General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is PA so good?

Why is PA so good? in General Discussion

    Is it her ability to get cs as a melee hero even when up against a bad lane?

    Is it her 4 second slow on 7 second cooldown?

    Is it her ability to 2 shot supports?

    Is it how insanely good she looks with an arcana and the creeping shadow set?

    Idk, she just seems too good.

    Riguma Borusu

      she's good against 0 armor heroes that are popular right now

      but at the same time you can misplay and die to them, and decrep/shroud are particularly annoying

      Story Time

        i would say situational. U like her only until u meet some of her counters in the game

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          pa isnt good. she is quite bad actually, one of the worst carries in the game right now.

          meteor hammer

            infinite chase, high burst and solo rosh potential, blur

            shes only op in low skill matches though


              PA is not over- powered but the contrary

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                If PA doesn't snowball hard enough with Deso and has to burn BKB to 5 sec early
                Which is like her only power spike
                It's GG

                chicken spook,,,,

                  no, she's bad rn


                    In lower bracket on SEA server, she has no counter.

                    paNightmare mirror

                      Pretty OP dagger makes her fearsome killer in early/mid game

                      pls dont let the celtikkk...

                        No one actually knows how to play against her in lower mmr brakcets lul

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                          headdress pa

                          meteor hammer

                            they specifically nerfed that guys headress rush no dagger strat because it was op, u cant start with headdress now


                            i dont like cats

                              She is a decent last pick for pub matches in the sub 4k bracket. If you pick her too early and don't snowball after the laning phase, your game impact will be minimal unless your team tanks all the damage for you.

                              Every time I play vs a PA I just pick bane and ask my team to pick heroes with a decent nuke.


                                i literally shit on 2k matches with pa
                                its fucknig dumb how easy it is, given u get a decent lane (safe or mid with no fuckery from ur teammates)
                                deso at 13 min = free win
                                she isnt op tho people r just dumb af
                                u start getting into halberd + mkb territory and game gets hard


                                  i think u go MoM on her now tho


                                    x6's pa offllane with headdress and max blur was legit


                                      jk she is OP
                                      idk wtf just happened tbh

                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        given u get a decent lane

                                        then it's not easy, duh


                                          Like others have mentioned, way too easy at lower brackets, although playing against nukers and heroes with good escape is annoying. Also always feel like I have worse luck with crits than my opponents lol.

                                          Someone mentioned sub 4k, that's interesting cause I thought it would have been about 3k at most.


                                            The +25 agility talent is far superior to a second stifling dagger since the second dagger is completely random. Compared to 25 extra damage and attack speed which is multiplied by her 4.5x crit. Better to just focus on killing one hero first, then if you need to go On another hero it’s easy enough to catch up to them and cast it against the cooldown is slow low.

                                            I honestly don’t know what you could do with the hero for an aghs upgrade that isn’t either OP or complete crap. She needs at the least a slot for boots, Basher, bkb and an armour reduction item (deso or AC) and a lifesteal item - sticking with raw mask and a late satanic is better than vlads imo.

                                            That only leaves one empty slot which you either want a situational damage item (MKB, diffusal, battlefury) or situational defensive or utility (skadi, manta, AC if you went deso).

                                            The stats of an aghs are very meh. No aghs upgrades upgrade passive skills which means that either it has to upgrade her two basic skills or add a 3rd new one altogether (or make one of the passives activateable).

                                            As the talent shows simply adding more daggers is less useful an ability (QoPs aoe shadow strike is an even shorter cooldown and does basically the same thing). Also just upgrading the damage or whatever would be underwhelming. There’s not much else that can be changed about blink strike either.


                                              you got 10% lifesteal from talent 15lvl. With higher damage you don`t need so much % of lifesteal. I avoid lifesteal items on her.
                                              And only one reason why is she so good in normal skill, is because people don`t know to play vs her. And they go only for mbk, but with not so good farm you will see mbk around 40min, and pa can get really fat. And heroes like Bane, doom, abaddon, razzor, aren`t popular or aren`t in meta.


                                                When PA meets magic bursting hero 😂

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  And heroes like Bane, doom, abaddon, razzor, aren`t popular or aren`t in meta.

