General Discussion

General DiscussionCentaur 7.07

Centaur 7.07 in General Discussion

    I just can't understand why Cent have such low pickrate of 5%+ this patch when he is one of the best offlaner that could sweep around jungle considering being an Offlaner is more brutal this patch.

    He has 57% winrate though.

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      Hes boring


        Centaur isn't boring at all. Your ult is global, which means you'll have to keep an eye out all the time instead of right clicking creeps for 30 mins like a TB or AM. Centaur leads team fights (which requires good decision-making as to when to blink in and who to blink on), applies lots of active items (pipe, crimson, shiva), and requires nerves of steel to pull off those last minute double edges when you have <10% hp yourself.

        The reason Centaur isn't picked very often is because there are better offlane options. Underlord for example, does the same things Centaur does, but better. He can clear waves, is impossible to go HG against, and is tanky af. Sandking, Void, Necro, etc are all other options.

        Centaur is really easy to zone out in the offlane. Sure, Centaur can fall to jungle, but if you're going to jungle it's better to pick Axe or Enigma. Centaur can't really jungle very efficiently till he has a few levels on return.

        On the contrary, something like Void isn't easily zoned out because he doesn't care if three heroes waste their spells on him, he can just timewalk back to safety and have 100% hp returned.


          I totally forgot about the hero despite having 70% winrate before he became op lmao

          ^Agree, he's still one of the best picks vs heavy right-click lineups and it's always fun to watch Windrunner suicide on the passive

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          Riguma Borusu

            centaur was kinda really hit by the PMS nerf, it made trading against him very hard unless you had some form of sustain

            Dire Wolf

              I think the main reason is his hoof stomp cast point sucks. Obviously cent and slardar are very different heroes, but cent cast point is .5 seconds, much harder to land than slardar's .35, plus slardar's radius is 350 compared to 315, and slardar's has a slow after. Something about that animation just makes it very tough. Axe is easier to harrass with in lane and has like equal team fight control. Cent is mostly for the aghs ult I feel and level 25 return aura but it takes a long time to get there.


                I believe, Hoof stomp cast animation has been changed to .4 in this patch, that's huge though.

                I really love to pick Cent on my bracket because they love hitting me even with BM. His ult is the greatest asset of the team.

                Potato Marshal

                  They only changed the neutral centaur's stomp cast points. Centaur Warrunner is pretty much the same hero with only very minor talent reworks.

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                  casual gamer

                    Centaur conqueror > centaur warrunner 4Head

                    Dire Wolf

                      Look at the win rate increase over his base when he hits 25 and gets aura. His win rate with that talent is almost 70%, compared to 57% overall, +13%. Some other top win rate heroes, medusa a late game monster with a super op 25 talent also jumps 13% from 55% to 68%. TB goes from 52 to 64%. So you can see how good that aura is on cent, makes him probably the highest win rate at 25.


                        imo lots of games you only get to lvl 25 because you are winning already.


                          He also has nukes, unlike slardar, and level 4 Slithereen Crush's duration on level 1.


                            "imo lots of games you only get to lvl 25 because you are winning already."
                            There are a lot of statistics that only make people confused if they take them out of context.
                            Same with a lot of aggressive talents that have smaller pick rate but better win rate (like a small attack increase vs a medium armor increased); people won't go defensive when they're winning.
                            It's somewhat like people saying how divine rapier has a huge win rate, but that is also because it will be in the inventory of the winning team most likely when the game ends.

                            A rough example how it works if you only look at games where Centaur hits lvl 25:
                            50 percent of games only the winner's side get level 25 on pos 2 and under. The other 50% both team gets lvl 25. So the latter has centaur's base win rate (57%), adding to that the former where Centaur has a hundred percent win rate ((57 + 100) / 2) it equals to 78,5 percent win rate overall. Of course the games won't be divided THAT clearly with the exact numbers making up half and half, but that's roughly the idea.

                            You can always never neglect that positions 2 through maybe 4 at best can work according to this formula in a neutral manner.

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                              Miss the old cent :c

                              Riguma Borusu

                                what is the old cent


                                  He used to gain extra 15/30/45 STR from his ultimate(just like Drow's ult, but STR)

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                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    Well at least he isn't picked any other game like in 7.02
                                    That 70% aghs ult damage reduction was stupid
                                    40% is much more reasonable, and still viable

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                                      yeah old centaur was much better because he was tanky af. you could just do 1 lvl in stun and max stats, and get ult and end up with 2k hp at very early levels. easy rad farm, dagger, and rape.


                                        hoof stomp stun is way way longer than crush now
                                        it used to be that crush was way better but do remember that they nerfed the crap out of crush, making it similar if not worse than hoof stomp imo


                                          Old centur had balls to insult,I mean his skill , one of his was "Insult"

                                          Riguma Borusu


                                            All nearby enemy units immediately switch targets and attack the Warchief.
                                            Cast Animation: 0.5+0.51
                                            Radius: 200/350/500/700
                                            Cooldown 30/20/10/5
                                            Mana 50

                                            This ability got replaced by Double Edge in the 5.58 gameplay patch.
                                            Upon cast, all enemy units within the radius are issued an attack command on Centaur Warrunner.
                                            Since it's one simple attack order, the units are not disabled in any way. Receiving a new order will cancel the attack order.
                                            This also means it won't affect units which can't attack at all, since they can't receive an attack order.
                                            Does not stop units from casting spells, so it does not interrupt channeling abilities.


                                            THIS IS LITERALLY THE WORST ABILITY THAT EVER EXISTED IN DOTA

                                            it is a taunt that is cancelled by issuing another order to the unit

                                            jesus fucking christ

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              That ability is just insulting.


                                                its actually like call, but 10000x shittier

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  my point was at 25 he has a huge win rate spike more than other heroes. All heroes win a lot at 25. It just means return aura is really strong, as we already knew. Getting to 25 is kinda hard though.