General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane Earthshaker tips against 5ks

Offlane Earthshaker tips against 5ks in General Discussion

    Pls give me some tips


      Max skill 3and last hit with it


        1. Start with clarities and brown boot and block your wave (twice if needed) so that the first enemy wave comes all the way to your t1 tower. This way you'll get the full XP. You should be able to do this every game.

        2. Walk up to the enemy safelane (between t1 and t2) and pull the enemy creep wave. Walk behind the trees near Roshan and pull them towards your t1 tower through the secret shop. This takes a bit of practice. Sometimes the creeps stop following you, so make sure to keep the aggro on you. The boots will help you.

        3. Keep a tp. Sometimes enemies will blow their stuns on you first, so you can tp out instead of dying to the trilane.

        4. Try to steal enemy bounty, then tp to your bounty and take that as well. If you can't take enemy bounty (because you think enemy supps are already there), make sure to take your bounty at the very least. Two bounties early game can be huge (and totally doable with boots first).

        5. Hide behind the trees near the secret shop and leech xp. Your job is to not feed. Tp out if you see them coming (which they will once they notice you're nowhere to be seen).

        6. If you can't lane, then resort to jungle. Use Shrine to your advantage. There's nothing wrong with being zoned out. It's what enemy supports are SUPPOSED to do.

        7. Sometimes they'll ward your mid camp (these are usually the annoying low-skill tryhard supps). Counter it for free gold.


          ^this is good, but do know when u can abuse the lane
          like if ur against troll + rubick, know that u can abuse troll at lvl 3
          also make sure to use the trees and fog to ur advantage, to escape, juke, jump on the enemy


            ^ could abuse most melee carries with a support that's not good at zoning at level 2 with enchant totem , and after shock with pms . Stents advice is pretty solid vs a trilane though or harder matchups .

            chicken spook,,,,

              Actually stent's advice is good for any offlaner