                                                  green heroes.


                                                    Well a PA can see majority of the patients that a doctor can and the hospital can pay them a lot less so there you go .

                                                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                      The state of Pennsylvania? I think it's pretty decent, never been there though

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                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        You can see she gets progressively worse in every higher bracket

                                                        < 2K - 53.67%, 2K-3K 52.91%, 3K-4K 52.31%, 4K-5K 50.87%, 5K+ 49.94%

                                                        I think the explanation is simple, she fights well early but gets out farmed easily by real carries and must snowball to win. But in 2k, 3k, people suck at farming so they won't get silver edge or mkb to come kick her ass until she's already like 10-2-3 and killing your rax. Plus supports at higher levels are less likely to be out of position and feed her.

                                                        Anyway I think she's a pretty good hero in the meta, can fight all those annoying fuckers like veno, pugna, necro early, though decrp and shroud hurt obviously, but main thing is she's very straightforward to play. Just dagger people in lane, run at people later, don't worry as much about farming. And you can pick the same build every game and it'll mostly work out, like phase, casual mask, deso, basher, bkb, satanic, end game.


                                                          Garbage hero, STF op kid!


                                                            I'm 2k if u get Deso at 12 min u instantly win


                                                              How can people say she is OP i dont get it ... Even at 3.5k you are snowballing early game due to deso and lvl 2-3 ult, then enemy carry builds a mkb, supports get euls/ghost/hp etc. and she gets shit on.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Game is usually over by that point cus people suck at farming those items.

                                                                Player 281121816



                                                                    U just go Deso diffusal linkens and u can beat necro


                                                                      I think the 20 movespeed is more useful than 10% lifesteal whichbyou only get at level 15. Buffing it to 25 movespeed so it’s a little better than a free windlace would be one of those ridiculous small buffs which icefraud sometimes makes which I would support.

                                                                      With the right support she can even win against harder carries. Eg went mid once and trashed a sniper in the lane (actually had a rotation to help for once omg), so the enemy ogre had to end up sitting mid to baby sit the sniper after that. The enemy safelane CK would have been a problem but we had an Enigma one our team so in the duration of black hole I was able to kill the CK and all his illusions (BF is still good on her as a mid game item rather than a rushed item as used to be to build).

                                                                      meteor hammer

                                                                        lifesteals way better


                                                                          Why TF do u need 20 Ms when u have phase and a kiting tool on a 6 second CD?


                                                                            So you can run to fights faster. You get the same lifesteal from a mask and get 10 extra damage and it builds into satanic later.

                                                                            But next patch when it’s buffed to 25 movespeed it will be even better.


                                                                              u dont want a mask when ur trying to snowball, and its actually fine and good to stack both and have 20% lifesteal
                                                                              movespeed is literally useless on the hero, ur not a hero who is susceptible to getting kited, and the amount of movespeed is shit too
                                                                              if u were an ursa or lifestealer, and the movespeed in ur talent was 50 or smth, then id consider


                                                                                I tried your satanic rush jd. I just feed like a bitch. This hero doesn't feel strong at all when I'm playing her. If you're not ahead u can't two shot ppl then u get caught out and die. Then when necro gets ghost scepter and supports get glimmers wtf do I do. Jesus

                                                                                But I'm just very bad at positioning

                                                                                meteor hammer

                                                                                  i dont think it's the best build always but if i want raw dps instead of lockdown after deso satanic fixes hp and gives more damage for 1 slot

                                                                                  usually bash/diff/bkb is preferrable in a real game i guess although you dont wanna get bkb too early

                                                                                  idk pas one of my favorite heroes


                                                                                    Yeah anyone who just watched Liquid vs VP game 2 at ESL and the performance of Miracle on PA would see how strong the hero is.


                                                                                      ^she isnt OP
                                                                                      she is just situationally strong and super reliant on the early item timings
                                                                                      every dmg item pickup is crucial, especially desolator
                                                                                      the later ur deso the less effective u r

                                                                                      Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                                        Far from OP, but if I wanna point something out, it's because of Dota's """random""" mechanics.

                                                                                        Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                                                                          is battlefury still good on her?


                                                                                            not rlly
                                                                                            highly situational