General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you deal against gank heavy lineups as arc warden?

how do you deal against gank heavy lineups as arc warden? in General Discussion

    Say, they have a zip zapping storm, a slark lollygagging on your side of the map, a riki who likes to visit you often at mid, a CK who will mess up your positioning and of course the illusions, etc?


      Also, sb/se or fstaff/hpike?

      Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

        in teamfights make sure to stay really far back and have your tempest double in the front lines, and pike and blink are good for mobility

        Riguma Borusu


          Since you play in normal skill where people rarely team smoke so you do not have to worry about that - buy your own wards and place them down, you can afford this because you picked arc warden and because deaths are costly as fuck. Also abuse wraiths to detect enemy movement in general.

          Say, they have a zip zapping storm

          Vision is imperative - you want to get an earlier than usual orchid, if you see him and want to fight him, make a double while he's flying towards you or have one ready, since as far as disables go, storm is really single target focused with vortex (and potentially orchid), if you manage to orchid him once (with your double when he initiates on your hero), you'll manage to orchid him again, and there's no way storm will survive that unless he has a massive lead. If he has linkens, just pop it before orchid. If you're afraid of storm, never be in the vision of the enemy unless you can summon a double, or have one already - storm will only kill you if you don't have a double. Later in the game you should have a hex too so he's fucked.

          a slark lollygagging on your side of the map

          Place wards yourself, do not try to rely on normal skill supports.

          a riki who likes to visit you often at mid

          Get a sentry and boots asap, an underleveled riki can't do shit against a sentry + boots on AW, since as soon as you're out of his silence, you can wreck him. Still, it's not an easy matchup, but don't depend on others to ward your mid for you and get those boots asap. If riki remains a problem, get a forcestaff. Not that you would normally skip it anyways, but riki makes it more necessary.

          a CK who will mess up your positioning and of course the illusions, etc?

          If you get initiated on by a CK, you are either already absolutely out of position, or you were disabled for a long time. His initiation range isn't that huge. But be weary of the dark corners of the map, where a CK can always be behind trees but have clear vision of you. Build pike against heroes that you must fight at a distance, and you want a mjollnir against CK as well, normally you would prefer to have someone else destroy the illusions, but don't depend on it. Also yeah you can use forcestaff twice, remember that if CK is about to initiate on you, turn the other way, so your clone can forcestaff you back. CK is a very single target focused hero, which is often not a problem since he kills things in a few hits with all his illusions, but having a double handy is really important since there's no way for you to survive a barrage of CK + his illusions if you're completely caught with your pants down.

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          Bill Cutting

            force staff is core since u can basically use two on your main and should get out of trouble

            Player 368673122

              set up the perimeter with wraiths that are purely for any movements in your area - don't forget on top of where you are too so if jumped on, you'll have a little time to react with them purged ,

              ^ you'd do whats been said and send tempest double to lead, spam as many uselss "scout" wraiths as possible (NOT IN ONE SPOT)
              realise where the blindspots are when pushing forward with your main , put wraiths and position yourself wisely


                also is there a way to get away with decent 10 min last hits on high ping? Like you can just spam maxed march with tinker, or clear waves with raze?


                  No problemo,ill help and aid u if ur my teammate

                  4 of them gank u?ez winter curse


                    I also try this hero recently could someone give me advice about arc warden vs huskar match up ? His ulti lvl 6 seems pretty messup the W skill