General Discussion

General DiscussionBoots of speed X

Boots of speed X in General Discussion

    Upgrade your fuck1ng boots! when i see morph with brown boots and linken or am brown boots and bf or necro brown boots and dagon part of me dies. how is that logical? lets skip stats item that i truly need to build another stats item? Thats like you choose +10 dmg at lvl 10. and -10 dmg at lvl 15. makes no freaking sense..... nothing triggers me this much



      Riguma Borusu

        Buy your fucking rapier! When I see CM without a rapier and some shit items like forcestaff and glimmer, part of me dies. How is that logical? Let's skip the damage dealing item that I truly need to build another stats item? That's like you choose +10 dmg at lvl 10. and -10 dmg at lvl 15. makes no freaking sense...... nothing triggers me this much


          i clearly hit the spot ;)

          Riguma Borusu

            Yeah, I am massively triggered by people who quote item winrate statistics to support their retarded arguments.

            As for boots, sometimes you upgrade them, sometimes you need/want something else, sometimes you want BoTs in the near future. It really depends on the hero and your game plan a lot, so having broad statements like this while quoting general item winrate statistics of an item that is ALWAYS going to have a low winrate (because it's upgraded if you have the money) is fucking retarded, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

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              Aegis of the Immortal


                i knew you'll shit on that pic i posted, i put it there to represent harsh image of what i'am saying
                OFC you will wait to upgrade boots if you are planing to get them ~15-20mins max after brown boots no doubt. My point is you get soooooo much for +950 gold + that item by itself speeds up you farm ... but hey maybe its just me


                  Dude thier just trolling you on the hero's you noted finished your upgraded boots is the correct move 90% of the time if not more. Maybe morph to a lesser effect!
                  Having said that
                  1. Item win rates is a horrible stat to prove a point.
                  2. Most people in this game dont take the time/care to remotely improve. Just play your game, spend your time and energy improving your game play. Have fun.

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                    Just get 2 Wind Lace if you're not going to upgrade boots kappa

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      I'm still confused whether to go Tread on Morph or just rush a BoTravel because split-pushing is so hard when all your towers are down.


                        morph is fine. you want bot fast cuz u slow af

                        Riguma Borusu

                          There are lots of cases where it's worth not buying treads or phase boots in order to build bots. In some case you can just sell treads, but if you plan to get BoTs pretty quickly, it's meaningless to even finish your boots.

                          I am just saying that you've painted the problem with such a wide brush, and used such irrelevant information, that it was laughable. The problem is way more nuanced than you made it seem.

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