General Discussion

General DiscussionClinkz gameplay

Clinkz gameplay in General Discussion

    Guys im trying to raise my mmr with clinkz... How the fuck do you play this guy really, so many games i have a fantastic start i gank and kill non stop and then they just 5 man group up and start fucking my team left and right. I tried splitpushing, they fuck my team up and then tp to me and stop my push, i tried team fighting but its impossible without decent team comp.
    A great example is my last game :

    I really want to improve my game on this hero, but this seems that i dont know how to play it properly after the gank phase is done and they 5 man steamroll us.


      Clinkz is too easy to counter and doesn't recover from a bad lane. Don't rely on that hero :)


        ^he says abt the 4th highest winrate hero in 5k+


          there are not many spammers, at least last i checked, so its not very easy to find a lot of replays for analysis. but the hero is certainly in the meta because while he does struggle after a bad laning stage, he wins almost all 1-2 opponent lanes (with a little help at the start) and is really strong in early fights as well as pushing.

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            Thats the think, i have a very good laning phase with him, and a very good early-mid game, but i cant usually end it right there, and if the other team gathers up into 5 and my team cant team fight i loose the game even with a godlike streak ... and im sure there has to be a way to win these kind of games, i tried splitpushing they just destroy my team and tp back to me ) like in the game i showed


              Clinkz is too easy to counter and doesn't recover from a bad lane. Don't rely on that hero :)

              Rofl what

              chicken spook,,,,

                Because clinkz is not a teamfight hero
                Just rat and find pickoffs if you're sure there's no good teamfight to take like anyone else would


                  Because clinkz is not a teamfight hero

                  Reckon Clinkz works like any other glass cannon in teamfights, stay on the edges and burst someone down

                  EDIT: I get what you're saying, and I think you agree. Not to say that he's a huge teamfight hero with teamfight abilities, but has an impact nonetheless

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                  Riguma Borusu

                    "I can't teamfight with clinkz"
                    "Also, what is a BKB I don't know"


                      I watched the replay, i was on top of the networth chart for 35 min. 2nd and 3rd place was also my team. We go gank a lone WK in jungle on min 37, hes team comes to help i get hooked while hitting WK under stafe, he hooked from far away i doubt i could avoid that in any case, then axe blinks in and bers calls me and they kill me, then they procede to kill my team. Noone has buybacks and they just proceed to take mid. How would a bkb help me here ??? And how would splitpushing help ? creeps were far from their base they would just kill my teammates and proceed to take rax ... so i am really baffled here, my team is on first 3 places on networth, we loose 1 fight and game over ...

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                      chicken spook,,,,

                        Most people don't get this = Never kill WK first

                        Riguma Borusu

                          You have no excuse to be caught out like that as a clinkz. Unlike most heroes, clinkz has the ability to scout around the area thoroughly before comitting to anything. He's fast and invisible, and the enemy team can't place wards on the whole map. It's 100% on you man. If the enemy has shit like axe/lc and pudge/beastmaster (at which point nothing except teammates with saves will save you if you get initiated on), you have to play very cautiously.

                          Why did you believe the enemy wk was ALONE in the woods at 35 minutes into the game, with nobody in the vicinity to help him if somebody jumps him? Even in low MMR, people gather pretty closely. The first thing I think when I see the enemy carry farming the woods 40 minutes into the game is "hmm his team is probably around" and not "OMFG LONE WK LETS KILL HIM!!11").

                          And I wasn't referring to that game. You LITERALLY NEVER BUY A BKB on clinkz, if your opponents were smarter you wouldn't win a single game because they'd just buy fucking halberds.

                          Fundamentally, you lack game sense, map awareness, general ability to predict movements, as well as recognizing threat levels. If you initiate on a wk while having no sight of axe and pudge and not knowing where they could be, you deserve to lose. If you are hard countered by two heroes on the enemy team, you have to make sure they are out of the picture before you commit to something.

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                          chicken spook,,,,

                            stay on the edges and burst someone down

                            Know which hero you can remove quickly and know which one you can't
                            Know which hero is a threat to you and take care until you see an opening (cooldown, no mana, hero is far away with no tp, etc)
                            This applies to any hero actually

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                              clinx isnt even a glass cannon he is actually quite tanky with death pact and he usually builds stuff like ac or butterfly

                              Riguma Borusu

                                ^This. I remember aiming to kill clinkz on blademail one time, only to realize he has 27 armor and 2.8k HP. Then I just said okay.jpg and killed the enemy AA.

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  Early game kills, get fat, win fights


                                    U should have at least 15k tower dmg every game, then you are doing something right


                                      Did u see the clip of sccc clinx literally 1 shot 2 heroes with a DD rune?
                                      He has deathpact, daedalus, mkb, Deso, ac, dd rune, and just 1.7k dmg crits rubick from full hp lmao


                                        Did u see a clip of rab8 not giving a fuck about backdoor protection and just clearing a lane of rax

                                        Pale Mannie

                                          you gotta kill the backliners as clinkz


                                            I dun know how to say that clinkz-
                                            He can kill any hero with orchid in early game esp invoker .
                                            In the late game - they have tank heros like wk,axe,pudge and necro .
                                            You can not kill them when they are stick always . U need to pressure the lane and create space for teammate to get fat .
                                            Later attack roshan and claim the aegis and push lane together -
                                            It will help you to win the game but you know this is dota (anything can happen)

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              Imagine you play clinkz, but against void, windranger, axe and invoker. Plus AA is also there.

                                              Pretty hard game, right? So what are you going to do, lose every fight and blame your teammates?

                                              No, you split push.

                                              I kept the lanes pushed out, and this guy took rax every time we were in a fight.


                                                YOU DO NOT GET FIRST ITEM ORCHID OR I REPORT.


                                                  Solar crest, blademail and vision deals with that dude in every single game I see him...
                                                  I pick slardar to counter