General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom 4k to 1k - HELP PLEASE!

From 4k to 1k - HELP PLEASE! in General Discussion

    well, you have over 4k games played, so your mmr is your level, you overcalibrated, nothing else.
    Nothing chance in the patch, that much to explain such a huge mmr loss.

    Potato Marshal

      Pretty sure he's just way too tilted and not that he overcalibrated. Look at his most played heroes, very good KDAs, but terrible winrates, 46% winrate on WR but over 5 KDA on average, 46% winrate on Mirana despite over 7 KDA. I think the most likely scenario is that he just doesn't trust his teammates enough and wants to do everything on his own.


        well, hero like mirana, can just avoid fights that you are not going to win, doesnt mean it is always best for team. i see often players have good kda with invoker, but when you play with them, they just burst their skills and ghost walk run away, you dont play for kda, you play to win :) I have "bad" kda with almost all my main heroes and what ? :)


          ^thats mean you got carried 😏

          Forget me not

            Maybe the introduction of the shrine and the map layout change is getting to you op. Before the patch 7.00 and the introduction to shrine it's just easier to break the enemy tower and high ground after getting a kill. When you try to go destroy a tower access to that tower is easier for enemy team because of the shrine and the new layout of the map But now it is harder to do and your enemy carry can just keep farming and try to rat and delay the game.


              It seems you played after years again. See I think the patch change was difficult for you to adapt. I suggest you to relearn the game ,get used to it again like when you were 4k . After you get used,or get confident enough, calibrate again on a new account.

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                You are 4k.
                You stop playing for a long time.
                The community is improving.
                While you are forgetting stuff you knew.
                You come back out of shape.
                You find ranked matches.
                That's my theory.


                  i know why. many people here ask specific questions to which you didnt reply.

                  All i read from you is "my team is bad, i have 600 GPM every game i am 12 5 30 still loose game"

                  you dont even want to know the reason, you just want us to tell you that its your teammates fault.


                    You had a friend boost your account for you or you bought the account. There's no other explanation honestly.


                      4k 3 years ago is like 5k+ today.
                      Thers sth terrible wrong when you keep losing all games.


                        Mmr is nothing.

                        This is not to say high mmr ppl dont deserve whatever mmr they are at or low mmr ppl are better than wherever they are.

                        This is just to say it is not working properly.

                        I have 1.9k friends still playing avarage 4k vhs games on their smurfs after 200 games.

                        So question is ;

                        If system thinks they are at least 4k why they can not climb on their main ?

                        If reason they can not climb on their main is because system thinks they are not as good then how can they get just as good by simply openning a new account ? Is system being fooled ?

                        Is there 2 different rating systems or what ?

                        It is not working.

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                          If you are truly a 4k, you can win single handedly 1k mmr games even your team is feeding.


                            ^thats the thing. He cant in his 1.9k but he is 4k in smurf.


                              my friend is a magnificient player, he callibrated into 4300 years ago, and hes still 4300 or 4500 maybe, and he s always so confused about matchmaking, when i see him playing, his teammates dc, complain cry, mk wants to go mid and feeds when team wouldnt let him some shit, u guys know what i mean, my friend never makes mistakes, he plays accordingly to everything, he applies to his roles, he s talented, and he counterpicks, he understands the game perfectly. he was one of the best players in my country during dota 1 era,
                              but still he couldnt improve his MMR, a decent player like him couldnt improve his MMR, so from 4k to 1k is exceptional, this commenters are just shit, they dont even know what its like to get matched with 4k players they r all 1k shits so ignore homosexual idiot commenters,
                              i assume that dota 2 developers only minds business money or some shit, they dont care about dota community as long as they r selling battle pass, cosmetic shits to every NEW fukin dumbass players, Developers of this game no longer cares about old decent players, they r trying to welcome millions of stupid new players and make some big money. and they dont care avarage decent players

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                I'm still in disbelief. two thousand, five hundred matchmaking rating points drop. 2500 MMR POINTS. HOW.
                                Try to make a new account and get it calibrated. If you calibrate at least 3k, then I could believe that you were worth the 4k and just fell upon a really shitty streak. But, if you calibrate in 1K, that answers the question.
                                I saw a comment saying you have a 2nd account that is still 4k? Pls post this account? Just for concrete proof


                                  Well nowdays 1k is a cancer even my friend 4k can lose mmr in 1k with my account. Or you just unlucky enemy teams got a booster mmr. Learn new patch and get better


                                    ^Tell your friend that he suck, a 4k can use PA in that bracket and be like atleast 20-2-5 and will won the game by himself.

                                    1k's aren't all cancers most of them just have few knowledge on playing the game (Beginners bracket)

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      I've watched 1k players and they are just beyond bad. Players will just walk up to each other at full health and trade hits for like 10 seconds till one of them dies. People will just use up all their regen within the first 5 minutes from aggroing creeps. You can pretty much win any engagement if you can gauge who's stronger before you actually engage, if you're stronger, then it's a free kill, if they're stronger, then you just walk away.

                                      People in that bracket don't know how to gank, position, chase, or chain disables from allies. Anybody who understands the basics of Dota can get at least a 60% winrate in that trash bracket.