General Discussion

General DiscussionThe Heroes of Dota 2

The Heroes of Dota 2 in General Discussion

    1. Level 25 Sabotager.

    Skill 1 (Q): Superiority Complex - The Sabotager boasts his 5K MMR and proclaims himself as the king. No one cares, so this spell does nothing. Costs 100 Mana, and a baby rabbit.

    Skill 2 (W): History Lesson - The Sabotager tries to explain to everyone why he's better than everyone because he used to play pro for some team back in the day. After a 5 second channeling during which he types his past accomplishments, allies are dealt 300 damage as they couldn't give two shits.

    Skill 3 (E): Resort to the jungle - Sabotager loses his lane because his teammates are holding him back. +100 movespeed when he retreats to the jungle to be useless for the rest of the game.

    Ultimate: Sabotage. Sabotager cries out "CORE OR THROW". Reduces team armor by -5, -10, -15 as allies cringe, taking extra damage. Increases probability of losing by 25%/50%/100%.


    Valve Balancing Note: Sabotage's ultimate was too strong upon release. We have now tweaked the probability of losing from 25%/50%/100% to 24%/49%/99%. But don't worry, his base damage is increased by 1 now.

    2. Level 25 Basement Dweller:

    Skill 1 (Q): Zit Explosion - The Basement Dweller raises an army of unpopped zits and pimples on his nerdy face. Upon explosion, deals 400 AOE damage to all enemies, who are slowed by 25% after from the sticky goo.

    Skill 2 (W): Flaming Keyboard - The Basement Dweller hasn't been outside in months, and has forgotten acceptable social decorum. He brings the ghetto in his games and flames everyone in the game, teammate or enemy. Deals 200 damage to all heroes on the map.

    Skill 3 (E): Passive Aggressive - The basement dweller hoards up all anger from teammates holding him back, and retaliates by not pushing with the team or contributing to anything productive all game. -20% to team damage (global AOE).

    Ultimate: What's that smell? - The Basement Dweller hasn't showered in ages. His enemies can smell that rotten fowl armpit through their wifi signals. Deals 300 + 50% of days-since-last-shower in damage.

    3. Level 25 Cookie The Protector of 1Ks

    Skill 1 (Q): Summon Forum Followers: Cookie summons an army of dotabuff normal skilled players that deal 5 damage each, but give 200 gold per death. It's all about the trade-offs.

    Skill 2 (W): Poetry: Cookie's minions compose an epic poem, that puts pre-schoolers to shame. 280 damage to everyone who reads it, and causes temporary blindness and -30% chance to miss that cannot be overcome even with MKB.

    Skill 3 (E): Guidance: Cookie writes a guide to be good at dota and puts it up for sale for $5. Users subscribe to his website and submit their email addresses, that are subsequently spammed with penis-enlargement pill ads and Russian girls waiting for you. Deals 50 damage per second as you contemplate a very bad financial decision.

    Ultimate: Arc Spam: Cookie picks Arc Warden every game, and boasts a very high win rate. Newbs think they can do the same, but with devastating consequences. Newb followers die instantly and receive low-priority and mass reports.



        Wow is this a copy pasta? If its not props to you, u made an effort typing this meme hahaha


          haha no this is original material XD


            You must have a lot of free time lul


              ^ 5,000 dota games played. I bow to you sir.


                Dude youre awesome respect
                Very funny
                You should write a book or something