General Discussion

General Discussion8 Types of Toxic in your pub games

8 Types of Toxic in your pub games in General Discussion

    1. The "I'm better than everyone" guy.

    This is the highest rated player, the exalted one. He's mad that he's being forced to play offlane and that someone 100 MMR lower is playing mid. So he's going to scrutinize your every move all game, and take every opportunity to throw cheap-shot insults when you die. He'll steal your bounties, or jungle because he didn't get his way.

    2. The "I'm gonna do w.e fuck I want" guy.

    This is the guy who saw a jungle LC video on youtube and will do that regardless of how much it fucks up the team. He'll jungle LC or BS and come out at 15 mins with a midas and start flaming as to why every lane lost.

    3. Captain Hind-sight.

    This is the guy who has nothing constructive to say all game. He'll note why the carry is alone in the safe lane and got 4 man ganked, but not foresee that a min earlier and warn his hc to get back. He'll note why no one built pipe after getting wiped by sandking's ult, but once you check his inventory you'll note he got a Sceptre on Axe because "it's awesome and lowers damage after a successful culling kill".

    4. The "I'm on a losing streak and dgaf" guy.

    This guy is tilted and probably on the verge of hanging himself. He'll start by picking techies and feeding couriers after his firstblood plans backfired. He'll feed couriers all game and keep walking to the enemy mid tower.

    5. The Peru guy.

    This guy doesn't communicate or say anything. He first picks Spectre and has brown boots and 3,000 gold around 20 mins. Mierda taco buritto si si.

    6. The "Brown sucks he was in my last game" and "fuck you pink you're horrible" dipshits.

    These two were in the last game, and apparently it didn't go well. They'll continue to argue with each other all game, while you contemplate how long you'll have to endure this before the inevitable -25.

    7. The lagger.

    This guy disconnected and the enemy team is unpausing cuz u know, viva peru. 4 mins later he comes back after your team lost 2 raxes and he goes "why didn't u fucks pause wtf!"

    8. The "my cores suck" guy.

    You know the type. He picks Rubick because he has no idea wtf to pick. He stays in the safe lane doing nothing and is lvl 2 around 10 mins, even though his offlane is getting mega pooped on and his mid got ganked 3 times already. He steals no spells worth a fuck, and 20 mins later blames the cores for apparently failing.

    Friendly player


      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Being toxic doesn't matter if you are actually a good player. People need to learn and understand there might be something wrong with them if they get flamed every game they play.


          oh dear god.


            nice catch.
            also there are this type for Eu ;
            9. i only speak '' русский ''
            title says enough, this types probably slavic and russians who only speak russian and no communicate with team also saying a lot of '' blyad ''


              Lmfao this thread 10/10.

              5. The Peru guy.
              This guy doesn't communicate or say anything. He first picks Spectre and has brown boots and 3,000 gold around 20 mins. Mierda taco buritto si si.



                5. The Peru guy.
                This guy doesn't communicate or say anything. He first picks Spectre and has brown boots and 3,000 gold around 20 mins. Mierda taco buritto si si.

                7. The lagger.
                This guy disconnected and the enemy team is unpausing cuz u know, viva peru. 4 mins later he comes back after your team lost 2 raxes and he goes "why didn't u fucks pause wtf!"

                these 2 are so me


                  Lul I'm almost like no. 5

                  And I've been lagging like a bitch lately

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                    What about the guy who is lower MMR but 100x better than the f@gs in his match? And teammates keep feeding like little scrubs that they are and ruin games by making it impossible to come back? Is there a # for that?

                    Player 404335202

                      Awesome thread ;D

                      Player 404335202

                        But even there are such players few of us managed ro reach respectable mmr from 2-3k


                          :laugh2: i can actually relate to number 7

                            Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

                              @stance it was called the delusional fucks

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                TYPES OF TOXIC IN YOUR PUB GAMES


                                  I'm toxic :(
                                  This deserve sticky


                                    I dunno if number 7 is truly toxic I mean you never know when your internet is going to go to shit.


                                      the lag part isnt the toxicity the after lag flames is


                                        im toxic, i admit, i am often type 6, but usually i am ragging at teammates for their bad in game decisions. Most likely that sets me up, is when enemy is diving like idiots under your towers just to feed you with kills, and your team doesnt teleport.
                                        You fuckin scream for tp, but they would rather finnish the camp, the creep wave, the heal or whatever other dumb reason not to take these free kills :(


                                          ^ this.
                                          Every game.
                                          Scrub 4ks not taking a 3v1 kill, instead grabs bounty and small camp as a Tiny.


