General Discussion

General DiscussionNavi need new Dendi

Navi need new Dendi in General Discussion

    Or Dendi need new Navi?
    I bealive he can still win TI as mid player.

    Riguma Borusu



        Navi is irrelevant

        Forget me not

          Maybe op mean Navi need no Dendi


            OpenAI bot (LFT pos 2)


              Dendi overrated

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Just get bunch of 8k or 9k together in a team and you can win TI


                  Dendi needs to realise he's not one of the top midlaners and change his position.


                    Ppl need to realise dendi is still good midlaner, just not the best
                    Not being the absolute best doesnt mean he should change position

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Ppl need to realise dendi is still good midlaner, just not the best



                        Check FPL, Miracle lost multiple times midlane to Dendi. I'm so sure he can still be a decent midlaner. But yeah he'd be better off transitioning to offlane, just like some of the old-school mids(S4 comes to mind), or carry. IDK how that will fit Na'Vi with regards to their current lineup though, maybe General carry Crystallize mid? If he switches position, they'll need to shuffle roster around again just to accommodate it. Their insistence on building around Dendi(w Sonneiko and General as afterthoughts) is not good for the organization, beyond keeping nostalgic fans


                          Dendi needs a new team but thing is he makes so much money at Na'vi and he's the face of Na'vi aswell so I don't think he's gonna leave any time soon.


                            I think dendi might do really well in a team like liquid or ppd team, where he could play a greedy pos 4.
                            I haven't watched him stream but i remember watching games a while ago and almost every match they left him 1v2 in mid. I think hes still a top player just need to find players who can click with, good captains are hard to find.

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                              Well truth is harsh, but dendi was the weakest link in navi. Indeed he should go support, or navi should replace him, there are so many more talented players


                                I think that's only addressing half the issues. I think the fact that many old teams like MVP Phoenix and almost the whole of complexity have come together after trying different things and teams like VP among other deciding not to roster swap shows that staying together and improving things besides just hero pools and strategies, things like trust and companionship are extremely important when trying to be the best in the pro scene (KappaPride). Roster swaps are like ignoring the problem and trying to fix it and instead changing the scenario and making the problem invisible altogether. Na'vi did bring back two of its strongest players like Sonneiko and General but if they have someone like Ditya Ra or Xboct on the team, they could realistically come back.


                                  Dendi should go pos4.
                                  He's a versatile/creative player as much as mechanic skilled.
                                  I believe good things would come from this if he plays as playmaker.