General Discussion

General DiscussionCreep aggro

Creep aggro in General Discussion
Friendly player

    When should i creep aggro in midlane?


      mostly it's to kill the range creep and getting safer lasthits, you can also use it to keep one of your creeps in mid HP to get free harass onto idiots.

      Riguma Borusu

        remember to blood rage the enemy ranged creep
        remember to blood rage the enemy ranged creep
        remember to blood rage the enemy ranged creep
        remember to blood rage the enemy ranged creep
        remember to blood rage the enemy ranged creep
        remember to blood rage the enemy ranged creep
        remember to blood rage the enemy ranged creep
        remember to blood rage the enemy ranged creep
        remember to blood rage the enemy ranged creep
        remember to blood rage the enemy ranged creep
        remember to blood rage the enemy ranged creep
        remember to blood rage the enemy ranged creep
        remember to blood rage the enemy ranged creep
        remember to blood rage the enemy ranged creep

        Ce commentaire a été édité

          you can also use it to keep one of your creeps in mid HP to get free harass onto idiots.

          can pls explain more? Sorry I am an idiot


            enemy creeps aggro onto you, they'll start running around, that means if one of your creeps is near LH but not there yet you just pull aggro and the opponent is waiting for a last hit there

            so he gets tunnelvision onto that last hit and you fuck him because nothing is hitting that creep.


              Always lmao

              Creep aggro has tons of uses.

              Friendly player

                Alright do you mind sharing what kind of uses does it have?


                  That lh tunnel vision is the bane of 2k laning tbh
                  I feel myself do it and see enemies do it


                    Securing last hits - just when the creep is about to die, use creep aggro. The nearer you are to the creeps the higher chance you will get the last hit, this applies to your enemy as well because he will be farther or be out of range (you wont get harassed as well)

                    Using creep aggro to harass ( what cookie mentioned)

                    Maintaining creep equilibrium

                    Performing double waves

                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                      Im want to write down some more but typing on a phone is a pain.


                        Makes sense. come to think of it, i do some of these unconsciously, but not at an effective rate perhaps. I do the deny ranged creep every opportunity I get though and most high 2ks don't realize how much its worth until theyre a few levels behind


                          What's the concept behind double waves? When do you do it and how?

                          Friendly player

                            In 1k i find creep aggro useful only if i want to get my 2 ranged creeps below half hp so i can deny. My opponent is going to auto hit creeps anyway and give me free gold and xp.


                              there are guides for double waving just google em


                                If you keep pulling aggro, the enemy creeps will take more damage than your own wave since 2.3 sec is the time wherein the enemy wave is walking towards you while your own creeps are hitting the enemy wave. Thus, it imbalances creep equilibrium especially when you draw aggro the enemy wave towards your ranged creep; this in turn makes the enemy wave stronger and pushes faster since the enemy ranged creep is still preseny while yours is dead. How to create double waves? In the early game(first 12 mins), you can freely hit the enemy creeps to kill their waves faster but this is not recommended unless the enemy mid/offlaner is missing thus making your double wave deal massive damage to their t1 tower or maybe even destroying it before they can react. Double waves are not useful when the enemy is in your lane because pushing the wave will just help them get more exp. This is the reason why offlaners in lower brackets thrive and become strong because poor creep equilibrium management.

                                meteor hammer

                                  u can fuck other lh, here how

                                  aggro enemy melee creep about to hit ur melee creep

                                  enemy melee creep stops his attack on ur melee creep, ur melee creep doesnt lose hp, enemy mistimes his lh because enemy creep has 15/30 more hp because you stopped 1/2 sword swings on him in a short time

                                  if hes dumb he wont realize what ur doing right away either lmao


                                    Double waving in the midlane is useful even if the enemy is in lane, mostly against weak early heroes who can't lh under tower (invoker, sniper, sf)

                                    Friendly player

                                      sf can last hit under tower with no problem actually obviously with bonus damage


                                        wait until SF going in with the double waves