early to mid. One way to shut him down, the easiest way is : trash him from early game

                                  Story Time

                                    what about huskar IO mid dual?

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      But then you have IO in your pub.

                                      but in not that bad, but i always prefer dazzle

                                      see my recent if you want some reference for playing huskar. i am 3.7k - 4k mmr scrub. but i confident in my huskar. easy recent ranked games


                                        U don't need a lane partner in mid
                                        U just want a dazzle ready to tp
                                        Which is again why u wud rather be in safelane
                                        Cuz now ur dazzle is always there


                                          well as ppl said the hero cant afford to lose early lane or he will not snowball and be shit

                                          зачем я начал поиск

                                            I don't know shit about Huskar, nor about mid.
                                            All I know is that he can't deal with summons/illusions. In fact, any hero I can think of with summoned units rapes Huskar hard.

                                            He is strong 1v1 vs heroes without summons/illusions.

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                                            Story Time

                                              ^not every mid should be able to deal with summons illusions. You also have one more carry safelane who could be sven, you know?
                                              PS also IO does not exclude dazzle in team

                                              Jonas Kahnwald

                                                Huskar early mid lane is bad, honestly. Except you dealing against Zues, Ember Spirit.

                                                His weakness is position.

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                                                  Huskar doesn't just struggle against illusions
                                                  He is down right completely countered by em
                                                  Tb, pl, ck completely shit stomp him
                                                  Not all summons are as problematic, he is fine against bm and np but brood also shits on him.

                                                  Also completely unpickable against aa.