                                            Its ez to fuck 5ks


                                              lol u guys wont enjoy dota until u accept this is how matchmaking is. if u were to have 4 good teammates every game you would win every game and you would be 20k mmr. and if ur team sucks it wont change on higher mmr. it's just that on lower mmr everyone sucks and some make retarded mistakes and in high mmr everyone's good but some make shitty mistakes. if u put that same guy who sucks at 6k in a 2k match, he's not gonna suck.

                                              toldr CHILL dont care what m8s do even if it's retarded

                                              ps. tp rotations in 4k LUL


                                                ajajajajajajajajajajaja 20/10


                                                  10. The "One Trick Pony" Guy

                                                  This guy has 1500 games on a single hero and playing anything other than that particular hero reduces his skill level to that of a potato.

                                                  Guilty as charged.. gg go next


                                                    Im not include in these type
                                                    Cause im just gonna pick jugg and try to fill the empty role. More like spammer


                                                      The biggest teammates suck problem i explain like that:
                                                      Ranked is coompetative mode, made so you could give your best to win. If you are not miracle, with how many heroes you can play at your best, that would be a stamp, that you are worth this mmr. The worst thing is when your teammates are "he picked riki, slardar is his counter" and he picks it, but he has <10 games woth slardar before, he just cant play his best with it, he is not competing at level requires to win agaist riki spammer who is playing at his best with the hero. There are very many situations like that and i fuckin hate these counter pickers, and i abuse it a lot with first picking riki in my games


                                                        all me

                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                          I bait 9 counters by first picking AM

                                                          Chao Vritra

                                                            lol this made me crack up at work. the first 5 are amazing. All of them are really


                                                              I wouldn't care so much if the people flaming me were bad, I'd simply say "lol end of the day I'm still better than you". But what is infuriating is when the people who are being toxic and flaming everyone are actually good at the game(relative to everyone else in that game). And I've been getting many of those lately. They're toxic and all, but they're pulling their weight for the team.


                                                                10. The KOTL farmer

                                                                The KOTL who realizes farming in mid with his lvl 4 wave is extremely efficient and stays there forever farming his aghs while absolutely not giving a damn about wards at all. Then later blames the invoker who had a 7 minute midas before he came why he got his aghs at 20 mins and the invoker gets ganked 4 times in JUNGLE (because obviously lane is not an option.)

                                                                (me everytime i have kotl support)

                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  What about the guy who forms opinions off of profiles? I have literally had players say give carry to someone else cus they have higher gpm in their profile than I do, and vice versa where they have wanted me to carry. Like those profile stats mean anything.

                                                                  You also forgot about horrid picks guy. This is similar to guy who doesn't whatever they want, but they will do stuff like hold last pick offlane then pick something horrible like viper when you're vs a slark and have zero disables. It's not quite the same as first picking jungle lc everytime, cus they might actually think it's a good pick, when it's actually super shitty. Like they'll try to counter necro and wk by picking AA when you need an offlaner, shit like that.

                                                                  i have 5 reports to use

                                                                    11. The GGer
                                                                    Mostly noobs that got carried by team early game.
                                                                    Thinks they are unkillable.

                                                                    Feeds and then suddenly spam GG even though their deaths were perfectly avoidable.
                                                                    Proceeds to be useless the entire remainder of the match.

                                                                    Optimus Drip

                                                                      Is there a 11? cuz im a passive agressive sarcastic techies spammer


                                                                        you forgot the invoker instalocker


                                                                          12. The phony booster/smurf aka the "main acc. is 20000kkkkkkk MMR" (probably only happens on sub 2-3k)

                                                                          He'll insta lock mid on the map during draft and claim that he "will win the game if you don't feed" and that he's playing on some generic friend's account; if u ask why he doesn't play his main he'll reply with some creative excuse.

                                                                          He'll then pick 'voker, get crapped all over and solo killed 4 times by min 5, all chat "gg no team" with 10LHs and then afk jungle 'til throned.


                                                                            ^ yeah I've definitely seen that kind too. "The Sabotager" - core or throw cuz i'm better than you. Kind of falls in #1.


                                                                              ''The Sabotager''

                                                                              LMFAO time for a new nickname.




                                                                                  I just had number 6 :( We lost that game. Bright side is, one of them landed on the enemy team next game. Ez win

                                                                                  These are pretty good tropes. Well done