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General DiscussionSk spam start

Sk spam start in General Discussion

    My first 4 sk spam was a success
    But I need more tips and Advice on this fun hero

    chicken spook,,,,

      Watch high mmr replays


        You're nuts dude.


          4.6k ------> 3.5 somewhere plss dont


            SK is one my best heroes and I have a 42% (you can check my last game and see what happened).

            What I found is that I can't solo carry with this hero. I can have highest gpm and xpm and do everything by the books, but if enemy cores outfarm my cores (1,2 since I usually play sk as 4 or 5, sometimes 3), SK falls off late game.

            It's hard spamming sk in 4k. Better go with necro, or underlord <3



              p.s no sk doesn't fall off lategame, just transition him into CC

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                @ cookie, how do you manage the mana with that build order ? just a few clairiies ? I thought it was trans, soul then blink


                  Dont ulti unless enemies are visible and busy doing something like hitting ur axe or farming a camp
                  also dont just stun or sandstorm for no reason....use it only if it nets u something escape or kill or cancelling a challenged ability
                  Starting items are tangoes pms/tangoes salve mango stout/tangoes 3 mango stout
                  you are extremely vulnerable before lvl4 and extremely strong after that so dont go for big plays before lvl 4 in lane unless you are sure it will work....if you are getting shat on in lane then just get early slring and help other lanes ...otherwise getting wand and raindrops is only get mana boots when you are the only hero in your team that can get it and your team desperately needs if your team is lc sven invoker pudge for some reason
                  Veil if your team has alot of magical damage
                  halbred is fine for a third item after blink and something else
                  dont go bkb ever....euls/lotus orb are really good on with blink force euls you become a poor mans weaver that is uncatchable but deals no damage ...... I dont like ether lens simply because if you want longer initiation range then force/aghs is way master cuki sed the hero only becomes stfonger in the lategane if you play around an sk lat3 game with blink aghs hex force is just way too hard to deal with /play against......get forcestaff against heroes that you think will buy linkens and pop wth force then stun....the most important thing is to never...ever..ever ...ulti for an see your lc jumping in alone unto 5 heroes when none of your team is there only you are....dont go in...dont ulti and go in both your ulti is on cooldown ...sure the lc wont blame you ..but you might lose a I sed...ulti only if it nets you a won teamfight.....if you get an earlyblink you can use quelling to make a path in the trees and surprise enemy supports when they are trying to get a few lasthits in for heroes against you...dont fuck with pudge...just dont.... u see pudge coming then just back off...he sapped xp..he wasted his time...u went to stack or grab a rune....u win against almost every meele carry and ranged carries like luna and dont win against long range carries but you can still come out equal from the lane unless against some crazy viper necro skywrath trilane.....then not dying is ur greatest purpose
                  ...sand storm deals a shitton of damage even at lvl 1....try to position ur self in a place where u can zone the enemy and get some lh.....beware of sentries tho if u do this I also do this only if enemy has no aoe if im against a io huskar lane this is my way of dealing with it....I have alot of things to tell you about the hero but Im just too fucking tired to say anymore

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                    If you're against a timber then you are stronger until he is lvl 4...dominate before that and play safe afterward


                      Why not arcanes instead of tranquils and soul ring ? Im talking about offlane sk.

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                        I don't like SR on SK.

                        It's 100 + 325 + 325 = 850 gold.

                        Energy Booster is 900 gold.

                        You'll get boots in either case so that cancels out.

                        I see a lot more utility from mana boots than SR, specially since you're not getting bloodstone. And you can upgrade it to greaves, which is a life saver.


                          Build up


                            just take it as an expert advice so i don't have to explain basic shit.


                              Stentorian. Best and Favourite are two different things. You said hes your best at 42% win-rate and Don't understand why Tranquil Soulring outshines manaboots? One item build up. Two lane sustain and 3 stats. Tranquil Sould ring cost similar however you get the bonuses as your purchasing the item and more relevancy. As well as when you die you lose a lot less gold which = > Economy.

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