General Discussion

General Discussionmid or safelane alch?

mid or safelane alch? in General Discussion

    I'm sure alch doesn't win any lanes vs any mid laner, you probably can't get free farm if the enemy mid is a strong laner etc ta invoker necro viper etc. I mean you could probably jungle but then enemy mid gets free farm and proceeds to dumpster your whole team and snowblal out of control.

    I feel like safelane you get more reliable free farm or something im not sure just need some opinions.


      You'll get farmed anyways on alch, doesn't matter if you get shut down or if you have a hard time. His passive can even make 2k players look good.

      OT imo alch isnt a good mid hero but putting alch in safelane would be worse since he isnt rly a hard carry (well depends on how you build him ofc) but tbh rather have him mid and someone else safelane than vice versa.

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      meteor hammer

        his point is that his farm wont matter because if he loses mid to a ta and gets a 19 min armlet rad ta has blink deso diffusal/bkb and rosh and is probably 7/0/3 or some shit, then you lose

        chicken spook,,,,

          But he sucks now


            safelane can be better farm minute 1-10, yes. but as alch its ok to just hit level 6 at 5-6 minutes, have brown boots and a talon and go into the jungle, giving the lane to a support while the real carry can farm safelane. thats better for your team imo, unless you lane vs viper or ursa or get ganked early


              There are more creeps in mid


                whatever gives you more overall creeps

                he's like od, arc, bs, jugg etc. who can all just easily switch between mid and safe

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  People prefer mid because you have easier access to bounty runes that way. And also because 4 melee creeps.


                    either one is fine, but i'd pick it early (ban aa + 3rd pick or something) so that they counter pick you mid, and your mid can counterpick their mid if u want to go safe


                      pos 4 alch, trust me


                        I prefer dire mid. You can stack from your tower medium camp on 54 from minute two and minute 4 you can go top and take rune and farm tripple stack.

                        But usually you want roamer/support help you through first minute or two - bully other mid, protect you and after that, once lvl 4 you are good to go alone.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          how about nowhere

                          just kidding, mid is too good to pass up because of easily available camps in the vicinity as well as + 1 creep, and solo exp is kinda important to alch

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                          Dire Wolf

                            You can't shut down an alch in mid lane, he just farms with acid spray, pushes the wave out, takes side camps. He just needs level 6 that's it. I've completely shitstomped alch mids on sniper. Sniper's a pretty good hero for dealing with him cus he can zone with shrapnel and out range the spray, most mids can't hit alch behind it, but even with denying 1-2 per wave he still got his farm and just really didn't care that I won the lane. Alch is a very passive laner.

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                              After the acid spray nerf it became harder, but before u cud start zoning at lvl 2


                                its not about what lane its about ur teammates helping u

                                very good csgo player

                                  Ywn's tim hol him bak

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    @Dire Wolf, you do realize you can deny most of the creeps if alch leaves the lane, right