General Discussion

General DiscussionThis behavior score thing.

This behavior score thing. in General Discussion

    I have never in my life, been matched with so many throwers, and flamers/ racist players in my life.
    I ended up abandoning 3 games during the hurricane that hit florida (idk why I kept trying to play was bored) then I took a break from dota and came back and my behavior grade was an F.

    Every single game I have been put into since I started playing again I have to mute at least 2 players on my team (enemy team always raging as well)

    I want to get the behavior score up again, at what behavior score grade do games become normal again lol

    mid or safe farm

      On C games are becoming somewhat normal. Im F on my main and for now i cant stand playing there.Its awfull.

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      Riguma Borusu

        I think you want at least B but C is not that bad. I am permalocked in F because I abandon as I please (not because I am a toxic shit that gets 20 reports per 25 games), so the people I see down here are.... very questionable in general. It was fine up until valve tweaked parameters to make the system biased towards the F pool - so that EVERYONE in F pool games is from the F pool, and not sometimes mixed with C/D which used to be the case. Now queue times are huge and everyone is retarded (both teams, I can't say it is only my team when about 1/3 of the games the enemy has dual jungle or no courier or some absurd shit like that, just like it happens in my team).

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          exactly same happened to me, i got reported to low prio, once i went out of it, games are the worst you can experience in dota, every second game is no support game, even if someone picks support, they dont buy wards or anything, its just pure cancer.
          Fuck this shit

          Livin' Real Good

            B doesn't exist does it?

            Cause I was in D- when this system started a week and a half ago and games were basically unwinnable game after game, then I got to D, still pretty bad, then C- was a mixture, then once I got to C I just can't stop winning, i'm getting nice teammates literally every game, at this rate i'll be back to 5.0k in no time. (not gonna jinx myself though, knock on wood) but seriously the teammates i'm getting never give up or flame the moment I got C. Now I no longer have C grade, it says " normal " now, I don't think B exist, " normal " is the highest you can go.

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            Riguma Borusu

              Well, A and B used to exist for a very brief period of time, but they were quickly replaced by "normal" which initially meant "uncalibrated" (you still had your numerical score in the database, but it wasn't calculated into a grade yet).

              When I say B I really mean "normal but one fuckup away from C", because you can have a BHS so high that you need multiple fuckups to even get to C (let's call this A).

              Valve removed all categories above C because it doesn't really matter for matchmaking (since they want to prioritize trash playing with trash, and they don't mind moderately bad players playing with okay and good players), but it definitely keeps track of things.

              Under the hood, BHS is still a number, grade is just a division you belong to.

              Imagine it is like this:

              F 0k - 2k
              D 2k - 4k
              C 4k - 6k
              Normal - 6-10k

              Grade - old BHS value

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                Can confirm, C is where things start getting good and in Normal you barely see any more hardcore ragers.


                  Toxic people don't like to get paired with toxic people.


                    Condolences dude. Try to reach at least C, even tho you'll still find ragers and retards. The fastest way to get away from a trash bhs is, paradoxically, getting stuck in low priority since you can't get reported there. Make sure you lose every game in lp so you won't get out (but don't abandon) before your bhs is fixed, it will take like 3-4 conduct summary updates. Mute everyone and just try "new builds" on heroes or just go afk farming.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^your winrate has been going down steadily for about a year, I don't think BHS has anything to do with it on average

                      also I don't think LPQ games count towards BHS updates, I'd need some empirical data for that

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                        Stop blaming everything on bhs lmao. If you didnt know about the existence of bhs, u would blame something else. Just have to blame something u know. Otherwise ur losses might actually be your fault, gotta keep that nonsense away.


                          ^^Like I said when we talked in other threads, I've always had internet issues and got a lot of abandons that led me to having a terrible enviroiment in my games. This didn't happen yesterday or a week ago, it happened when I was still in high 2k-low 3k (about 2 years ago if I'm not mistaken). So basically I've been playing under these conditions forever, problem is that at some point I just lost my mind and became toxic myself, started throwing games and afk flaming (while still getting abandons), that's why my winrate dropped steadily in the last year. I'd think it's about my skills, but then why was I perfectly confortable in the 4.5-4.6k avg games I played and in 4k in general?

                          Recently I had a D bhs who then got updated to C, then I got 2 abandons and ended up in lp with a C- bhs. I got stuck there for a while and received a summary conduct update where my bhs was still C- (stating I had no reports but still the previous 2 abandons), then in the next and last conduct update I got a C again (the 2 abandons were still being counted but no reports again). I've read about other people using lp to clear their conduct summary here on dotabuff since apparently not getting reported is what matters, and for me it worked.

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                            Toxic people are not equal to toxic people, i admit i am toxic, i rage, i call teammates idiots, horsefuckers etc. But i never give up, feed, or do any other shit so i could lose or be afk. And when i am paired up with the former kind, i really see no use in playing dota anymore


                              Toxic people are not equal to toxic people,

                              say what nigga?


                                Haha SLQ. Stop giving the excuse that you're there because u abandon. You are a toxic piece of shit

                                ANDREW TATE

                                  Your behaviour score is only F and u are complaining and whining? Wait till u get to grade F- like me and u literally have to mute all.

                                  Yes, my queue time is never less than 10mind

                                  1st class tourist

                                    There is f-? I had bs of 1 before update now its f

                                    ANDREW TATE

                                      Yes. Maybe after the update your bs went up or something.. my bs before update was 23. I never hit bs of 1 and i wanted let cookie to experiment low behaviour games


                                        @kormoranas exactly.

                                        C bhs is still trash btw, just played 2 ranked games and in both of them there were 4 cores with 2 people offending each other for mid, in one an Alche who went afk jungling 'cause Seeker stole his lane, a Magnus who was trash and in the other one a Necro stealing the offlane from a guy who then went afk jungling with Mirana, then Necro went afk jungling and I had to spend the entire game begging people to gather and push and solo supporting in both games. This game is so fucking stressful, don't play ranked 'till you have a normal bhs.

                                        @diox edgy kid what excuse lmao, idk why you still think I'm interested in justifying myself and finding excuses on a online forum, for a game. I've always been competitive by nature, but this levels of toxicity are reachable only if you're forced to play for years in what looks like a psychiatric hospital. I'm just glad I'll get out of this relatively soon 'cause I listened to the tips of other people on the forum.

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                                          Aight. All the best in your journey to being less toxic I Guess.


                                            Omg we.. we just stopped arguing. Err.. gl with your games.