General Discussion

General DiscussionA wall of random questions

A wall of random questions in General Discussion

    1. Since the buff to Heaven's Halberd not being dispelled by BKB, and always hasn't been by Manta, what items or abilities can dispel it currently?
    2. Would it be good to only allow one shrine to be destroyed for every Tier 3 tower taken instead of both being vulnerable on a single Tier 3 destruction?
    3. What makes certain cosmetics tradeable and some not? I know most bundles are tradeable and once you open them, they are not. However, there are some opened sets that I have that still are. Why is this?
    4. Anyone here have the mobile app "Quiz Up"? It has quizzes on literally every topic imaginable and I've obviously been playing the Dota 2 quiz on it for a while. Add me if you're interested in a 1v1.
    5. Do magic spells deal more damage to illusions than physical attacks? I don't mean Hex or Dagon that instantly destroy the illusions, but other magic damage dealing spells, like Pugna's Nether Blast, for example.
    6. Why do pro players often go around cutting random trees with quelling blades at various stages of the game? It doesn't look like creating alternate juke paths to me and I'm sure there's no regenerative qualities to it, so why?
    7. Is there any way to customise the layout of the Hero Selection screen right now? I don't mean using the tabs that classify as Support or Carry, but being able to make sections of "Favourite Heroes" and "Heroes to Practice" etc.
    8. What are some of the best percentage-based damage skills in the game based on reliability, cooldown, cost to mana and of course potential damage dealt?
    9. Has anyone ever played, or come close to playing, a 20 slotted Lone Druid in any of their games? On paper, that sounds really strong since it's like an extra hero on the team.
    10. Considering how we saw Batrider going position 4 support in TI7, would the same be possible/viable with Beastmaster, simply as a mid babysitter?
    11. What are the best skill builds for mid, offlane and roaming Earthshaker right now? I imagine it has changed from maxing Fissure first to something else.
    12. How would Nyx Assassin's Carapace interact with a Hero that attacks Nyx with a BKB active, which expires before the duration of Carapace ends, and the hero continues attacking?
    13. What is the highest average MMR game ever played, either in pub or pro tournament, and would you kindly provide a YouTube link?
    14. Would it be too much to ask for item and ability changelogs to be available on DotaBuff in their respective sections, considering Liquidpedia does not have the simplest access to the same?
    15. What hero on the enemy team would warrant an Aghs on Morphling to be viable or advantageous solely to copy a non-ultimate spell of the hero?
    16. Has the TI7 battle pass expiry date been postponed? I currently do not have a working computer and therefore am away from Dota, but cannot find a reliable answer online.
    17. Is Party MMR underrated? Having the power to choose which players you team with and how effectively you work as a unit despite providing the same advantage to the team should probably deserve more cred?
    18. What are the ways to getting around Lich's Ice Armour (and arguably OP level 25 talent) when it comes to taking down towers? Spells similar to Leshrac's Diabolic Edict?
    19. Any pot smokers on the forum? Thoughts on playing Dota when high/stoned?
    20. Pre-7.00, Hand of Midas provided 190 gold and 2.5x experience and was an experience-centric item. Later, it was changed to 220 gold and 1.75x experience and became a more gold-centrc item. Now, it gives 200 gold and 1.85x experience. So how is the item used to its maximum efficiency? What are the best creeps to use it on?

    Ce sujet a été édité
    meteor hammer

      nether blast and toss go through armor

      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        3. What makes certain cosmetics tradeable and some not? I know most bundles are tradeable and once you open them, they are not. However, there are some opened sets that I have that still are. Why is this?

        Cosmetics that are TRADABLE and be gifted are:
        *Items that are bought on the Community Market or Steam Shop
        *Items that are rewarded to you during events (e.g. Immortal Treasures)

        Cosmetics that are NOT TRADABLE but can be gifted once are:
        *Random loot items given after a game.
        *Reward bundles on certain events (Yearbeast, Darkmoon)


          1. I'm pretty sure Bloodstone can Dispell Heavens Halberd

          chicken spook,,,,

            1. Aphotic shield and PTA are the only things I can think of
            2. Its fine the way it is
            4. It kinda grows old real fast
            5. They cut through armor so yes
            6. Extra vision
            8. Life drain
            17. No
            18. Nether blast
            19. I doubt it's good unless you have severe anger problems when not stoned



              you can't

              2. i'd rather remove the ability to teleport to shrines, they're so gay.

              3. valve

              4. no


              6. farming patterns, juke spots and seeing rotations.

              7. nop, i'd love that as well

              8. i have no idea what you're asking here, define ''best''

              9. yep,

              10. nop, beastmaster lacks the abilities to do so, he needs levels for the boar to be useful, otherwise you could just send your own support and keep killing the boar.

              11. copy from here like the rest of the universe does:

              12. it would not stun that hero

              13. this i persume:

              14. dota2 gamepedia does, ask the dotabuff mods if they want to implement it as well

              15. that shit so bad no matter what hero they have, probably some 6 slotted carry.

              16. haven't checked, don't really care.

              17. party mmr doesn't matter as you can get carried by a better player or carry worse players, there's no challenge to that.

