General Discussion

General DiscussionPangolier Swashbuckle: 2 naked javelins do more damage than diffusal ...

Pangolier Swashbuckle: 2 naked javelins do more damage than diffusal + MKB COMBINED in General Discussion

    I was testing and I found that 2 naked javelins with maxed out swashbuckle do way more damage than either a Difusal or mkb, and if the RNG works out it can actually do more than both items combined(only for swashbuckle, not auto attacks of course). 3 Javelins will actually do more than both items combined quite consistently. 4 or more you get diminishing returns since you are just giving each attack a chance to proc the 100 damage. Also the type of damage makes it great for clearing waves as well where as a difusal only works on jungle creeps and ranged creeps, plus even catapults take a lot of damage from the pure nuke.

    I am not exactly sure what to do with this information. I could either:

    a. go phase/oov/aquila/3 javelins then build that into basher/mkb later or just farm a radiance or something


    b. just fucking support, run around with a 600 damage nuke with an 8 second cd with no need to buy any items

    any other suggestions?

    Also for the record mjolnir is complete garbage dps wise since it will only proc once


      Hey that's mildly adequate

      Story Time

        Javeline is so buffed, that for example windranger also is highly interested in buying naked javeline just for procs

        Player 153433446

          Javelin damage output is the same or less, just gives accuracy
          Stop posting nonsense

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Javelin is like a solo Maelstrom with half the price