General Discussion

General DiscussionSven Warcry

Sven Warcry in General Discussion

    is it worth buying diffusal on lycan just to dispell it? i freakin do little to no damage to him with warcry active even with -armor stack from deso and solar crest


      you can buy halberd on lycan if you want to ruin him


        well i tried, halberd and stacking evasion, but still cant manfight him.
        The only way is replacing mom with satanic and butterfly, but i just cant farm it faster than sven.


          I'm certain you don't build -armour items vs warcry. -armour is good against low armour heroes and is garbage against high armour.

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            well what i think is replacing deso with diffusal in my usual build, what u guys think? sven's bkb might be a problem i believe


              You're lycan. Don't manfight him. Run around him with your huge speed advantage and eat his supports and squishier teammates. When he's then alone with his bkb ending vs your team (who have hopefully been kiting him this whole time) you can all easily finish him off.
              Diffusal might be good to remove the warcry and slow him when his bkb ends, but Deso might let you kill his team faster. Depends on the game




                  I'm not sure if you should replace it though


                    but im in 2k trench, my teammates will be wiped, and boom, 1 vs 1.
                    Sometimes i get good teammates tho, but relying on them isnt good idea.


                      solar crest + diffusal vs solar crest + deso vs diffusal + deso?


                        Sigh.. stop spamminf, just learn to fight and you will be able to afford everything


                          just learn to fight and you will be able to afford everything




                            Riguma Borusu

                              The thing with warcry is that it is a buff applied to the whole team, so sometimes a diffusal is impractical and you can spend your charges too quickly, because in some cases warcry is a budget version of Guardian Angel, with a "not 100%" protection rate but a ridiculous uptime (even after the nerf).

                              To remedy this, sometimes people build a fucking Mjollnir. The item lets lycan use his movement speed by giving him a huge attack speed buff (which shortens his attack animation considerably) and kite people around, while at the same time letting him deal a lot of magical damage.

                              If the whole enemy team has +20 armor when you enter the fight, it's really tricky. But if you are dealing AoE magic damage it's pretty cool, except for BKBs (but in the case of BKB, you can't even purge the warcry buff).

                              Oh and one more thing, if your hero is greatly countered by the +20 armor buff and you are able to weave in and out of fights due to your hero's design (antimage, lycan, slark, to name a few), then try NOT TO FIGHT THE WHOLE TEAM WITH THE WARCRY BUFF.

                              I mean, warcry recived a nerf recently which greatly reduced its uptime, try to abuse that, if possible, only fight when warcry is down.

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                              O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

                                If you are trying to manfight Sven then you're an idiot

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  If you are trying to manfight Sven IF HE CAN HIT YOU then you're an idiot

                                  I am not sure that that could look at the ulted sven with warcry and BKB an go "wow it's such a good idea to fight this sven who jumped on my teammate now, let him cleave BOTH of us.

                                  But it happens. Kiting away his post bkb time and warcry/ult downtime is really the best solution in all cases, but you can't always do that though. Ever since Halberd was changed, it'd become even harder to counter initiate as Sven if you get jumped on (not to say it was easy before).

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