General Discussion

General DiscussionTo cookie

To cookie in General Discussion
Myanmar Striker

    He said that i am luckly to get 3 digit mmr before i was calibrating .
    What u want to say more ?

    Talk more nonsense .




        cookie just got owned!

        死の恐怖 Haseo

          what now cookie fangays!?

          chicken spook,,,,

            Cookie: "oh yea I was basically motivation you ironically"




                dude you're garbage and will remain as garbage.


                  play a couple ranked matches then come back here and post again :)

                  im sure someone that doesnt buy blink on core earthshaker will skyrocket his mmr in no time

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                    ^^^^reminds me when bulldog said his name is jebaited so he was jebaiting liquid to win ti

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                    Giff me Wingman

                      Must be a mistake, we all know cookie is flawless coach, he made abed and MidOne 10k.

                      Benao, btw:

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                        Wow, op scored solid 2k, its like slap to coockies face, such numbers! Mind blown


                          Wow, op scored solid 2k, its like slap to coockies face, such numbers! Mind blown


                            wow ppl defending cookies from this thread ure pretty cringe


                              yeah you showed him


                                lol stop licking cookie's worthless ass, hes ppd for dotabuff forum. he only knows humiliate people and scorn 'em.
                                cookie ur just a dumb fat idiot. <3

                                Myanmar Striker

                                  I saw all ppl hate about cookie. This guy only know how to insult. Dumb fat no brain idiot mother fker:)

                                  Player 404335202

                                    LOL ! Its ok u got 4digit mmr but do u think it is respectable mmr ? Why dont u play like 50-60 ranked matches and come again ?

                                    Player 404335202

                                      BTw can u link the thread where cookie insulted u ? Kappa


                                        yeah, its respectable, he is 2k pro, i seen 2k pros making team for tournaments, so the number must be great


                                          wow 2k!!! shet galing pro player ka na :)


                                            Hahaha rofl man. Good job I Guess?


                                              Cuiki hate is real


                                                Sub 52% win rate in normal skill jesus christ dude, you calibrated 2800 on a smurf thats actually really bad, I'm 200% sure you will drop down to 2k.

                                                Player 404335202

                                                  LEowL ! Actually its hard to blv that 1k player reached 5k in just one year by doing replay analysis


                                                    Shit , my mmr is so far below compared to you. Maybe i should be asking tips from you instead from my senpai


                                                      I remember i got banned because i posted blunt's instagram and wrote LOL whos saying "youre a kid"

                                                      This is direct insult modz zzzzz

                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                        Remember my gay profile picture that took mods 2 months to censor? LMAO

                                                        Player 404335202

                                                          Op vs cooki !


                                                            Oh okay, play rank dude and you can sing "it's going down like a timber"

                                                            meteor hammer

                                                              where does blunt get this endless supply of horrible memes

                                                              mabasag sana pc mo detoor

                                                                Thats cute you still a scrub I think


                                                                  Scrup 2k you