General Discussion

General DiscussionGoodbye Doto

Goodbye Doto in General Discussion

    i just delete dota after lose streak.
    thx volvo for good teammates that you give to me

    im free now, start to find a job for bright future.


      wait for me, i will go with u


        did dota keep u from finding a job lol

        Rogue Knight

          Good luck with that, u gonna need it 👊


            not to flame but your picks are simply shit, but some of the games you played you were the troll. Plus why would you play 11 games in 12 hours jesus get a life man

            team fuck sucks

              See you next week.


                "im free now" :coolstorybob:


                  2.1k games
                  99% core

                  u wont be missed

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    did dota keep u from finding a job lol


                      Gladiator-Now we are free

                      white boy summer

                        go cry on reddit about shit teammates, u will get upvoted to heaven. here nobody gives a fuck, git gud

                        Giff me Wingman

                          1 less autsitic shit in dota. nice!

                          Riguma Borusu

                            go die irl


                              but seriously, how much fun can playing cores be to some people? Are there people that really believe only cores win dota games or is it just the factor of not wanting to adapt to some other roles and/or try other things?

                              Mlada i Luda

                                [ Zemo-san 9 hours ago
                                but seriously, how much fun can playing cores be to some people? Are there people that really believe only cores win dota games or is it just the factor of not wanting to adapt to some other roles and/or try other things? ]

                                yeah ,thats something that confuses me alos. is probably something releated with " ignorance" (not knowing how dota 2 works as a game), and self " overstimating". they thing that core role, is more important one to win the game, and since they are best on theyr team they should play core to win the game. + is also "trend" related, they watch those famous players who are on top laddearboard and they are usually carry/mid players, like artezy, miracle, midone, ect. and they are inspired by them.

                                like for the football fans for ex, every one wants to be like .c ronaldo, messi ,ect, no one , is a fan of defensive players usually.

                                Friendly player


                                  You know you are better than your current bracket so you play mid/carry. Watch the video and maybe you will understand something.


                                    Games already dead fam, doesn’t matter lol. See you when League fully replaces Dota


                                      why is a 1.3k mmr guy sharing "advices" about mmr?
                                      what exactly should we understand mr 1.3k mmr guy?


                                        Why is a 3k smurf sharing “advices” about mmr?
                                        What exactly should we understand mr 3k mmr smurf?


                                          thank god one less autistic flat 3k kid, that picks ursa offlane because he didnt get his safelane and then its the teams fault.

                                          no one will miss you

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            ursa offlane is pretty legit against a solo safelane melee hero tho so you can pick it if you know you are up against a solo melee hero like bs, jugg or sven


                                              what advice did I share?
                                              are you butthurt that my smurf has higher mmr than your acc?

                                              Friendly player

                                                Can you actually watch the video first? Please don't make me think you're 10yr old or smth...


                                                  It’s extrenely easy to smurf. My 2nd acc was 4.2k believe me I don’t need a lich, Omni spammer speaking down to anybody. It’s very easy to see you are a mid 2k player.


                                                    when one comment gets you this triggered you know you should take a break from internet discussions or internet in general

                                                    friendly advice here

                                                    @nice guy

                                                    the problem with this video is that he repeats himself to much and starts with false premises making the video unwatchable to begin with

                                                    for example when he talks about "the mmr of miracle" and "the mmr of sumail" he doesn't really care that miracle proved himself through pubs to get to the 10k mark(or whereever he is right now) to get noticed by pro players and sumail is one of those pro players

                                                    he is focusing on "the current mmr written on my page" as mmr and not what mmr the player is while playing a certain hero/role
                                                    taking this into consideration I would also point out that GH and kaka even tho they are one of the best overall dota 2 players in the world would underperform in really high mmr games if they weren't to pick their roles -> support

                                                    that doesn't mean that gh turns into a 5k after picking a carry but it means that his mmr of playing that hero would be far less than his mmr while playing wisp, kotl or es for example

