General Discussion

General DiscussionTinkey winkey comin' to get ya

Tinkey winkey comin' to get ya in General Discussion
A Little Knight

    Hey guys, just raising awareness to my boy tinker for all you 3/4k trash who wanna climb out of your shitty bracket into a slightly less shitty one.

    I actually cant believe tinker isnt picked more in 3/4k. In my experience people lack the tools to be able to play properly against him, so as long as you aren't matched vs a good clock or spectre, every game is easy.

    The hero is so stupidly good in a lot of situations, his only limitation is if your opponent starts snowballing early on and reducing your space to operate in, as he is also extremely easy to gank until you get your blink. Although its super easy to counter gank with a tp rotation given how you do so much dank dmg. The only time tinker can be threatened is early on in the game, so as long as he doesnt die in lane, and lands a decent timing on blink, its pretty much gg at that point,

    So yeah start picking tinker in your pubs all the trash lords out there, Its a great way to buff up dat mmr

    casual gamer

      i go 2x null and max laser and u will win lane no matter what. when supports gank you they die to march or u blind and get a free tp out because they suck


        until you realize you cant hit towers and your Lycan just hits neutral creeps all game long


          Hmmm... Good idea pick Tinker before icefrog create Hero who have global silence... Oh wait


            What i see is God SB.
            Relatable and understandable have a nice day sir

            A Little Knight

              @lll im not sure if i like double null too much, it depends on lane matchup i guess. It's very good vs qop and viper or any other hero which like to bully in lane sure. In any other case i think you can probably keep the build OG lit and stick with ya boots bottle (or stick in some cases) make sure to ferry early regen if you're being ganked as well.

              A Little Knight

                @A We've got another autist hater on tinker. Alright trash you enjoy being 2k forever and dont take my advice and pick heroes which can carry your obese ass, because let me tell you MK hasn't been to the gym recently and he can only carry your 200kg ass so far, tinker on the other hand is so smart he has a robot do all the work for him!!!!!!! It doesnt matter if you're an obese sweaty loser IRL tinker can take you places you've never been before, use your brain man pick TINKER

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                chicken spook,,,,

                  He's not easy to learn tho
                  But ye tinker is good


                    Tinker best hero in dota <3 <3 <3


                      0 tower dmg hero

                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                        Tinker best hero in dota <3 <3 <3



                          Smh when ppl go like "<3 tinker" to buy aghs every game

                          A Little Knight

                            aga on tinker = sex irl
                            if you're out in a bar with your boys. You see a cute girl you like but you're too much of a little bitch to go talk to her just know that if you simply swagger over with confidence and pride (as all tinker pickers should have) get your phone out and say "hey bitch check this out" and she sees a savage 22-1-20 kda on an aga tinker where you carried like an alpha male god, she's going to be riding that dick all night.

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                              Hey I am a spirit breaker main, how should a low apm beta male trash like me transition into playing a complex hero like tinker?


                                tinker give me 2k mmr + :D

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  void gave me 2.6k mmr :thinking:

                                  meteor hammer

                                    man cggg u just need to learn a couple things

                                    1 am i in vision or not right now

                                    2 who has blink or invis or (carapace hookshot haunt etc). blinks can be disabled everything else eiter u must stay away or

                                    3 are their blinkers in vision? if you hit them with laser agh and missile you buy yourself 3 seconds of not being gone on

                                    4 if their blinkers are not in your vision you cant show yourself. go walk up and max range laser front man (+hex) and blink back fast, then missile and rearm and repeat walk forward. DO NOT blink forward and cast laser or hex if they still have a hero who can fuck u up from blink

                                    5 casting a targeted spell from fog grants flying vision of where you are. this is why u must blink fast

                                    6 learn spell rotation and build. normal build is travels soul ring blink lens agh hex (backpack bottle for mystic staff, skill ulti 3 when u get mystic staff). Then u can go bkb or bloodstone or replace lens with shiva

                                    7 march pattern. know when creeps spawn and where they are as they walk down a lane. march 1 wave then blink forward and march the next wave. try to get xp if safe but DONT SHOW URSELF = DONT ATTACK AND IF U LASER GO FAST BLINK AFTER

                                    8 hover missile to see range if u arent sure

                                    9 dagon build is more fun and rekts low hp hero. blink lens dagon 5 with l3 rearm asap

                                    tinker is a lot about if u have bb or not, u play around ur bb status basically all game after 25 minutes unless the enemy is behind af

                                    A Little Knight

                                      Ok cggg, there are first a few things you gotta know...
                                      Tinker is like bara v 2.0,
                                      When you play bara you press q and then play to RNJesus.
                                      Like bara when you play tinky winky in the hood you just gotta bare one thing in mind, your main objective is to fuck people up.
                                      Everything you do, just ask yourself "Is this going to help me fuck these turds up?" If the answer is yes, do it! if it's no, keep bouncing around the map and farm like a king here are some examples:

                                      example 1: you see a 5 man push is taking place mid, do you tp into defend when their shaker has a blink and you have two heroes in other lanes? YES ofc you do obviously tinker is a 1v9 hero get in there and fuck those idiots up.

                                      Example 2: storm spirit has just finished his orchid and you dont see him on the map, do you tp into a pushed in lane without vision?? YES ofc you do, tinker is a god damn baller if you're a good player you'll have farmed your lotus orb so you can jebait him into going on you. Jesus is there anything this hero cant do????

                                      Example 3: you're chasing the enemy team after getting a pick so its 5v4. They still have t2s up so do you dive past the t2's into the base?? OFC you do get in there and slam that juicy ass, you're the king of dive, rearm that fucking blink until your fingers bleed or you're a stupid 1k trash

                                      meteor hammer

                                        its actually really easy to do shit like super aggro blink and still get out with the dagon build because you pop people instantly and skill 3 ult early

                                        still a lot of wht looks like a dumb play can be they know stunner is somewhere else so they are basically invincible if they dont fuck up

                                        however most of that ^ is meme xd