General Discussion

General Discussionan easy way to solve all ur problems and get 95% winrate in eu west

an easy way to solve all ur problems and get 95% winrate in eu west in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...

    i cant understand this monkey language

    < blank >





          "spray against russians, developed against (?) russian parasites in dota pubs"


            ^ theres no way u learned russian while playing dota, ur either russian who lives in germany or ur learning russian at school.

            Ce commentaire a été édité
            one syllable anglo-saxon

              i cant understand this monkey language

              The Turkish alphabet, which is a variant of the Latin alphabet, includes two distinct versions of the letter I, one dotted and the other dotless.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                one letter trick to trigger the haters: ı


                  spunki is a functional autist, when he isn't playing dota he is learning useless shit on the internet


                    did u know the german word "butterbrot" is used in russian (бутерброд)? both describe a slice of bread topped with butter and something else, for example cold meat or cheese

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                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      u dont need butter for buterbrod rofl

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        although u can very well make a buterbrod with nothing but brean and butter and its very popular


                          how can u not have butter on butterbrot? u fucking savage

                          (i used to do that when i was young and dumb - butter is rly good for taste and it also helps depending on the bread you eat, some might be too dry to comfortably eat without butter)



                            "tanzen" in german
                            literally spoken the same

                            russian feels like talking when drunk (take german and cut most of the unimportant words in a sentence)
                            language is so easy to learn

                            can i buy this spray for turks and moroccans pls

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              usually i eat them with tea so i dont find it dry or anything, and if i dont then im usually too hungry to care

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                kaymak is much much better than butter for spread, especially with sugary things like honey or jams