                                                    pointing out that a system is flawed is nothing that suprises anyone, the problem is that everybody of those taking a dump on the mmr system based on the elo rating system can't make up a better on for it and it is still the best thing we got

                                                    thus it would be by far better to just adapt to the mmr system and try to take advantage(in game wise) of it or just start playing whatever you want and have fun during the games

                                                    you made the statement that a player will pick mid/carry because he is better than the rest of the team and thus will make the probability higher to win the game
                                                    this concept is destroyed by having the mentioned gh, kaka or even less famous players like soneiko who are better performing while playing supports than carries

                                                    the question now is:
                                                    Why are so much players better performing as carry role compared to the support role? the answer is like in every other sport, because of the airing time the carry role gets. That is why 90% of kids who start playing football want to be fowards and even more players who start playing dota want to play carry


                                                      Talks about friendly advice, but tells a guy he can’t give advice.
                                                      You are a bad player with your sub 30% winrate on majority of your carry heroes. But think you are good enough at Dota to talk down to others.
                                                      Just another worthless player on a forum.


                                                        well, seems to be the lowest quality bait I have seen in a while but I will go with it:
                                                        I just checked my stats, MK and underlord weren't played yet on this acc, of the rest only 7 have bellow 30% winrate and 1 has exactly 30% winrate

                                                        if you are dickmeasuring over the internet at least use the right numbers

                                                        I know that is nothing to be proud of either but lets stick with the facts here

                                                        meanwhile in your account land:
                                                        you have 11 heroes bellow 30% winrate and 20% winrate with lich
                                                        seems to be a harder hero to play than I thought?

                                                        Friendly player

                                                          People want to play carry/mid because either 1.They are better at it than everyone else or 2.They just want to carry. If you play better than other people you are being matched with you should pick mid/carry because of the advantage. For example who would win mid, 1k player or 2k player? Anything can happen but 2k will have a much bigger advantage. But if you will instead pick a support you will let regular 1k player play against other 1k player. That's ~50% chance of winning the lane for both guys, you can obviously roam mid and make him win the lane but remember, he is 1k and you are 2k. You know more things than he does. In 30min mark he would probably be farming his jungle meanwhile if you were the carry you would go take roshan and finish the damn game cause you clearly have an 30K net advantage. This proves playing mid/carry has a lot more impact than playing support. Peace.


                                                            Why is a 2k player who plays carry becoming a 1k player if he picks a supp in your story? Is it really so hard to play support in your opinion?


                                                              Usually when people smurf and leave their main account it’s because they think they deserve a higher mmr.
                                                              You are deluosional if you think you are better than a 1k if you can’t even play on your own account. Back when I was 2k dogshit I smurfed and calibrated at 4.2k, but I’m not an idiot and knew that wasn’t my real mmr.
                                                              The reason and only reason you play support is because you have no idea how to play a carry position.
                                                              Support is by far the easiest most laid back way to play Dota at low mmrs. Especially spamming brain dead heroes and thinking you are a legit 3k.
                                                              Hey fam action slacks is 5k because of Omni, guess he’s legit
                                                              Also you can’t compare win rates with a main account and a Smurf.
                                                              A main account is from the day a person started playing Dota and losing with majority of heroes they play because they have no clue what they are doing.
                                                              There is no excuse for a smurf to be such a terrible player on so many heroes.

                                                              You have 37 of your heroes played with a win rate lower than 50%
                                                              On a smurf account. LOL

                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                I am enjoying this more than you would think


                                                                  That’s only because you have nothing left to say, you weren’t trolling, you were acting a hoe to a guy who is 1k, because you are thinking you are good at Dota.


                                                                    you got me what else should I say


                                                                      :thinking: does it really fun writing wall of text to insult someone :thinking:


                                                                        Thats really good actually. Finding job and get better to brighter future rather play doto 26 hours per day like a hobo

                                                                        Miss u too pal