General Discussion

General DiscussionHistory of the "shotgun"

History of the "shotgun" in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    I haven't been playing dota for too long considering its long history, but when I started playing, I remember reading that shotgun build is something that's good for putstomping but "nobody does it in the competitive". Lo and behold, come the first TI I watched, and there were exactly 0 morphlings who didn't build an ethereal blade, if they had the gold to do so. So what's up with this? Was there a time where shotgun build was considered to be cheesy, or was it just frowned upon to go brown boots into ethereal blade (which I guess would be the old equivalent of the current brown boots dagon necro build shit that people go for)?


      man i just watched a gif of a guy getting his arm blown away with a shotgun its quite disgusting tbh

      Riguma Borusu

        that sounds saucy


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          Riguma Borusu

            tis but a scratch


              man where did you even find that kind of video


                I expected his whole arm to come off... Disappointed..

                As for the OP's question, I don't know about the old days of Dota, but there is some amount of cheese to it, since morph can waveform in, one shot a support and replicate out. But it's not uncounterable or anything, you can eul's, hood, glimmer or just blink. You make that build on Morphling coz it synergizes very well with his abilities, however, a straight brown boots into Eblade is quite retarded. Read the details of what both the item Eblade and ability Adaptive strike do. You need stats and primarily agility for it to be effective. Linken's or Manta for defensive purposes, or he gets locked down and burst before he morphs.

                I had a jungle morph go first item Eblade in my team once. Didn't work out so well. Don't do it.


                  sry wrong word shouldnt have said blown away

                  just shot, but that wound is nasty


                    The reason it was good back then was that both Eblade and Adaptive strike had no projectile. They just instantly hit you. So a morph waving in could insta-kill a person before they have time to react with bkb. If you didn't have a linkens you were just dead. And then obviously the morph would replicate out before anyone can even react to him showing up.

                    Now both adaptive strike and eblade have been nerfed to have medium speed projectiles so you can do things like dodge with blink or manta or just activate bkb before they hit.