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General DiscussionNeed some brood-mother help

Need some brood-mother help in General Discussion

    Hi, I've been playing broodmother recently. I've watched some of Cookie's replays and some from the top brood players. How they seem to stomp is that they kill the mid laner 2-3 times, get the tier 1, then again kill the mid laner 1-2 times when they come to defend, then get the tier 2. Then just postpone the push to highground until the enemy players disperse in other lanes, then make a good army of spiderlings and push highground, get the racks and by that time the game is in their hands already. BUT when I try to do the same thing. I push tier 1 and 2 BUT I can't push tier 3 and I eventually loose the game. I need someone to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've tried a lot to analyse my replays but I'm pretty sure I'm skipping a major point here.

    Even in the games that I've won, I destroy the tier 2 at like 13-15 minutes and basically i have an orchid and can kill 2-3 heroes alone, BUT i somehow prolong the match to 40-50 minutes and then barely win or mostly loose.

    This can be specifically seen in these replays:

    3426115138 -5k lead, then barely won.
    3426588726 -10k lead, then lost
    3427515606 -7.5k lead, then lost

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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    Pink anus

      Pros are very good with timings. They know when they are strong enough to push high ground without giving enemies enough time to recover. You may want to compare your teammates with his teammates too since early pushing/ratting needs space. While Cookie's pushing, his team keeps the other four busy to prevent mass tps. Your team should smoke gank/push the opposite lane while avoiding teamfight. If they are farming then you're fucked.

      The problem with pushing high ground is that there's no where to hide. I'm pretty sure if enemies tp while Cookie's pushing, he dies too.

      Brood is ass in team fight. She cant lock down or burst. I mean even WK has a stun and with enough items, he can 3 hits people.

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        A guy on reddit did help me. The problem was that I failed to understand what my team was doing. I was actually forcing high-ground pushes which led to my deaths and the enemy getting fed. He taught me that you just have to push the lane and go to the enemy jungle to farm and IF you see the enemy heroes grouping somewhere else, THEN you go on pushing high-ground. I did exactly as he mentioned in my most recent game as brood and voila! I won with 1k XPM and 650 GPM with 13 kills and 1 death.

        Also I disagree with you on the point that brood is useless in fights. Dude, brood has everything that one would need on a hero. 50% slow and 60% Miss chance (OMFG SUPER OP) Plus the 140% lifesteal when maxed. Thats too much!

        Anyway, thanks a lot!

        Red Beard™

          Brood is actually really great... I never understand why people say she is trash. I tried MoM and it worked out pretty damn good but its also situational. Just got to pay attention where the enemy team and your team is at.


            In ur bracket you can stomp games easily by last picking brood and rushing orchid.


              You only need one guy to learn brood. WiredGuitars, he's a man who taught me how to play against timbers, axes and so on... There you will realise, how OP brood actually is.


                even im just learning the hero, why on earth would you watch me.


                  @cookie, wtf you seem to be a broodfather yourself. Ending all games in 20 minutes, 750 GPm, 1500 xpm fucking good!

                  GRANT MACDONALD

                    Playing a good brood depends largely on your yeam composition. If you have an AM and jungle LC, your desire to push Hg at 15:00 is the furthest thing on your AM's mind so you will get zero help

                    You need a push lineup or at least teammates who value the space you are creating.
                    Otherwise after the t2 is gone, you network the ancients and rosh and just continually flash farm the camps, midas if you have to and try to get 6 slotted by 30 mins to stay relevant.