              18. lich is never gonna get to lvl 25, just hit the tower normally, it's the least of your concerns when pushing HG

              19. idk, never drank never smoked.


                3. Its all about money. Collectors Catche are unsellable in advance. But when it comes to compendium items, they will be marketable in the next year for a reason. People would not buy so many levels. Calculations from previous years shown that customers it was better to just buy items they want instead of buying compendium, and community didint have to wait so long for items to be marketable.


                  Thanks Cookie, and everyone else for answering!

                  @Cookie, I was talking about spells that deal damage based on the enemy's total HP, regardless of how tanky they get or how many HOTs they have. Spells like Necro's Reapers Scythe and Appa's Ice Blast, that don't care if the enemy is a 1100 HP Crystal Maiden or a 6000 HP Pudge, once they reach the specific thresholds. I'm not sure if they fit the same category, but Bloodseeker's Rupture and Witch Doctor's Maledict also come to mind.

                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                    if i recall midnight pulse can take 57% of your hp

                    phoenix laser 60%

                    artic burn 9%

                    terrorblade tsundere

                    necrophos heartstopper aura

                    i guess technically spectre and centaurs return abilities

                    and slark's essence shift.

                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                    meteor hammer

                      arctic burn deals magic damage based on current hp, 9% of current hp every second for 5 seconds

                      Ce commentaire a été édité


                        Thanks for the lookup! I forgot about Winter Wyvern's Arctic Burn, though I think it does more damage. (just looked it up).

                        Can deal up to 37.6% of the target's current health as damage (before reductions)

                        Also, Phoenix's Sun Ray deals closer to 40% HP as damage, not 60%. Correct me if I'm wrong.
                        Theoretically, Enigma's Black Hole with Aghs and a Midnight Pulse pre-cast could technically remove almost 80% of an enemy's HP, which sounds crazy but is also a little unfair in comparison since its technically two spells.


                          Added one more question, would be great if someone gave their insight into it, since it's confused me for a while.

                          20. Pre-7.00, Hand of Midas provided 190 gold and 2.5x experience and was an experience-centric item. Later, it was changed to 220 gold and 1.75x experience and became a more gold-centrc item. Now, it gives 200 gold and 1.85x experience. So how is the item used to its maximum efficiency? What are the best creeps to use it on?

                          Riguma Borusu

                            terrorblade tsundere

                            oi oi cuki when did you become a weeb?


                              Try morphling + undying with refresher and morph aghs if u wanna meme

                              If enemy does rosh then put 4 tombstones up and watch the cancer

                              Disclaimer: not actually viable just a joke

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                ^someone subscribed to frey way too late


                                  6. when i asked a high mmr guy he said it's just a bad habit, but i think it's nice if you want to spot ganks or if you lack space for maneuvering against things like offlane furion with treants or just ur dumbass support whos bodyblocking you half of the time

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    Thanks, didn't think about that. Thoughts on Midas?

                                    meteor hammer

                                      buy it when you cant end the game but are ahead, or they cant end the game but you can't push

                                      aka think about if enemy team has : tinker techies sniper or 2 of underlord zeus ww or other heavy depushers

                                      theres other situations where its good but the one i listed is a BIG one and very easy to remember

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        if u cut trees on the opposite side of the sideshop on either side with qb it makes it much harder for offlaner to fuck with you or your support, im pretty sure thats not why pros are dong it though


                                          ^ so basically buy it when the game is going late no matter what you do?



                                            Thanks, though that's not what I was looking for exactly. I understand the basic purpose of buying the item and on what heroes or situations to do it in. What I'm wondering is which creeps you use it on and whether you prioritise getting maximum XP with the big creeps or getting maximum gold with the small creeps. I usually just use it on the ranged lane creeps when unsure.


                                              Anyone else? I'd rather not make a new thread just for this.


                                                uh it depends on the hero
                                                like on invoker almost always go for xp
                                                same for supports and offlaners if u go midas on em

                                                but for carries i wud often go for gold, and midas the smaller creep if i were in the jungle
                                                ur rule of thumb for ranged creeps is good tho, get good gold and xp from them.


                                                  Does the item need a buff? I feel like the drop from 250% XP bonus to 175% was too great. I think it'd be okay if it's 200%. Especially considering the nerf to jungle.

                                                  Also, I Midas the siege cart when I want to push fast instead of the ranged creep. Will that hurt a lot in the long run?

                                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                    cart is 88 and range creep is 90 iirc .


                                                      whats your name on the quiz up



                                                        Same as here or in-game.

                                                        @2k Autist

                                                        This is how you link a YouTube video btw.

                                                        Don't see the point or relation to the forum anyway.

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                          cant find you

                                                          add me: Teakwondo Chest


                                                            Add phoenix to that undying and morph combo. If undying has aghs and is hybrid cloned while ulted will the clone have the 10 strength steal too?


                                                              As far as I know its similar to how AM's aghs and Rubicks aghs work. If morph has aghs his Hybrid will have aghs upgrades spells.

                                                              For the midas thing, like most people have said for invoker/supps go for XP and on carries go for gold. But if you're a carry and you're trying to get to an important level prioritize xp till you get that then prioritise gold.
                                                              For example CK probably wants level 2 ult more than a bit of extra gold early on.