Weaver, cause you can run, hit, run, run, escape, farm, run, and again.
also can be support, solo core, semy core, hard core, semy support... ok in TF ok in split push, and hard to kill. also can take solo rosh before 25min.
Centaur Warruner!!
-A versatile tank hero
-Great initiator
-Super-Great offlaner
-Can burst 800+ magical damage in 6 sec.
-Push tower very decent
-Farms the jungle good!
-Creep wave eater
-Scales very well the whole game
If it goes well or not just
might have to be terrorblade
you've got that sexy voice, the life-saving ultimate, and of course you feel like a god whenever you pop meta, images, and manta and go ham.
He is the Barbie girl ! You can dress him anything and still look good.
Sadly everytime this Barbie always get banned
ember spirit
most rewarding hero for me to play, i feel like i can always improve
triple remnant makes me achieve orgasm
killing enemy mid feels nice
fuck invoker pickers, ruining my day as ember
Anti-Mage <3
1st he's lovely and fun to play for me
2nd he's super fast farmer and agile hero which i like swift heroes so much
3rd he counters most of magic/mana dependent heroes like medusa, earthshaker, necrophos and some heroes like these guys...
4th reason he's one of hardest late-game carries in the game also he's great split-pusher :)
Crystal Maiden. All teams need a support.
Not to mention a great global aura and a high-damage ultimate. Can also fall back into jungle if lane is hard, and can be a decent roamer once levels come in. Even better if your team can help set up some wombo combos.
Rubick is my bae
I love so many other heroes, but Rubick can do most of what they can do too. He's super fun to play, theres insane plays you can make, and he's the Grand Fucking Magus. Also, I love his voicelines and his lore and how many different ways you can mess with people. Such a great hero.
fatal bonds makes burst damage all the better, good sustain, upheaval is op, and a bkb piercing ultimate.
Thing I don't like about cm is she is crazy slow and squishy. Since I'm the only one to listen to instructions. And list bad about above.
My favorite thing to do is blinking in, 2 shot enemy rubick after being lifted. Saying this makes me wanna install dota again.
Spirit Breaker, The Space Cow. Punishes teams for over extending, can help friends in need. Great initiator and counter initiator.
- can jungel
- can carry
- can right click
- can duel
- can rape
- afk all game
- press E everytime its off cd
- buy aghs insta maphack
- free atos
-Sicc 1v9
-Pushes with friends a.k.a his illusions
-Mr. Steal yo hp
-Dank hero overall
Riki is the one.
Because of his versatality.
You can support him, you can roam, you can be core. Everyone thinks that riki is weak, leaves their cores 1v1 with riki and this is their mistake. Also he is hero not so dependant on farm, out of hundreds game with riki i think in maybe 5-10 i had gpm over 600, but you do not even need it, he has great kill potential without much farm, that is basically the reason i pick him
He deals a lot of damage and comes online quite fast. You are never safe with a Huskar on the enemy team. He will kill you.
We've been going out since who knows when.
I like cat girls.
We also play in any position. :3
Bounty Hunter
Great voice, is a ninja, known to torture couriers, one of the best nukes in the game (375 damage to everyone that's tracked is fucking ridiculous, not to mention it the bounce range of the damn thing), great snowball potential
Tb probably but if I had to play only one hero it would probably be meepo as he would not get old as there is always a way to improve ur skill. And he is a free win 90% of games if ur any good,
Good bye to stuns and a number of other disables. Insane amount of regen when u are alone or not spotted, a darling passive which gives u more damage and armor. And an amazing ultimate which tempts u to complete ur fifth kill from the fountain ;)
-need to keep an eye on mana always, if not given the space by say 20 minutes really hard to comeback with.
Storm Spirit
- just love jumping around.(this was before nerf on his ulti and the mana cost adjustment on remnant)
I like him a lot. I enjoy dota most when my team is losing and it is all down to me to make us slowly comeback into the game. The decision making you have to make, the split-push you have to do so the enemy cant just push into your towers. That intense concentration where any bad move can cost you the game and any good move only helps a bit in coming back and builds a little momentum for your team.
Necrolyte -- high survivability and doesn't die. Good for Kill Secures. I can pick him, go solo offlane, and let a dumbass teammate go jungle, as I prefer solo offlane and someone usually wants to go jungle because who knows why.
AM -- I like the hero itself. Seems like many who play him can't last hit and end up with tranquil boots, midas, and maelstrom at 25 min, without ever leaving their lane/jungle. OR he is trying to gank and be in every teamfight starting at the 5:00 mark. Although, I largely blame supports trying to take a carry's farm in early game.
As far as the hero itself, he's pretty tough to gank and once he gets too stronk, there's not much that can be done to stop him.
Viper, because winning lanes wins games. having six kills before 10 min feels good. One of my best heroes. Everyone hates playing against him. The hero can solo carry games which is always necessary at 2k.
6.88 Techies ,
Used to be a decent offlaner but nowadays nothing special just anything that synergies well in the game.
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Hello everyone!
I'm curious about what is your absolutely favourite hero (just imagine you have to chose a hero you play for the rest of your life considering meta doesnt change) and why. Also always say something you don't like about the hero the guy above you chose. I'm gonna start:
Shadow Fiend
decent laner, farms super fast, incredibly versatile in viable item builds, high magic aswell as high physical dmg, good early game pos2, scales well into late game in most lineups due to dmg talent, can potentially do many jobs (fast farm shadow blade linkens bots for split push, team fight dominator, tower hitter, space creator through solo pickoffs with shadow blade)
No hero above me yet ;-)